Break Into Another World

Chapter 819: Go, God's Domain!

"Golden statue..."

Building a golden statue and accepting the worship of hundreds of millions of people; this is undoubtedly the supreme glory in the human race!

In the history of the human race, only True God Jiuyu has enjoyed such glory.


After True God Jiuyu left the Endless Continent and went to the Divine Realm, the major alien races made a comeback, counterattacked the Endless Continent, and demolished his golden statue...

Xu Ming thought for a while and said, "Golden statue, don't be in a hurry for the time being, I have my own ideas!"

Xu Ming does have his own ideas.

You must know that golden statues can gather the power of belief; practitioners of faith schools will build many golden statues. As for Xu Ming, he did consider letting one of his avatars go to the school of belief - after all, there are multiple schools and multiple paths!

However, on the Endless Continent, the level of building golden statues is too low to gather much faith. Xu Ming planned to build a golden statue when he went to God's Domain and learned a profound religious practice.

"Okay!" The sword master nodded.

"Right!" the sword master said again, "Xu Ming, don't you plan to open up your own kingdom of gods?"

"Open up the kingdom of God..." Xu Ming shook his head slightly, "Not for now!"

To open up the kingdom of God is actually to have a "safe zone".

However, Xu Ming already had the absolute "safe zone" of an independent space. Whether there was a kingdom of gods really didn't make much sense to him.

After saying goodbye to the sword master, Xu Ming returned to the independent space.

"Brother Ming." Zhang Hao, who graduated from Lanxiang, saw Xu Ming coming back, and hurriedly greeted him.

"Oh? Xiaohao?" Xu Ming looked at him with a smile.

At the beginning, when Xu Ming first met Zhang Hao, the other party was just a child who missed school.

Now, decades later, Zhang Hao has become the "Father of Science and Technology" of the Endless Continent!

The hydrogen bomb produced by Zhang Hao blew up Erke's divine kingdom and Erke's artifact - this deed has also been widely circulated on the endless continent, and people are talking about it.

For the first time in Endless Continent, such a thought appeared: It turns out that reading is still somewhat useful!

Zhang Hao also established an institution of higher learning, no doubt called the "Zhang Theological Institute", to show his respect to Xu Ming.

And Xu Ming, the palm god, also personally wrote an inscription for the academy: Knowledge changes destiny!

The establishment of the Palm Theological Academy also planted a seed for the Endless Continent—the seed of technology.

"Brother Ming, this is for you!" Zhang Hao handed over a ring.

"Oh? What is this?" Xu Ming opened it curiously, and saw...

"hydrogen bomb!?"

A huge hydrogen bomb!

It is much bigger than the eleven hydrogen bombs added together!

Zhang Hao has a proud look on his face. This hydrogen bomb is his most proud work!

"Brother Ming, according to calculations, the power of this hydrogen bomb should be able to blow up the entire endless continent..." Zhang Hao said weakly.

"Pfft!" Xu Ming almost spurted blood, "Blow up the entire endless continent... Xiaohao, you are really brave enough; you dare to create something like this..."

"Cough cough!" Zhang Hao scratched his head and said, "Brother Ming, I thought, you must go to God's Domain! God's Domain is vast, and I don't know what kind of crisis there is there; you can take this hydrogen bomb with you. self-defense..."

"Uh... Okay!" Xu Ming was also really drunk - Zhang Hao was really thoughtful.

However, Xu Ming knew that the hydrogen bomb would be of little use in God's Domain! - The explosive power of the hydrogen bomb can cover a wide area; however, it cannot achieve "annihilation particles", so it cannot cause any fatal damage to the gods.

However, it can blow up the divine weapon, and it can also blow up the divine body into a "particle form"; in the divine realm, it is not bad to use it to disgust people!

"Brother Ming." Zhang Hao said again, "There is one more thing I want to ask you!"

"You said it!" Xu Ming said.

"I want to ask Brother Ming to help me seal all the memories about the hydrogen bomb!" Zhang Hao said.

Xu Ming thought for a while: "Indeed, it's better to seal it! Your own strength is too weak, if someone spy on the 'mass-energy equation' and the memory of making hydrogen bombs from your mind, it will be very useful to the Endless Continent. A devastating blow!"

"Yeah!" Zhang Hao also sighed.

He finally felt the physics knowledge in his mind with nostalgia, and then, Xu Ming's palm covered his Tianling cover.

Everything about "E=MC2" and "Hydrogen Bomb" faded away in Zhang Hao's mind.

After erasing some of Zhang Hao's memories, Xu Ming returned to his home.

At this time, Gu Hanmo just came out of the closed state.

"Han Mo, how do you feel?" Xu Ming asked with concern.

The "Heavenly Dao Tree" that Xu Ming planted in the "Heart Tree Garden" grows and matures in one year, and in another year it bears "Heavenly Dao Spirit Fruit", although there are only three.

Xu Ming ate one by himself, and after feeling that there was a lot of benefits, he gave the other two to Gu Hanmo.

Gu Hanmo's strength is weak, and after eating one, he could not digest the large amount of Heavenly Dao insights in the "Heavenly Dao Lingguo" for a while, so he entered the retreat; it took a whole year before he left.

At this moment, Gu Hanmo's eyes were filled with the charm of the Dao of Heaven; obviously, her understanding of the Dao of Heaven had improved a lot!

"The harvest is great!" Gu Hanmo said with joy, "Xu Ming, you can keep this kind of spiritual fruit and eat it for yourself to improve your strength!"

"It's okay, I have a lot of this kind of spiritual fruit!" Xu Ming said with a smile - now that the Heavenly Dao tree has been planted, it will bear three fruits every year in the future; it is indeed inexhaustible.

Xu Ming said again: "You have to eat more of this kind of heavenly fruit, and strive to become a **** as soon as possible."

"Bring a few for my father too!" Gu Hanmo said.


The two chatted for a while, then suddenly fell into silence.

"Han Mo, I'm about to set off for God's Domain!" Xu Ming said sternly.

Gu Hanmo was silent for a few breaths, and then said, "How many clones do you plan to go to God's Domain?"

Now, Xu Ming has one deity and three clones!

Among these three avatars, the second avatar has become a **** of the ancient cultivator genre. The No. 1 avatar, and the newly condensed No. 3 avatar, are the schools of Heavenly Dao that have been cultivated for the time being, and have not yet become gods.

Xu Ming didn't hide it: "I'm going to send the first clone and the second clone to the God's Domain. The deity and the third clone will stay in the Endless Continent!"

"Yeah!" Gu Hanmo nodded, his expression a little stiff, "Go!"

"Han Mo, are you still angry?" Xu Ming was referring to Yin Ran.

"Is it useful to be angry?" Gu Hanmo rolled his eyes angrily.

"Uh..." Xu Ming looked ashamed - he was also very distressed! After all, the reason why "things that shouldn't have happened" happened between him and Yin Ran, after all, Xu Ming was the "victim".

However, no matter whether it is a victim or not, since you have done it... a manly man, you must be brave!

Gu Hanmo's tone softened a little: " have done a good job! I also know that I can't blame you for this. Besides, in this world, having three wives and four concubines is a normal thing..."

Objectively Xu Ming is indeed a rare good man in this world!

"Han Mo..." Xu Ming was both moved and ashamed.

"Go!" Gu Hanmo's eyes suddenly became open-minded, "Go to God's Domain and chase Yin Ran back!"

Xu Ming looked up at the sky, his eyes seemed to penetrate the membrane wall of the independent space, and he saw God's Domain...

"Yin Ran, wait for me!"

Yin Ran is already Xu Ming's woman, no matter who it is, don't try to take Yin Ran away!

Gradually, Xu Ming's eyes contained a hint of coldness: "Li Xiujie..."

Li Xiujie even deliberately gave Erke "the fruit of proving the Tao", and wanted to use Erke's hand to kill Xu Ming - such a cruel plan, how could Xu Ming not take revenge! ?

"just wait!"

In the vast Divine Realm, Brother Ming is here!

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