Break Into Another World

Chapter 820: set up

Xu Ming's two clones left the Endless Continent quietly.

call out!

The No. 2 clone has cultivated the ancient cultivator school to become a god, and the speed is extremely fast. In a few blinks of an eye, it has broken through the sky.

The No. 1 clone, who cultivated in the Heavenly Dao school, although he has not yet become a god, it is still no problem to hide in the world ring and bring it to the realm of the gods.

After all, God’s Domain also has demigods! —Like Yin Ran and Qian Yishang, they are all demigods of the Divine Realm.

It didn't take long for Xu Ming to fly to an altitude of 100 million miles in the endless continent.

And here is also the boundary of the endless continent.

"What a huge endless continent!" Xu Ming glanced back.

The Endless Continent is a behemoth that spans billions of miles. Even though Xu Ming has become a god, but looking down at the Endless Continent, he can't help but feel a sense of insignificance.

"Too huge!"

Xu Ming sighed repeatedly, and at the same time had doubts in his heart: "Why is such a huge world called a 'dust world'?"

Xu Ming raised his head and glanced at it thoughtfully—the top of his head was an endlessly huge divine realm!

Although the Endless Continent is huge, Xu Ming can still measure the size.

But God's Domain is huge, but there is a feeling of "the elephant is invisible" - Xu Ming stood on the border of the endless continent, looking up at the God's Domain, he couldn't judge at all how far he was from the God's Domain; nor could he see that the boundary of the God's Domain was at where.

The Divine Realm is so huge that Xu Ming can't even know what the shape of the Divine Realm looks like.

"As long as you fly up, you can break out of the membrane wall of the Endless Continent!"

On the periphery of the Endless Continent, there is an invisible film wall protecting it.

Inside the membrane wall is the atmosphere of the Endless Continent, and the environment is mild; outside the membrane wall, there is an extremely violent destructive wind, which is very terrifying.

"Just let me feel, what kind of power is it that it is said that even the body of a demigod will be torn apart by the wind of destruction!"

Xu Ming took a step up, and suddenly felt a strong sense of oppression, oppressing from all directions.

Xu Ming knew that he was crossing the membrane wall of the Endless Continent.

"Hey—" Xu Ming used his milk-feeding strength—traveling through the walls of the endless continent is not easy!

After about a quarter of an hour, Xu Ming finally felt that the invisible membrane wall was thinning.

"Going out soon!"


Xu Ming felt that he was like a fish jumping out of the water, and there was nothing to oppress him. The whole body felt a lightness.

"Finally squeezed out!"

Before Xu Ming could be happy, an invisible wind of destruction blew over; Xu Ming was like a leaf, blown away by the wind.

"This this…"

Xu Ming was blown away by this violent destructive wind, and his whole body was in pain! - You must know that Xu Ming's body is the "divine body" of the ancient cultivator school! In terms of tyranny, it is even stronger than the "God Body" of the Heavenly Dao school!

However, even his body felt pain all over his body; it can be seen how powerful and terrifying this destructive wind is!

If it is Xu Ming's number one clone, I am afraid that it may be blown to death by the wind...

"The wind is too strong..."

Fortunately, Xu Ming was only in pain all over his body, and he did not suffer any substantial damage—the divine body is not so easily injured! Just like at the beginning, Xu Ming blew Erke into particle form with a hydrogen bomb, but Erke was not injured.


Xu Ming was in the midst of the destructive wind, but he was completely unable to control his body shape - wherever the wind blew, he would float.

"Could it be... I'm going to be blown to God's Domain by the wind?"

Xu Ming can only drift with the wind.

Moreover, Xu Ming found that if he wanted to go back to the Endless Continent, he couldn't go back; unless he turned on the "teleport" link and the "coordinate transfer" link.

"It's no wonder that after True God Jiuyu left the Endless Continent, there was no news..."

In such an environment, even if True God Jiuyu wanted to go back to the Endless Continent, he would not be able to go back at all!

The wind of destruction swept through Xu Ming, and the speed was incalculable.

Xu Ming felt as if he was caught in a vortex; moreover, he seemed to be being swept toward the center of the vortex.

The realm of the gods is extremely far away, and the journey to the realm of the gods is infinitely long.

Xu Ming rides the wind and follows the current.

one day...

two days...



one year...

two years...

Three years later, Xu Ming has been blown away by the wind for hundreds of millions of miles, but he still hasn't reached the realm of the gods.

However, Xu Ming finally knew why the Endless Continent was called a "dust world"!

Because... The Endless Continent is too small!

A few months after leaving the Endless Continent, the Endless Continent in Xu Ming's eyes was already as small as a speck of dust. A year later, the Endless Continent disappeared directly from the field of vision, and nothing could be seen!

Compared to the "Elephant Invisibility" God's Domain, the Endless Continent, and other worlds of dust, they are really as small as a "dust"!

A world like the Infinite Continent is like billions of dust particles floating in the sky above the Divine Realm—it's no wonder that the Divine Realm calls a world like the Infinite Continent the "Dust World".

After a few more months, Xu Ming was surprised to find that there was another figure, also swept by the Ruin Gangfeng, and swept towards the Divine Realm.

"It's also a **** who has just entered the realm of the gods!?" Xu Ming's eyes lit up - it was a fate to meet in such an environment!

The other party obviously found Xu Ming too.

The two winds of destruction, by coincidence or whatever, gradually approached and merged together.

Xu Ming could clearly see the appearance of the other party - this was a burly man who was much bigger than himself. There were many complicated inscriptions engraved on his skin; his aura was more like a red-eyed fighting bull.

The other party glanced at Xu Ming proudly: "Go to God's Domain?"

Holy area.

Thunder Continent.

Holy City.

General Bai Jia "Li Xiujie" woke up from the retreat with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"The causal bond between me and Erke seems to be broken?"

Li Xiujie bestowed Erke with the fruit of Taoism, and naturally he had some causal relationship with Erke.

And now, the causal bond is broken, which means that…

"Could it be that Erke is dead?"

If Erke died, the causal relationship between them would naturally end there.

Li Xiujie felt it more carefully, but he couldn't feel the cause and effect of Erke at all.

"It looks like he's really dead! But..." Li Xiujie revealed doubts in his eyes, "Erke has obtained the fruit of enlightenment and should have become a god; in a mere world of dust, as long as he doesn't seek death, who else can kill him? What about him?"

A figure immediately appeared in Li Xiujie's mind - Xu Ming!

"Could it be that Xu Ming killed Erke?" Li Xiujie sneered at the corner of his mouth, "Humph! Even if this is the case, as long as he dares to come to God's Domain, he will immediately die without a place to be buried!"

Li Xiujie had already set up a game in God's Domain, waiting for Xu Ming to arrive.

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