Break Into Another World

Chapter 822: Jinwu

"What's going on?" Xu Ming was startled.

Wu Jian looked very calm, and said with contempt: "You don't know this? It seems that you really don't know anything about God's Domain! - Let me tell you! The ripples in the layers are the 'reception and lead formation' of the Divine Realm!"

"Receiving a big formation?"

"Yes!" Wu Jian put on the face of an expert, "You should know that every world has a 'world membrane wall'!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded slightly.

Indeed, the secret realm has a "secret realm membrane wall", the **** country has a "divine country membrane wall", and the dust world also has a "dust world membrane wall".

The membrane wall is the boundary of a world.

"Since every world has a 'World Membrane Wall', then think about it, isn't there a membrane wall in God's Domain? - There should be a 'God's Domain Membrane Wall' in front of us!" Wu Jian said, "However, the more the world is, the more The bigger it is, the thicker the membrane wall will be! - The membrane wall of the dust world, we want to penetrate, it is not difficult! However, the membrane wall of the God's Domain is far from what we can penetrate!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming didn't think of this—yes! The Divine Realm is so much vaster than the Mote World. Compared with the Divine Realm, the Mote World is really just a "mote"; then, the Divine Realm membrane wall will definitely be very strong and thick...

It is so thick that it is difficult for even ordinary gods to pass through!

"So..." Wu Jian continued, "The super power of the God's Domain has set up countless reception formations all over the God's Domain! As long as someone approaches the wall of the God's Domain, the reception and induction formation will bring them into the God's Domain. go!"

"I see…"

In the blink of an eye, Xu Ming and Wu Jian flew to the ripples in space.

Xu Ming only felt that a strange spatial fluctuation enveloped him. Immediately, as soon as his eyes bloomed, he couldn't see anything clearly; but obviously, he should be moving rapidly in space.

After about a quarter of an hour, Xu Ming felt that the soles of his feet touched the ground with a "pop".


At this moment, Xu Ming felt an incomparably terrifying coercion oppressing him. This oppression is aimed not only at the material level, but also at the soul and even the spiritual level.

Xu Ming, who had just arrived in God's Domain, was caught off guard, and his feet softened and his body swayed; however, he immediately stabilized his body and did not fall.

However, Wu Jian is going to be much worse! -Although he has a little understanding of God's Domain, his understanding is very limited; how can he know that the space coercion of God's Domain can be so terrifying. One is not guarded, Wu Jian fell directly to the ground, and fell a dog to eat shit.

"I..." Wu Jian stood up immediately, his face turned into anger; he looked at Xu Ming angrily and shouted, "Why are you smiling?"

"I didn't laugh..." Xu Ming did not laugh—because he was busy observing the situation around him, so how could he have time to laugh at Wu Jian?

Wu Jian was simply angry with himself, thinking that Xu Ming was laughing at him.

Xu Ming didn't bother to care, he felt it carefully: "The pressure of space here... It's so perverted!"

Very perverted!

Under such a strong space pressure, Xu Ming felt that it would be difficult for him to even fly! As for the speed, it will definitely be much slower than in the dust world!


Xu Ming tried to release his mental power, but found that his mental power, which was strong enough to cover the entire endless continent, could only cover the hundred-zhang area of ​​God's Domain!

"This is too suppressed..."

In such an environment, Xu Ming's strength is equivalent to weakening a lot!

However, Xu Ming was not the only one who was weakened; everyone in the Divine Realm was suppressed and weakened!

At the same time, Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder: "With such a strong coercion, how did those demigods and those under demigods survive in the realm of the gods?"

Xu Ming didn't know that the space coercion of God's Domain was different from person to person! The pressure that a demigod bears is much weaker than that of a god!

Then, Xu Ming observed the surrounding environment.

The sky at this time was very gloomy.

Under Xu Ming's feet is an ancient bluestone formation. Around him was a deserted forest.

The earth is black, and so are the rolling hills.

The black trees are bare, without a branch or leaf, and grow sparsely in the mountains and forests, which is very desolate.

"Is this the realm of the gods?"

Xu Ming originally thought that coming from the Endless Continent to God's Domain should be "the countryman entering the city"; but now, Xu Ming has a feeling of "the countryman entering the mountain", as if he came to a more desolate place.

Wu Jian was also a little puzzled. This was very different from the Divine Realm he imagined!

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

At this moment, more than ten black shadows shot towards Xu Ming at high speed.

Xu Ming discovered that even his own vision was greatly affected after arriving in the God's Domain. It's hard to see the figure of a person hundreds of miles away.

Overwhelming too much!

However... the suppressed, mainly "perception" aspect. In terms of power, it was not suppressed much.

"Who are these people?" Xu Ming looked at him in surprise.

Soon, more than ten black figures flew close.

Xu Ming saw that these were more than ten soldiers in black armor. Every soldier is the breath of the gods.

"More than ten gods!?" Xu Ming was startled.

The gods are rare in the endless continent. Once the gods are born, they can crush an era!

However, Xu Ming had just arrived in the realm of the gods, and he saw more than ten gods before he stepped out of the formation base of the "reception and lead formation"!

There are too many gods in the Divine Realm, right?

"Not good!" Wu Jian's expression suddenly changed.

Wu Jian's own strength is not weak, and his equipment is also good; it can be said that he has barely had the capital to protect himself when he is in the realm of the gods - however, it also depends on the circumstances. If, like now, Wu Jian's self-protection ability in the face of more than ten soldiers of the gods is completely a joke!

Whatever the other party wants to do with can do whatever he wants!

call out!

Wu Jian moved very quickly, and instantly put all the artifacts on his body into the world ring - although in front of Xu Ming, Wu Jian showed off his wealth very shyly. But when faced with someone whose strength completely crushed him, Wu Jian knew very well: wealth cannot be revealed in vain!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Soon, more than a dozen soldiers in black armor flew close, and each of them exuded a mighty aura. I wonder if they wanted to give Xu Ming a disgust.

Soon, more than ten soldiers of the gods landed on the bluestone formation.

At this time, Xu Ming saw that a flaming bird with wings spread high was engraved on the back armor of each **** soldier; looking at the shape, it should be "Golden Crow".

"Golden Crow?"

Xu Ming was thinking, what is the meaning of this pattern.

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