Break Into Another World

Chapter 823: robbery

Among the more than ten black armored **** soldiers, the leader was a cold and arrogant young man with a pale face.

He casually glanced at Xu Ming and Wu Jian: "From the world of dust?"

"Yes! Yes!" Wu Jian replied repeatedly.

"Humph! You are lucky to be able to come to our 'Golden Crow City' territory!" The Leng Ao young man hummed.

Golden Crow City?

Of course, neither Xu Ming nor Wu Jian had heard of the Golden Crow City; they didn't know whether it was really as lucky as the cold and proud young man said to be here.

The cold and arrogant youth continued: "The realm of the gods is full of slaughter. If you are in some chaotic city, a new **** like you will die if you say it's dead! The surrounding area, which is under the jurisdiction of our Golden Crow City, is still peaceful and peaceful. Some."

To die is to die?

Xu Ming was startled.

Wu Jian was deeply dissatisfied in his heart - he had cultivated two heavenly ways to the level of a god; he was dressed in gold and silver, covered with artifacts, and was very jewel-like. In terms of strength, it should not be at the bottom of the gods, so how could it be so easy to die?

The cold and proud young man glanced at Wu Jian: "Why, you are not convinced by what I said?"

Does Wu Jian dare to persuade him?

Repeatedly said: "Serve! Take!"

"Humph! Just take it!" The cold and proud young man raised a meaningful smile at the corners of his mouth, "Don't think that it's amazing to have some achievements in the small world of dust; the vastness and magic of God's Domain is far beyond your imagination. !—Let's not say anything else, just the dozen of us brothers; just one of them can easily kill the two of you!"

"Yes! Yes!" Wu Jian nodded his head like garlic. Of course, he could see that the strength of these more than ten gods and soldiers was very tyrannical, and it was far from what he could compete with.

After that, the cold and proud young man stared at Wu Jian for a few breaths, and revealed a more meaningful smile: "I was far away just now, and it seems that you have put away something?"

Wu Jian's body trembled, and he couldn't help breaking out a cold sweat behind his back. He even waved his hand and said, "!"

Xu Ming watched from the side without making a sound, but he already had a premonition in his heart: "This Wu Jian... is really a tragedy!"

"No?" The Leng Ao young man was unhappy, "You mean, I'm blind?"

"I..." Wu Jian never expected that when he first arrived in God's Domain, he would encounter such a thing; for a while, he didn't even know how to say it.

The cold and proud young man sneered: "Come, bring your world ring and let me see it! What are you hiding? It looks like a treasure!"

Hand over the world ring?

Wu Jianhu's body was shocked again - if he passed it, would the world ring still be his own?

"I...I..." Wu Jian continued, "My lord, I really don't have any treasures..."

"Humph!" The Lengao young man's imposing manner was cold, and he snorted coldly, and even the surrounding air seemed to freeze and become cold, "If you want to bring it, bring it here, what's so much nonsense? Could it be... we are dignified 'Golden Crow Guard', Will you still be greedy for your treasures?"

The other dozen or so Golden Crow Guards also showed displeased expressions on their faces.

"I..." Wu Jian was speechless—this is Chi Guoguo's robbery!

"My lord, I would like to offer a thousand divine stones on my own initiative, please let me go, okay?" Wu Jian smiled flatteringly.

"One thousand divine stones?" Xu Ming was slightly surprised—he exchanged all the divine stone fragments and artifacts into hanging points, which were only worth three hundred divine stones; and this Wujian turned out to be a thousand divine stones as soon as he opened his mouth. .

"No wonder he liked to show off his wealth in front of me just now, so he really has the capital to show off his wealth!" Xu Ming secretly said, "But... this poor baby... Don't you know that high-profile showing off your wealth is often a bad end. Is it?"

"A thousand gods?" The young man Leng Ao was also slightly startled, thinking to himself, "Damn it, I caught a big fish today!"

The Leng Ao youth is really strange, how did the indigenous gods from this dusty world get so many **** stones. You must know that a thousand **** stones, not to mention in the dust world, even in the realm of the gods, is a considerable sum.

Moreover... Since Wu Jian is willing to use a thousand divine stones to beg to be spared, this means that his treasure must be more than a thousand divine stones!

As a result, the Leng Ao youth is even more reluctant to let Wu Jian go!

"Humph!" The Lengao youth snorted angrily, "What are you talking about? You said it as if we were going to rob you! - See clearly, we are the Golden Crow Guards, not bandits!"

Wu Jian secretly murmured in his heart: "If you don't want to rob me, you won't be staring at my world ring!"

Of course, he didn't dare to say these words.

But let him hand over the world ring, he is even more reluctant!

"Huh? Still unwilling to pay?" The cold and proud young man's face sank, "I seriously doubt that there is something shady hidden in your world ring! - Now, I will search you in the name of the Golden Crow Guard. !"

The Golden Crow Guard is the guard of the Golden Crow City. Within the jurisdiction of the Golden Crow City, the power is enormous!

"I..." Wu Jian had no choice but to take off his world ring honestly.

He knew that if he continued to resist, he might not even be able to save his life! After all, God’s Domain is not a place of harmony and tranquility, but a place full of slaughter.

Xu Ming watched secretly from the side, and sympathized in his heart: "This old man is really a tragedy! Just now he was showing off his wealth with me, but in the blink of an eye, he was about to be robbed and nothing left... Oh no, there's still one bite left. good teeth..."

Xu Ming remembered that Wu Jian had put all the treasures on his body into the world ring just now; only the teeth of the artifact could not be collected in time.

"Humph!" The Leng Ao young man took the world ring with a sneer, his spiritual power penetrated into it, and he looked up.

Immediately, he was slightly startled, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I'll go, a great harvest!"

"That...that..." Wu Jian said cautiously, "Sir, after the search is over, can you give me the world ring?"

"Give it back to you?" The Leng Ao young man smiled playfully, "What to give back to you?"

Wu Jian's heart skipped a beat. Although he had long expected that his treasure might not be guaranteed, he still had a bit of luck in his heart: "The Ring of the World..."

"World ring? You said this?" The cold and proud young man tossed the world ring in his hand, "Is this yours? Why don't I remember it's yours? - Besides, there are thousands of divine stones in my world ring. , Dozens of artifacts; you are an aboriginal from a dusty world, how could UU read have so many treasures?"

The cold and arrogant youth directly said it was "My World Ring".

"I..." Wu Jian wanted to cry but had no tears - what's the matter, he was robbed as soon as he arrived in God's Domain!

"Okay!" The Leng Ao young man smiled, "Welcome to the Divine Realm, this is the Golden Crow City! If there is nothing else, we will leave!"

Having said that, more than ten Golden Crow Guards are all ready to leave.

"Huh..." Xu Ming breathed a sigh of relief - if he didn't leave, he would be robbed too!

"Let's go?" Wu Jian was startled, and continued, "Sir, wait!"

"Huh?" The cold and proud young man turned around, "What? Is there anything else?"

"My lord, you rob me, I have no problem! But, you can't just rob me..." After speaking, Wu Jian glanced at Xu Ming secretly, the meaning couldn't be more obvious - you can't just rob him One person needs both the rain and the dew!

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