Break Into Another World

Chapter 825: rabbit

The cold and arrogant young man's eyes were cold: "Boy, you are very arrogant! However, I really don't like someone being arrogant in front of me! - Don't kill him too easily, torture him before killing him!"



The surrounding Golden Crow Guards all showed hideous expressions.

In God's Domain, there are too many ways to torture the gods! Moreover, the vitality of the gods is tenacious, even if they are tortured hard, it is not easy to torture them to death, but it is fun!

In Wu Jian's eyes, the color of schadenfreude is even stronger: "The person who knows the current affairs is a hero! - This Xu Ming, who has just arrived in the realm of the gods, is so arrogant; he is really courting death!"

Xu Ming smiled.

Laugh a little weird!

"Want to kill me!" Xu Ming waved his hand, and suddenly another Xu Ming appeared beside him—it was Xu Ming's first avatar.

The first avatar is from the Heavenly Dao school. So far, he has not become a god, but a demigod!

But it is precisely because it is only a demigod, so... the first avatar is open, and it does not need a level 9 hanging point, only a level 8 hanging point!

That is to say: the first avatar can be opened unscrupulously!

"Huh?" The Leng Ao young man was startled, "Clone? This kid actually practiced clone!? - Moreover, it seems to be a very perfect clone technique, although it is only at the demigod level!"

At the same time, the Leng Ao young man couldn't help but wonder: "What did he do when he summoned a demigod clone?"

doing what?

The cold and arrogant youth will know right away!

call out!

The second avatar of the ancient cultivator school became a god, and disappeared in an instant, apparently entering the world ring.

What remained outside was Xu Ming's "first avatar of a demigod".

"Boy, what are you doing!?" The cold and proud youth shouted.

"What's the trick?" Xu Ming laughed strangely.

In an instant, Xu Ming disappeared from the spot; at the same time, he had teleported and appeared in front of the Leng Ao young man, grabbed the world ring he was tossing, and snatched it over.

Before the cold and proud youth could react, Xu Ming teleported to the distance again.

"What's the situation!?" The Leng Ao young man was completely stunned.

After being stunned for a while, he finally reacted: "Teleport...teleport!"

"Definitely teleportation!" The cold and proud young man's face was both shocked and excited, "You actually have a teleportation treasure on your body!"

Even in the realm of the gods, there are very few people who can use the power of "teleportation".

As for how precious the "teleport treasure" is, there is no need to say more! —Leng Ao young man saw that Xu Ming would teleport, and he didn't even care about the world ring that was taken away by Xu Ming!

"However... this native has specially switched out a demigod clone to act, which means that his 'teleport treasure' should only be able to carry a demigod for teleportation!" The Leng Ao youth guessed, "a demigod-level teleportation treasure. , the value is much lower! However, no matter how low it is, it is also a teleportation treasure! If other forces in Jinwu City know that a native has a teleportation treasure, I don’t know how many people will come to fight for it!”

The cold and proud youth's brain-boosting ability is really strong enough. However, he could never imagine that Xu Ming switched to a demigod clone just because...he didn't have a level 9 hanging point.

The other Golden Crow Guards were also stunned at this time: "Teleportation treasure? - I've made a fortune! I must grab it!"

Wu Jian was even more surprised - he had never seen "teleport" at all, and he had never even heard of it!

"What kind of incredible ability is this!?" At the same time Wu Jian was shocked, he couldn't help but feel a hint of remorse in his heart - he vaguely felt that it was a very wrong thing to pull Xu Ming into the water after he was robbed!

"Boy!" The cold and proud young man shouted, "Leave the teleportation treasure, and I will spare you!"

Teleport treasure?

"What kind of thing is this?" Xu Ming was startled, and then he reacted, "It seems that these Golden Crow Guards mistakenly thought that I had some teleportation treasure on my body!"

In this case, Xu Ming was also happy to tease them: "Want my teleport treasure?"

"Humph!" The Leng Ao young man hummed, "Don't pretend to be calm, I know that the energy storage of teleportation treasures can only support your teleportation a few times, and it will be exhausted; by then, you will not let me rub it. Pinch? - So, hurry up and hand over the teleportation treasure, and I will give you a chance to live!"

"You guessed it right, the teleport treasure can really only support me a few teleports! But these few teleports are enough for me to escape!" Xu Ming said deliberately, "So, how could I take the teleport treasure, Together with my fate, in your hands?"

In fact, Xu Ming has some level 8 hang points; "Teleport" hangs, he can open it however he wants.

"Then what do you think?!" The cold and proud young man hummed again.

"I think..." Xu Ming smiled very strangely and raised his slap at the same time.

"Huh?" For some reason, the Leng Ao young man had an ominous premonition; he always felt that when Xu Ming raised his slap, nothing good would happen.

At this moment, the palm shadow flashed!

clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap...

More than ten Golden Crow Guards, including the Leng Ao youth, were slapped in the face - Xu Ming's exclusive "forced slap in the face", no one can stop it! ?

"You..." The cold and proud young man was stunned!

How could he have thought that he would be slapped in the face by a native of the Dust World who had just come to God's Domain! And, it hits so loudly! -Although it doesn't hurt, it's a shame!

The dozen or so Golden Crow Guards were also stunned—they were the Golden Crow Guards! Xu Ming's slap hit not only their faces, but also Jin Wuwei's face!

In the Golden Crow City, someone dared to hit the Golden Crow Guard in the face?

This is to rebel!

"You..." The cold and proud young man pointed at Xu Ming.


"What are you!" Xu Ming raised his hand, another "forced slap in the face"! -Although this is only his demigod clone, but once the "forced face slap" is hung up, even if it is a god's face, it can be slapped!

"What kind of sorcery is this?" The Leng Ao young man couldn't understand why a demigod clone could slap them in the face.


"Kill him!"

At this time, more than ten Golden Crow Guards finally reacted from their shock, and they all surrounded Xu Ming with murderous aura.

call out!

Xu Ming teleported directly to the distance!

"Chase! Catch up!" The Lengao youth roared, "The energy storage of the teleport treasure is limited, I don't believe it, he can teleport a few times! - Catch up and use up the energy in his teleport treasure!"


The dozen or so Golden Crow Guards turned around again and attacked Xu Ming again.

However, Xu Ming smiled disdainfully, and then...


Like a rabbit hopping, it teleported into the distance and disappeared without a trace.

Everyone was stunned - he really ran faster than a rabbit!

The Golden Crow Guards looked at their boss even more: "Young Master Yu, didn't you say that he can't teleport a few times? Now..."

Now I can't even see the figure, how can I chase it...

"Humph! He can't escape!" The Leng Ao young man said coldly, "The Golden Crow City is under the jurisdiction of our Golden Crow Guard; no one can escape from my 'Cheng Yu'! - and that Aboriginal, he has used so many teleports so recklessly; his teleport treasure must have not much energy left... Find it for me! Even if you dig three feet into the ground, find it for me! I'll see him at that time. How to run!"


"This kid dares to slap me, we must find him!"

All the Golden Crow Guards said in succession.

"By the way, Young Master Yu, what should he do?" Someone pointed at Wu Jian and asked.

"Yu...Young Master Yu..." Wu Jian smiled timidly and flatteringly - of course he could tell that this Young Master Yu was in a very bad mood right now!

The cold and arrogant youth "Cheng Yu" waved his hand and said, "I killed him directly! If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have turned around and robbed me, and I wouldn't have been slapped! It's all his fault, and I'll be slapped!"

Cheng Yu directly counted the slap that was slapped on Wu Jian's head.

"Yes! If it weren't for him, how could we be slapped with so many people? - Kill!"

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