Break Into Another World

Chapter 826: Inventory the loot

jump! jump! jump! jump! jump! …

Xu Ming was like a rabbit, jumping and teleporting thousands of miles all the way, before he stopped.

You must know that the space of the gods is extremely suppressed, and the speed of the gods is greatly affected. Wanli, this is already a very long distance in the Divine Realm!

"It should be safe now, right?" Xu Ming secretly said, "Damn, when I first arrived in God's Domain, I ran into a robbery! - Fortunately, I brought my first avatar to God's Domain; otherwise, I'd be in trouble today. , maybe it will really be robbed!"

Why did Xu Ming bring his first avatar to God's Domain?

There is a very important reason: the first avatar is only a demigod. Once you encounter an irresistible danger, you can run faster than a rabbit with "teleport" on!

However, Xu Ming didn't expect that the front heel had just reached the God's Domain, and the rear heel would actually need to open the "teleport" to escape.

"God's Domain is dangerous, this is true!"

Xu Ming still didn't know that Wu Jian was dead; otherwise, he would be even more emotional.

"Damn, I escaped this way, I used a lot of hanging points..." Fortunately, Xu Ming robbed all the different races before, and some of them were level 8 hanging points; just spend a little bit, and it won't hurt.

However, it is one thing to feel distressed or not, and it is another to be forced to teleport to escape!

"Golden Crow Guard, dare to kill me..." Xu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, with cold killing intent in his eyes, "That cold and arrogant young man, his father seems to be the commander of the Golden Crow Guard?—Humph! I don't care whether you lead or not, When I get familiar with the environment of God's Domain, I must make a good reckoning with today's account!"

Of course, Xu Ming is not in a hurry to take revenge now; after all, he is completely smeared at the realm of the gods, and he doesn't know anything! Moreover, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years!

"Ten years?" Xu Ming sneered in his heart, "It's just a slaughter of the gods, why do you need ten years? - Just wait!"

"But..." Xu Ming looked at the surrounding environment, just like when he first entered the God's Domain, surrounded by black mountains and bad waters, "The God's Domain is really desolate enough!"

In fact, it wasn't that God's Domain was desolate, it was just that Xu Ming had not yet reached the prosperous place.

"Find a place first and count the spoils!" The spoils Xu Ming said was naturally the World Ring he snatched from the Golden Crow Guard "Cheng Yu".

The original owner of this world ring was Wu Jian who showed off his wealth in front of Xu Ming.

However, things are unpredictable! - Wu Jian, who showed off his wealth, was robbed of all his belongings as soon as he arrived in God's Domain, and he even died in a foreign country; while Xu Ming "take over" Wu Jian's entire net worth.

call out-

Xu Ming "switched" back to the No. 2 clone and flew rapidly through the dark mountains and forests. Soon, he discovered a dark cave in the mountains.

"Just here!" Xu Ming flashed and entered the dark cave.

In God's Domain, spiritual power is suppressed very much, and the coverage distance is very small. Xu Ming hid in the dark cave. Unless someone came near the cave, he could not be found at all.

Xu Ming took out the "captured" world ring, refining it instantly, and infiltrated his spiritual power.

Seeing this, Xu Ming was stunned for a moment: "What can I do? That Wu Jian is really rich!"

Xu Ming took a look and saw more than 5,000 divine stones, dozens of divine artifacts, and many other strange objects in the world ring.

"I heard Wu Jian say that he spent hundreds of millions of years in the dusty world in his hometown, and he worked hard to explore a ruin before he harvested these treasures..." Xu Ming just wanted to say - that Wu Jian, also What a hardworking little bee!

Wu Jian worked so hard to collect "honey" for hundreds of millions of years, and now Xu Ming has taken it all in one pot.

"First, replace the **** stone with a hanging point!" Xu Ming is in urgent need of a level 9 hanging point! - If there was a hang-up point, Xu Ming really didn't have to flee just now; maybe, he would just pull out his big gun and fight with the group of Golden Crow Guards!


The more than 5,000 divine stones in the world ring disappeared in an instant, and were converted into more than 5,000 points for level 9 hanging points!

"Finally there is a hang point! My No. 2 clone can also hang up!" Xu Ming was very excited, he really wanted to run back to the group of Golden Crow Guards to fight!

However, Xu Ming is still sensible, knowing that it is not a wise move to have a head-on conflict with Jin Wuwei when he is new to the scene.

"Don't worry! Let him live a few more days!"

Moreover, Xu Ming is sure that the other party will definitely come to him - after all, the other party mistakenly thinks that he has some "teleportation treasure" on his body, and he will definitely not be reconciled if he doesn't come and take it away!

Xu Ming guessed right.

Beside the lead formation, after beheading Wu Jian, Cheng Yu directly ordered: "Go! Search the entire Golden Crow City area! I don't believe it, I can't find him!"

"Young Master Yu." You Jin Wuwei asked, "Would you like to call some more brothers to come over and help you find it?"

"No! Don't shout!" Cheng Yu directly vetoed, "The existence of teleportation treasures is of great importance; if there are too many people, it is easy to leak rumors! - Remember, only those of us know about this matter. , must not be leaked out! Otherwise, military law will deal with it!"



One by one the Golden Crow Guards are all serious.

Cheng Yu continued: "The kid who first came to God's Domain will definitely not be able to run far, and it is impossible to run out of our Golden Crow City! - As long as we put in more effort, we can definitely find him! When we find it, I will give it to my brother. Each of us, remember a great achievement!"

"Young Master Xie Yu!"

"Thank you, Young Master Yu!"

More than a dozen Golden Crow Guards even thanked him, but also worried: "Young Master Yu, you said, when we find that kid, will he use the teleportation treasure to escape?"

"Impossible!" Cheng Yu said with great certainty, "It's very difficult to teleport treasure's energy storage! That kid must have used up his energy storage just now with a random teleportation! - As long as we find him, we will absolutely It's easy to catch!"

"Young Master Yu is wise!" A group of Golden Crow Guards hurriedly flattered.

"Humph!" Cheng Yu snorted That kid dares to slap us, and when I catch him, let's see how I deal with him! "

Cheng Yu gritted his teeth with hatred.

You know, he is so big that even his father is reluctant to slap him!

In a dark cave.

Xu Ming did not spend much time to count the spoils.

"Those who can change the hanging point have already been replaced. There are about 7,000 level 9 hanging points in total."

With so many hanging points, Xu Ming finally felt a little "safe"!

"Now, once the 'Invincible Combat Strength System' is activated, no one can knead me! - I just arrived in God's Domain, and I stood on my heels so quickly, not bad!" Xu Ming nodded secretly.

Then, Xu Ming looked at the artifacts in the world ring that could not be exchanged for hanging points: "Dozens of artifacts...enough to arm my two clones with jewels!"

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