Break Into Another World

Chapter 827: natural luck

When Xu Ming's "Ancient Cultivation clone" walked out of the cave, he was covered in jewels and dazzling.

Of course, Xu Ming didn't have the artifact teeth equipped; after all, Xu Ming didn't have the habit of biting people, so he wouldn't be able to use it if he was equipped.

"Uh... won't this be too high-profile?"

Xu Ming remembered Wu Jian's high profile showing off his wealth, and immediately put all the golden treasures on his body into the world ring for the time being.

Anyway, these artifacts have already been refined, and when Xu Ming encounters a battle, he can call it out and use it at any time.

"Walking in God's Domain, you still have to keep a low profile!"

Xu Ming looked around the surroundings: "First, we have to find a way to find a place where there are people and learn about God's Domain!"

Within the jurisdiction of the Golden Crow City, there are many forces, either overt or covert.

The most powerful forces, of course, are all within the Golden Crow City, such as the Golden Crow Guard and the City Lord's Mansion.

The forces outside the Golden Crow City are generally relatively weak. Because only those "poor gods" who could not afford to live in the city would choose to settle outside the city.

Xu Ming flew for a day, and finally saw the human trail; oh, no, the "magic" miracle! —This is a bunch of odd-shaped buildings surrounded by mountains, it looks like a quiet mountain village.

"Uh... the gods of the gods live in this kind of place?" Xu Ming didn't bother to care about this issue, anyway, it's good to meet "people"!

Only someone can ask some questions about God's Domain. Otherwise, Xu Ming would have no way of understanding God's Domain.

Just as Xu Ming was about to fly over, he saw that from the other direction, two gods in blood-colored armor flew up to the top of the small mountain village with murderous aura.

"Huh? There seems to be something wrong with the atmosphere!" Xu Ming did not rush forward, but quietly lowered his body to observe the situation secretly.

"Everyone in Mohezhuang, get out of here!" One of the gods in blood-colored armor rolled over the small mountain village below in a mighty manner.

Soon, Xu Ming saw that one **** after another flew out from the small mountain village below—there were over a hundred!

"Over a hundred gods..." Xu Ming was really stunned.

On the Endless Continent, the gods are rare to see, and it is unknown how many generations will there be one! And in the realm of the gods, in any small mountain village, hundreds of gods can appear casually?

"God's Domain, it really is 'the gods are as many as dogs'..." Xu Ming couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, Xu Ming saw a dark-skinned strong man with a giant axe on his back, flying to the front of the crowd, and bowed his hands humbly: "Two adults from Blood Sword Village, may I ask, do you have any orders?"

"Mohe!" said the blood-colored armored **** who had just shouted.

"Master Leng Ran!" The giant axe man, Mo He, said cautiously.

The blood-colored armored **** said coldly: "There should be one more person in your Mohezhuang? Why didn't you come out?"

Mo He glanced back, and immediately confirmed that there was indeed one missing.

He said coldly: "Go, bring her out! Today, we are only here for her, and have nothing to do with the rest of you!"

"Father, you can't!" Behind Mo He, a young man who was obviously a little thinner, even said privately. This young man is Mohua, the only son of the owner of Mohe Village, "Mohe".

"Shut up!" Mo He glared at his son and said in a voice, "If you don't hand her over, do you want the whole village to suffer?"


Mo Hua wanted to say something, but was immediately interrupted by his father: "In God's Domain, there are many women! Don't harm our entire Mohe Village for one woman!"

"Bring Sisi out!" Mo He ordered.

"Yes!" Immediately, several gods were ready to rush down to find someone.

However, before they could rush down, a figure in white rushed out of the small village.

Xu Ming saw that this woman in white had a beautiful face; people could not help but feel pity when they saw it.

At this moment, there was a hint of despair in the eyes of the woman in white "Han Sisi".

"Sister, where are you?" Sisi cried out in her heart.

She and her sister, after cultivating to become gods in the world of dust, came to the realm of the gods together. But I didn't expect that God's Domain is extremely dangerous - her younger sister was kidnapped not long after she came to God's Domain; and she was about to be taken away by Blood Sword Village, no one could save her!

"I thought that if I joined Mohezhuang, I should be able to get shelter! But... in the face of the powerful Blood Sword Village, Mohezhuang did not dare to resist..." Sisi felt extremely bitter.

God's Domain is much bloodier than Mote World; its strength is not as good as that of human beings, so it can only be slaughtered by others.

"Come out? You are conscious!" The blood-colored armored **** said "coldly", "Then just follow me honestly! Don't let me be rough!"

Sisi desperately glanced at the hundreds of gods in Mohe Village. Although most of these gods only understood one way of heaven and were weak, but if they could join forces, they would never be afraid of the two bandits from the Blood Sword Village. !

It's a pity that even the owner of the village, Mo He, was frightened by the reputation of the Blood Sword Village, and he didn't dare to resist at all.

At this moment, in Sisi's desperate eyes, she was extremely determined: "Humph! If they want to **** me at that time, even if I die, I won't let them succeed!"

Xu Ming looked at it from a distance, and a trace of doubt gradually appeared in his eyes: "The temperament of this 'Sisi' seems to be very special..."

As for what was special, Xu Ming couldn't say.

However, I can't say it's okay, Xu Ming now has a level 9 hang point, and he can open a "probe" hang!

"Xiaohang, help me find out what is different about this Sisi!"

Xiao Hang said: "Exploration requires a thousand points and a 9-level hanging point!"

"One thousand points!?" Xu Ming was shocked!

A thousand points and a 9th-level hanging That is a thousand divine stones! -Is it too expensive?

Xu Ming can clearly remember that in order to collect a few hundred points to kill Erke at level 9, he did not hesitate to risk being "titled"! Therefore, Xu Ming even, the 9th level hanging point is not easy to come by, so don't spend it casually!

However, just to investigate Sisi, you need a level 9 hanging point; you can see how amazing the secrets of Sisi are!

Xu Ming gritted his teeth: "Explore!"

One thousand points were deducted from level 9 hanging points, and soon, the results of the investigation came back: "This person is a **** of the 'Fortune School'!"

"The luck school..." Xu Ming pondered, "I heard that the practitioners of the luck school are very rare and rare! But just like this, it's not worth using 1,000 points of 9-level hanging points to investigate, right?"

Xiaohang continued: "More importantly, this person is a genius of great luck!"

Naturally lucky?

Of course Xu Ming had never heard of it: "What is a person born with great luck?"

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