Break Into Another World

Chapter 828: let go of that girl

"Those who are born with great luck are born with great luck! Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that the luck between heaven and earth will continue to converge on them!" Xiaohang explained, "Those who are born with great luck, even if they don't need to practice. , the strength will continue to improve; it is easy to make the 'air flow genre' become a god!"

"So perverted!?" Xu Ming was stunned.

I have to say, God is really unfair!

No matter how many geniuses, cultivating exhaustively, they still can't become a god. As for those who are born with great luck, they don't have to do anything, just lie down and sleep, and they can become gods...

Compared with people, people will really be **** off!


Xu Ming couldn't help but say: "This person born with great luck, her luck doesn't seem to be very good... Judging from her appearance, she will be forcibly taken away soon; the future fate is so hard to guess!"

Xiao Hang said: "Everything in the world has advantages and disadvantages! Those born with great luck will continue to gather the luck of heaven and earth and continuously improve their strength; but, sometimes, heaven and earth will bring them some irresistible ordeals!"


"Yes!" Xiao Hang said, "If you pass the tempering, you will become more dazzling! If you can't pass, then...the body will die!"

"Uh..." Thinking about it this way, Xu Ming found out that those with great luck are really pitiful!

Although it will continue to gather the fate of heaven and earth, it will also suffer some irresistible ordeals! - It is said that it is irresistible. Do you think it is very likely that a person born with great luck will pass through?

very small!

Basically, almost all born with great luck will not die in the end! - This is a balance between heaven and earth.

"It's actually like this..." Xu Ming was surprised, "For example, Sisi in front of me, I'm afraid it will be difficult to pass this ordeal, right?"

"No!" Xiaohang said very firmly, "She can definitely get through this ordeal!"

"Why?" Xu Ming couldn't help asking.

"Because... you will definitely shoot!" Xiaohang said directly.

"Uh..." Xu Ming was speechless, "I'm not sure yet!"

Xu Ming is really not sure whether he should come to a hero to save the beauty. After all, this person born with great luck, although his face is extremely beautiful and pitiful; but... what does this have to do with Xu Ming?

have a finger in the pie?

Still no business?

Xu Ming was still hesitating.

"Don't hesitate!" Xiaohang said, "I'll tell you a little bit more information! - Bring the natural fortune person with you, and your own luck will be changed, and good things will happen again and again! There are enough of them; even if you don’t need to practice, you can become a **** in the 'Qi Luck School'!"

The luck genre is such a miraculous and perverted genre!

"What!? There is such a good thing?" Xu Ming's eyes lit up!

Not much to say - help! must be saved! In any case, you must save this "Sisi" to your side to support.

"Don't come with us!?" The two bandits from the Blood Sword Village shouted coldly.

Sisi glanced at everyone again with hope, but no one dared to stand up and say a word. Immediately, Xiyi's eyes went out, and turned into endless despair - into the hands of bandits, who knows what will happen!

"It's time for me to debut, Brother Ming!" Xu Ming arrogantly said to himself, "Xiaohang, help me find out the strength of these two blood-colored armored gods!"

Know yourself and the enemy, and you will be safe in a hundred battles!

These two ordinary gods don't cost much to investigate.

Soon, Xiaohang responded: "These two people are ordinary 'Heavenly Dao School' gods; both have three Heavenly Dao comprehension, reaching the level of God! However, they have not yet embarked on the road of Heavenly Dao fusion!"

Haven't started "Heaven and Dao Fusion" yet?

Xu Ming murmured: "Then the strength of these two blood-colored armored gods is not much stronger!"

Xu Ming estimated that the other party would not be much stronger than himself.

call out!

Xu Ming no longer hesitated, and in a flash, he rushed towards the two blood-colored armored gods. While rushing over, he shouted arrogantly: "The two **** of the Blood Sword Village, let go of that girl, kind of come at me!"


Xu Ming's shining appearance really attracted the attention of the two blood-colored armored gods.

"Damn it! I thought he was a super expert, dare to run out and meddle in his own business!" Leng Ran immediately scolded, "So, it's just a cat and a dog!"

With cold eyesight, of course, it can be seen that Xu Ming's aura is not very strong, and his strength is not expected to be strong.

Indeed - although Xu Ming is a **** of the "Ancient Cultivation School", his strength is slightly stronger than that of the "Heavenly Dao School" practitioners of the same level; however, it is not much stronger!

But... Brother Ming has hung up!

Once the "Invincible Combat Power System" is activated, how many times the combat power is, whatever Brother Ming has the final say! - Of course, the premise is that Xu Ming has enough hanging points!

Although Xu Ming only has a few thousand level 9 hanging points, it is more than enough to deal with two minions!

"A cat or a dog?" Xu Ming's eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of killing intent flashed - dare to call me a cat and a dog?

"You guys get out now, I can spare you!" Xu Ming was rarely arrogant once.

"Hahaha..." He smiled coldly, and laughed wildly, "What joke did you tell just now? Tell me again!"

Another blood-colored armored deity "Wei Hong", although not as exaggerated as "Leng Ran", the sarcasm in his eyes is also very strong.

The more than 100 gods in Mohe Village were startled for a while, and then they couldn't help but laugh softly - laughing at Xu Ming's ignorance!

"Ha! Where is this stupefied young man who dares to run out as a hero to save the beauty?"

"Dare to even manage the affairs of Blood Sword Village, this kid's brain doesn't seem to be very easy to use!"

There was a strong sarcasm in Mo He's eyes: "Look, this kid dares to be arrogant in front of the Blood Sword Village, he will surely die!"

Even Xu Ming's rescue target "Sisi" couldn't help but persuade him kindly: "This strong man, I am very grateful that you can draw a sword to help you; however, the blood sword village is powerful, you should run away quickly!"

"I'll go!" Xu Ming was speechless - he rarely jumped out of the hero to save the beauty once, but he was despised to the ground...


"Being despised", Xu Ming has experienced too much!

He also knows that all he needs to do now is to speak with his fists!

"I'm I only said it once!" Xu Ming stared at Leng Ran and Wei Hong, "If you rolled fast enough just now, you would have saved your life! But you have to court death. ,Then there's no way…"

call out!

Xu Ming held one, and the magical "ice gun" appeared in his hand!

Leng Ran was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to have seen something extremely funny: "Show your weapon? How dare you show your weapon in front of my Blood Sword Fortress? Hahahahaha... I really laughed at me, hahahahaha..."

Xu Ming's eyes were cold: "Then you can die of laughter!"


The invincible combat power system, "100 times the combat power", is on!

boom! !

Xu Ming's speed was so fast that with just one shot, he was blasted so coldly that there was no **** left!

A hundred times the combat power, how can it be underestimated? Leng Ran was completely annihilated in particle form, and he couldn't die any longer!

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