Break Into Another World

Chapter 829: lucky baby


Absolute spike!

All the laughter at the scene stopped abruptly. Everyone's eyes widened, and they looked at Xu Ming in disbelief - with just one shot, Leng Ran was instantly killed...

You know, Leng Ran has three Heavenly Dao comprehension that has reached the level of the gods; using the strength measurement system of the realm of the gods, it is already a "two-star" level existence, and it is barely considered a master!

However, this master couldn't even hold Xu Ming's gun.

So, how strong will Xu Ming be?

I'm afraid it is at least the "two-star" peak, right?

The eyes of everyone looking at Xu Ming have all changed, some are frightened, some shocked, some are stunned, some are... gloating.

"A person who dares to kill the Blood Sword Village, even if he is a two-star peak existence, or even a three-star existence, he will not be able to escape the pursuit of the Blood Sword Village!" In the depths of Mo He's eyes, a very obscure gloating flashed, "But... I will definitely Find a way to keep him in Mohezhuang, and don't let him go. Otherwise, once the masters of Blood Sword Village come and kill him, but they can't find him, we, Mohezhuang, will suffer!"

Sisi was completely stunned, so shocked that she didn't know what to say: "This..."

"You..." Wei Hong was stunned for a while, before showing panic, pointing at Xu Ming and saying, "How dare you kill the people from our Blood Sword Village!?"

"Aren't you stupid?" Xu Ming couldn't help sneering, "I killed everything, do you think I would dare to kill? - If I were you, I would definitely not stand here and talk nonsense, I would definitely run as far as possible. Far!"

"Huh!?" Wei Hong was stunned for a moment, but then he reacted—yes! Don't run away, wait to die?

call out-

In an instant, Wei Hong turned into a stream of light, escaping into the distance.

Xu Ming looked at the direction Wei Hong was leaving, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "But... I don't want to let you go!"

The invincible combat power system, "100 times the combat power", is open again!


In an instant, Xu Minghua, as a faster streamer, caught up.

"So fast!" Wei Hong was frightened and frightened, "Don't kill me! Don't kill me! - If you dare to kill me, our Blood Sword Village will definitely not let you go!"

"Hehe!" Xu Ming smiled disdainfully, "I won't kill you, you Blood Sword Village, can you let me go?"

"Yes! Yes!" Wei Hong nodded again and again, "I promise, after I go back, I will never say that you killed Leng Ran! I promise!"

"But... I don't believe your guarantee!" Xu Ming showed a sneer, "Also, as long as you are dead, how will the Blood Sword Village know who killed you?"

"No—" Wei Hong was terrified.


Another stunning spear flashed past, Wei Hong, die!

"Another spike!" Hundreds of gods in Mohe Village were shocked.

They are more and more certain that Xu Ming is a master, at least at the peak of "two stars", and maybe even at the level of "three stars"!

"Humph!" Xu Ming put away Wei Hong and Leng Ran's treasures.

These two shots of his seem to be an understatement, but both of them have turned on the "hundred-fold combat power"!

You must know that the combat power bonus of the "Invincible Combat Power System" can only maintain one blow! In the two shots just now, Xu Ming fired twice, consuming two hanging points!

Fortunately, the "one hundred times" combat power did not consume a lot of hanging points; with Xu Ming's current strength, he only needed 100 points of level 9 hanging points at a time.

"After this battle, there should be a little profit, right?" Xu Ming opened Leng Ran and Wei Hong's world rings with anticipation.

Then, Xu Ming was dumbfounded: "I rely on it? Apart from the artifacts and treasures, there are only 90 divine stones combined by the two of them? - Isn't the Blood Sword Village a bandit in the God's Domain? This bandit is too poor, right?"

Spend 200 points for level 9 points, but only earn 90 points for level 9 points - a loss!

"However, their artifacts and treasures should also be worth a little bit of hanging. It's barely worth it!" Xu Ming secretly said.

At this time, Mo He flew forward with a flattering face, and looked at Xu Ming ingratiatingly: "This... this..."

When he opened his mouth, Mo He found that he didn't know what to call Xu Ming. After thinking for a while, he learned the name Sisi used to call Xu Ming, and said with a flattering smile: "This strong man, dare to ask your honorable name?"

"Pfft!" Xu Ming almost vomited blood - a strong man like Mo He called himself a "strong man", Xu Ming always felt strange.

"Xu Ming!" Xu Ming reported his name directly, without deliberately concealing his name - after all, his name was completely worthless in God's Domain, and there was nothing to hide.

"Then I'll call you Boss Xu Ming?" Mo He asked for a relationship as soon as he came up, "Boss Xu Ming, you see, you are so strong, can you join our Mohe Village and lead our Mohe Village?"

join in?


However, Xu Ming's impression of this Mohe was not very good: "Your name is Mohe, right? - You don't care about the two bandits who want to loot your Mohe Village?"

"Boss Xu Ming, I can't help it..." Mo He smiled bitterly, "People from Blood Sword Village, how dare I resist..."

"So, you gave her away?" Xu Ming pointed at Sisi.

When Xu Ming first came to God's Domain, he did have a lot of information he wanted to know. However, Xu Ming was really not interested in joining a force like Mohezhuang that had no blood or affection.

"It's also for survival..." Mo He said helplessly.

"Ha!" Xu Ming sneered disdainfully, "I'm not interested in knowing whether you are here for survival or what; as for joining your Mohezhuang, I'm even less interested! However, I plan to stay with you for a while, Do you have an opinion?"

The reason why Xu Ming intends to stay for a while is that he wants to take the opportunity to learn about the Divine Realm, and the second is that he wants to fool Sisi over - after all, according to Xiaohang, Sisi is a "lucky baby"! Take it with you, you can add luck!

At this time, Sisi also recovered from the shock; she flew forward with some restraint: "Brother Xu Ming, thank you..."

Xu Ming showed a bright smile: "Call me 'Brother Ming'!"

Xu Ming has already investigated, this Han Sisi has a good character in all aspects; if the other party wants, he can keep him by his side to boost his luck. Of course, if the other party is unwilling, Xu Ming will not force it.

" Brother Ming!"

That night.

Mohe Village, Mohe's residence, only Mohe and his son Mohua.

Mo He carefully propped up the formation barrier and whispered to his son, "Mo Hua, you rushed to the Blood Sword Village overnight and told them what happened today!"

In God's Domain, space suppression is too strong; even long-distance communication has become extremely difficult. Therefore, communication basically relies on roaring.

"Ah?" Mo Hua was startled, "Isn't this a self-inflicted snare? - As long as we don't say it, Blood Sword Village may not know that Leng Ran and Wei Hong died here!"

"The Blood Sword Village may not know it, but it may be known! - If the Blood Sword Village knew, their two brothers died here with us; and at that time, Xu Ming had already left, wouldn't our Mohe Village suffer?" Mo He shouted in a low voice, his tone was cold, "And... that Xu Ming, who dared to refuse to join our Mohe Village, he will die! - It's not too late, let's go! Otherwise, it will be too late when Xu Ming finds out that the abnormality is gone. It's gone!"

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