Break Into Another World

Chapter 830: Yan Yan Continent, Chi Lie Mansion

At this time, Sisi's residence.

Xu Ming and Sisi were alone in the same room.

Sisi's mood at the moment is very nervous.

She originally just politely invited Xu Ming, the savior, to come in for a cup of tea. As a result, Xu Ming really came in unceremoniously...

Sisi was nervous, sweat dripping from her palms, and her heart was even more and more ups and downs: "Will he make some excessive demands on me? What should I do, or not?"

Because she was too nervous, Sisi didn't even dare to look directly at Xu Ming, and didn't know what to say.

"But..." Sisi's cheeks couldn't help blushing, "Brother Ming is really handsome..."

In the world of gods, handsome, of course, not only refers to appearance. In fact, the gods take the external appearance very lightly; because, with the means of the gods, they can easily change their appearance.

For the gods, the inner temperament is more important!

In Divine Realm, if there is only external appearance, but no inner temperament; then, with the aesthetics of Divine Realm, this is ugly!


Xu Ming's appearance is actually quite ordinary; however, Sisi's evaluation of Xu Ming is... very handsome!

"Sisi." Xu Ming pointed to the stool beside him, "Don't stand there, sit!"

Sisi's body trembled: "Brother Ming, I can just stand!"

"Tell you to take a seat!" Xu Ming raised his voice and deliberately made a displeased look, "I have something to talk to you about!"

"Ah? Yes..." Sisi sat down cautiously, thinking—Brother Ming wants to talk to me about something? However, what can a master like Ming ge talk to me about?

After thinking about it, I feel that there is only one thing to talk about, and that is... the matter of men and women!

"What if...then what should I do..." Sisi's deer was jumping around.

"Sisi!" Xu Ming looked at Sisi kindly.

"Sure enough!" Sisi couldn't help but be startled again - she remembered that the "kind look" when the perverts she met in the past tried to plot against her.


Sisi thinks too much!

Brother Ming is a family man! He came to Divine Realm to find Yin Ran, not to pick up girls!

"Brother Ming, what's the matter?" Sisi said cautiously as the deer rammed in her heart.

"I have something to ask you!" Xu Ming said, "Do you know much about God's Domain?"

"Ah?" Sisi was stunned, she had thought that Xu Ming would ask her "Would you like to be my concubine" or something.

"Just ask that?" Sisi couldn't help asking.

"Yeah! Is there a problem?" Xu Ming was really eager to know some information about God's Domain. After all, his understanding of God's Domain is really too little.

Moreover, all the information Xu Ming knew about God's Domain was told to him by Wu Jian! - And Wu Jian seems to be "Knowledge of all things in God's Domain", and he seems to know God's Domain very well; however, he has never been to God's Domain. Moreover, Wu Jian was robbed and killed as soon as he came to God’s Domain!

Therefore, Xu Ming couldn't believe what Wu Jian said about God's Domain.

"Cough! No! No!" Seeing that she thought too much, Sisi couldn't help blushing embarrassedly.

"What's the matter? Do you want to drink water?" Xu Ming couldn't help but look at Sisi in confusion—could it be that gods cough so easily?

"No, Brother Ming!" Sisi said, "Brother Ming, why do you ask me this question? - I'm in God's Domain, I'm just a small person, how much can I know about God's Domain?"

"Just tell me how much you know about God's Domain!" Xu Ming said.

After thinking for a while, Xu Ming added: "I just came to God's Domain, and I don't know anything!"

"Ah!?" Sisi was shocked, "Brother Ming, you just came to God's Domain? How is that possible! Your strength..."

"I have a little chance, so my strength is relatively strong!" Xu Ming said, "This point, you just need to know, don't spread it!"

"Ah... yes!" Sisi said.

"Tell me how much you know about God's Domain!" Xu Ming said.

"Yes! Brother Ming!" Sisi calmed down the shock in her heart, organized her words, and said, "I don't know much about God's Domain, but as far as I know, God's Domain is divided into seven continents and two seas! "

"Seven continents? Two seas?"

"Yes!" Sisi said, "Each of the seven continents is vast and endless; even a **** can hardly travel to any continent! And the two seas are far bigger than the seven continents!"

Sisi continued: "The seven continents are: Yanyan Continent, Golden Gang Continent, Sanctuary, Houtujie, Taiyin Continent, Extreme Day Continent, and Thunder Continent; the two sea areas are Shura Sea and Storm Sea! - We The current location is Yanyan Continent, Chilie Palace, and the jurisdiction of Jinwu City!"

"Yanyan Continent, Chilie Mansion?" Xu Ming was curious.

Sisi explained: "Each continent in the Divine Realm is divided into many 'fu'; as many as hundreds or as few as tens! And each government city leads many cities! - Our Golden Crow City is Chilie. A small town under the command of the government!"

"So it is..." Xu Ming roughly formed a map of God's Domain in his heart.

"So Sisi, have you heard of the 'Holy Emperor City'?" Xu Ming asked expectantly.

The Holy Emperor City is the city where Yin Ran is located! Yin Ran's father is the city lord of the Holy Emperor City!

"Saint Emperor City?" Sisi thought hard in her mind, and finally shook her head, "I haven't heard of it, maybe it's not the city under the command of Chilie Palace..."

"Alas..." Xu Ming sighed - as expected, it was quite difficult to know Yin Ran's location!

Xu Ming also tried to use "exploration" to probe, but he simply didn't have enough hang points to detect Yin Ran's position.

"But..." Sisi said again, "I heard that there is a place called the 'Holy Emperor's Palace' in the Golden Crow City. I wonder if it has anything to do with the Holy Emperor City you asked about, Brother Ming?"

"Holy Emperor Palace..." Xu Ming remembered, "When I go to Golden Crow City in the future, I will ask someone to ask!"

Sisi said: "The experts in Golden Crow City are like clouds, I think, someone must have heard of this place in Holy Emperor City!"


Chatting and Suddenly, Xu Ming felt that a figure had left Mohe Village.

"This is... Mo He's son Mo Hua?" Xu Ming frowned slightly, "Where is he going?"

However, Xu Ming didn't care too much and continued to chat with Sisi.

"Sisi, why did you join Mohe Village?" Xu Ming asked curiously.

"There's no way..." Sisi said, "A weak **** like me, if you don't join one of the forces, you can't survive in God's Domain!"

"Then why don't you go to Golden Crow City?" Xu Ming asked.

Sisi sighed: "If I want to live in the Golden Crow City, I need to pay the **** stone every year. I... can't afford it..."


The rules of survival in God's Domain are much more cruel than those in the world of dust! Even if it is a god, if the strength is slightly weaker, it is difficult to survive here.

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