Break Into Another World

Chapter 834: I really don't like killing people

"Fortunately, Sisi is not in any danger for the time being. Besides, my ancient cultivator clone will be back soon!"

The space around Xu Ming suddenly stirred up a wave of ripples; then, another Xu Ming, who walked out of the ripples in the space, was the clone of the ancient cultivator who had returned from the mercenary mission.


Xu Ming took Tian Daoliu's clone back to the world ring and killed him directly. The momentum is soaring, like a long spear piercing the sky.


As soon as Xu Ming rushed out, he immediately became the focus of the audience.

Mohe Village and Blood Sword Village, everyone's eyes were on Xu Ming.

"Brother Ming..." Sisi was startled, then desperately shouted, "Run away, don't worry about me!"

Sisi knew very well that the reason why Xu Ming had conflict with Blood Sword Village was all because of her. Now, the **** sword village is under pressure, and Sisi is of course unwilling to continue to "involve" Xu Ming.

"Huh?" Mo He was a little surprised - he didn't expect that under such circumstances, Xu Ming did not run away, but rushed out to fight.

"Lord Xuedao, that's him, he's Xu Ming!" Mo Helian said through voice transmission.

"Humph!" Xue Dao snorted slightly, blood energy rolled in his narrow eyes, staring at Xu Ming like a poisonous snake, "Is that you, the one who dares to touch my Blood Sword Village?"

In the face of Xue Dao's questioning, Xu Ming just smiled casually, as if he didn't care at all. His eyes swept across the audience domineeringly, and finally landed on Mo He: "You're really a bitch! You can't protect the people in the village, but you even betrayed me to the Blood Sword Village! - I really don't understand. , How can someone like you be the owner of the village!"

As the owner of the village, of course, you must protect the people in the village.

But in this Mohe, it's fine if he doesn't protect the people in the village; Xu Ming helped him out, but he betrayed Xu Ming in turn - this kind of behavior made Xu Ming very contemptible.

"Xu Ming!" Mo He snorted coldly, "You're almost dead, and you're still talking wildly!"

"Death is imminent?" Xu Ming smiled disdainfully.

The Divine Realm is vast, Xu Ming knew that there must be many great powers who could easily kill him; however, just relying on this group of rabble to make himself "death on the verge of death" is far from enough!

"Brother Ming, hurry up!" Sisi saw that Xu Ming "didn't understand the situation", and couldn't help being anxious.

"Let's go?" Xue Dao smiled wickedly, "My Blood Sword Village has already set up a net here! Even if you put your wings on, you won't even think about escaping!"

Xu Ming laughed dumbly: "Just you cats and dogs, you dare to call yourself a net of heaven and earth?"

A cat or a dog?

As soon as Xu Ming said these words, the audience fell silent.

"This kid is too crazy..." Mo He was dumbfounded, looking at Xu Ming like a fool, "Could it be that he knew he couldn't escape, so he was arrogant before dying?"

In God's Domain, there is indeed no shortage of people who become fanatical when they are dying.

"Brother Ming..." Sisi didn't know what to say - but she knew that Xu Ming was new to God's Domain! Even if the strength is very strong, can it be stronger than the entire Blood Sword Village?

You must know that the Blood Sword Village is also a force that has a fierce name to deter one side!

Even Sisi felt that Xu Ming's arrogance at this time was suspected of seeking death.

"Boy, you're thinking of longevity... Don't think that if you can kill my two brothers, you will be invincible! Let me tell you, Leng Ran and Wei Hong's strength can only be ranked in the middle of our Blood Sword Village. It's just the next; every brother who came with me today will not be weaker than them! How many lives do you have, enough for us to kill?" Xue Dao sneered coldly - how many years! No one dared to be so arrogant to his blood knife in this three-point land for so many years!

"Speak nonsense!" Xu Ming stared at Xue Dao and sneered disdainfully, "Actually, I really don't like killing people! - Xue Dao right? You let my friend go right now, maybe I'll consider letting you go. !"

Xue Dao was stunned for a while, and then he laughed loudly: "I have seen many ignorant people! But it is really the first time I have seen an ignorant person like you!"

"Hahahahaha..." Hundreds of members of the Blood Sword Village couldn't help but burst into laughter - in their opinion, what Xu Ming said was really funny!

"Laugh!" Xu Ming glanced at these people with pity - because right away, they might not even be able to cry!

Xu Ming looked at the blood knife coldly: "I gave you a chance to live, but unfortunately you didn't cherish it!"

Xu Ming looked at the members of the Blood Sword Village in every corner of the sky again, "You all want to kill me, don't you? - Since you want to kill me, presumably, you are all ready to die?"

With that said, Xu Ming slowly raised his spear and pointed the tip of the spear at the **** knife: "Any last words to say?"

"Huh!" Xue Dao laughed.

Xu Ming also smiled: "Since there are no more last words, then...die!"


Xu Ming directly killed the blood knife!

Hundred times of combat power, open!

Xu Ming's strength soared from "one-star medium" to "three-star medium" in an instant; it was even stronger than Blood Knife.

Xue Dao was surprised: "It turns out that there is some strength, no wonder you dare to be so arrogant! If I came alone today, I'm afraid I really can't help you! But..."

Xue Dao held a **** long sword in his hand, and also killed Xu Ming, shouting into the sky at the same time: "Brothers, let's go together!"

As for Sisi, the blood knife was temporarily put aside and ignored - he didn't believe that a one-star **** who was already bound by him could still escape.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Many members of the Blood Sword Village in the sky were besieging and killing Xu Ming. There were also some who launched long-range attacks towards Xu Ming from a distance.

At this time, Xu Ming was only of "Samsung medium" strength and could only sustain one blow. Under the siege of the "Samsung Elementary" blood knife and a group of two-star gods, Xu Ming seemed to be in a desperate situation all of a sudden.

"Ignorance boy, die! - If you have a next life, you have to remember Stop being so arrogant!" The **** long knife of the blood knife directly hit Xu Ming's long spear - all he had to do was hold on Xu Ming took a moment, and the attacks of the hundreds of two-star gods could easily kill Xu Ming!


Xu Ming's spear also slammed into the blood knife without any skill.

However, just as the sword and gun were about to collide, a treacherous flash suddenly flashed in Xu Ming's eyes.

This deceit was just caught by the blood knife. For some reason, Xue Dao felt a deep palpitation in his heart, as if a catastrophe was imminent.

at this time…

call out!

Xu Ming disappeared directly from the front of the blood knife, and appeared behind him at the same time.

And the long spear in Xu Ming's hand slammed into the blood knife with unabated power.

"No—" How could Xue Dao have time to react between such lightning and flint! Just as he realized the danger, Xu Ming's spear had already penetrated his head!

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