Break Into Another World

Chapter 835: big empty array


Xu Ming's shot is only the power of Samsung's middle class; if he wants to kill the blood knife of Samsung's elementary class with one shot, it's still a little short! - After all, how tenacious is the vitality of the gods! Even if the entire divine body is destroyed into particle form, it will be safe and sound; not to mention that now, the blood knife is only pierced through the head.

For the blood knife, it was only a minor injury. The penetrated head, also among the electric light and flint, first turned into a particle form, and then re-condensed into a divine body.


Xu Ming "teleported" from the front of the blood knife to his back, which was equivalent to swapping positions with the blood knife.

And you must know that originally, there were hundreds of attacks from the two-star gods, all of which were directed at Xu Ming. Now, Xu Ming and Xue Dao switched positions, the result is... all the attacks fell on Xue Dao.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! …

The Blood Blade is a three-star god, and it is no problem to carry a few two-star attacks at random; however, if it carries dozens of attacks, there is a problem! —And now, there are hundreds!

Moreover, the blood knife is only the weakest "Samsung Elementary"!

Hundreds of attacks came, and although the blood knife was not dead, it was almost there!

"Damn it, who are you hitting!?" The blood knife was furious, but he also knew that this group of subordinates didn't attack him on purpose.

At the same time, the blood knife fled quickly, and pointed at Xu Ming in great horror: "Teleport... teleport! Do you have a teleport treasure on your body?"

Teleport treasures are extremely precious in the realm of the gods!

Not to mention three-star gods like Blood Knife, they don't deserve to be owned at all. Even the super existence of eight stars and nine stars will risk their lives for a teleportation treasure.

And now, the blood knife was on Xu Ming and saw teleportation—how could he not be shocked! ?

Of course, shocking, how about a hemostatic knife?

Every deity in the Blood Sword Village had a look of shock on their faces—just now, it was because Xu Ming teleported that he instantly switched positions with the Blood Sword; all their attacks fell on the Blood Sword. .

"Teleport Treasures..." The people in Mohe Village were even more shocked—they were at the lower level of the Divine Realm, and naturally farther away from such rare treasures as Teleport Treasures!

But today, they were fortunate enough to see the legendary "teleport"; they were shocked, but more excited - they were excited to have seen "teleport", and they gained a lot of insight!

Mo He's face was also extremely shocked; however, deep in his eyes, there was still a touch of... greed!

Of course, Mo He still has self-knowledge, knowing that with his own strength, it is almost impossible to obtain teleportation treasures!

"Teleport treasure?" Xu Ming sneered disdainfully in his heart - of course he would not explain that he didn't have a teleport treasure, but opened the "teleport" hook!

"Not bad, the blood knife can withstand my blow!" Xu Ming sneered, "I don't know if you can withstand my next blow!"

"No no no no..." Xue Dao waved his hands again and again, "Brother Ming, I admit defeat! I admit defeat!"

The speed of the blood knife changing face is really fast!

No soon!

He was seriously injured in the first fight; now, the divine body is extremely weak, and his strength is probably less than 30%! If they fight again, Xue Dao strongly suspects that God's Domain will no longer have his "Blood Dao" character!

In order to save your life, what is it to change your face!

But... if you change your face and want to save your life, the blood knife is too naive!

"Now that you know to beg for mercy? It's too late!" Xu Ming said coldly, killing the blood knife again.

Just now, Xu Ming gave Xue Dao a chance to live; unfortunately, Xue Dao did not cherish it.


This shot is even more powerful!

What made Xue Dao terrified was that he didn't know whether he should resist this shot - if he didn't resist, the power of this shot would be enough to kill him directly! But if he resisted, Xu Ming would likely teleport behind him; at that time, he would not be able to make the second resisting action, and he would die!

Regardless of "resisting" or "not resisting", it is death both horizontally and vertically!

So helpless!

In the blink of an eye, Xu Ming had already killed him again.

Before the blood knife could react, the long spear had already penetrated his body. The power of destroying and annihilating every particle of the blood knife directly from the particle level.

The master of Blood Sword Village, "Blood Sword", a three-star expert, in Xu Ming's hands, kills with two moves!

Moreover, this is Xu Ming's "saving hang point"; if he is really crazy to open the hang and kill the blood knife, one move is too much!

"The blood knife is dead..." Mo He was terrified.

"Brother Knife..."

"The owner of the village..."

A member of the famous Blood Sword Village was both shocked and angry—the leader of their Blood Sword Village was finished with just two shots?

"Brother Ming..." He thought about many possibilities, such as Xu Ming's tragic killing, such as Xu Ming's embarrassed escape... But he never expected that Xu Ming would shoot the blood knife with two shots!

Is this still the blood knife of Megatron's side?

All of this happened in a very short period of time.

There was even a deity from Blood Sword Village, who just yawned due to lack of concentration; when he finished yawning, he saw that his boss had died...

The blood knife died, and the blood knife village suddenly fell into a state of headless "worms".

"The owner of the village is dead..."

"What should I do? Do you want to avenge the village owner?"

"But, Xu Ming is too strong, and there are teleport treasures! Even if we join forces, we can't kill him, right?"

And Xu Ming, after beheading the blood knife, his first reaction was to put the treasure of the blood knife in the bag first!

Damn, in order to kill this **** knife, Brother Ming activated the "Invincible Combat Power System" twice and the "Teleport" once, consuming hundreds of level 9 hanging points! Of course, the treasure of the blood knife must be fished first, and then it will be returned to the book.

"I hope the blood knife is not too poor, otherwise it will be a big loss!"

Xu Ming didn't have time to check the treasures for the time being, because he was busy running the secret skill "Killing and Plundering", after plundering the blood knife, the luck that escaped in the space.


An invisible vortex seemed to form on Xu Ming's body. This vortex has a great suction on the luck, and instantly swallowed the luck that originally belonged to the blood knife.

Xu Ming could clearly feel that his luck value was a bit stronger.

Then, Xu Ming flew to Sisi's side again and put her in his world ring - Xu Ming had to continue fighting, leaving Sisi outside was a burden; it was safer to put her in the world ring.

Sisi is a friend recognized by Xu Ming, so of course she should take good care of her!

"Thank you, Brother Ming!" Sisi said gratefully—this is the second time that Brother Ming has rescued her!

At this time, the gods of the Blood Sword Village finally discussed the results: "Brothers, Xu Ming is too strong, and he has teleportation treasures, we will withdraw first! As for the revenge for the village owner, it will take a long time to come, so don't be in a hurry!"

Blood Sword Fortress, when they found that they couldn't kill Xu Ming, but Xu Ming could kill them, they made a very wise decision - withdraw!

"Want to run away?" In front of Brother Ming, did he come as soon as he wanted, and leave as soon as he wanted?


Just when Xu Ming was about to chase and kill the Quartet, suddenly, a great formation of stars came crashing down.

The sky that was originally day suddenly entered night; countless stars twinkled in this night. This space seems to be cut off from the outside world.

"This is... Breaking the Space?"

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