Break Into Another World

Chapter 838: Enough of these people!

"Boy, you just came to God's Domain, why do you have the strength of 'five stars'!?"

Just came to God's Domain! ?

The gods of Mohe Village and Blood Sword Village were all stunned! —Xu Ming just came to God’s Domain? And there is a "five-star" strength?

You must know that in the dust world, there is no good inheritance of exercises, no good treasures to assist in cultivation, no powerful masters to guide the maze, and no competitors of the same level to compete with each other... In terms of cultivation conditions, it is much worse than God's Domain!

In general, in the dust world, it is extremely difficult to cultivate to a god.

After becoming a god, it is even more difficult to improve your strength! It is very rare to be able to come to God's Domain with the strength of "two stars"; and it is even more unheard of to come to God's Domain with the strength of "five stars"!

Everyone can't imagine what kind of monster Xu Ming is!

"Even in God's Domain, I'm afraid it's impossible for me to reach five stars in my life..." Mo He couldn't help muttering.

Don't say five stars, Samsung is difficult!

It is not so easy to increase the strength of the gods!

And Xu Ming, hiding in the world of dust, has cultivated to five stars?

And the key point is that Xu Ming's breath of life is still so young!

Mo He didn't know that Xu Ming had the "five-star" strength because of his opening; the real cultivation level was actually only one-star medium.

But so what?

After all, Mo He also couldn't imagine that Xu Ming was only "a few dozen years old" so far; in terms of age, I am afraid that he is much younger than a fertilized egg in the Divine Realm!

Moreover, Xu Ming also cultivated the Heavenly Dao School, the Ancient Cultivator School, the Qi Luck School, and the Heart Cultivator School at the same time; in addition, the Ancient Cultivator School has become a god, and the other three schools are also at the level of demigods. Moreover, Xu Ming is also preparing to practice the school of belief!

"No wonder Xu Ming will stay in our Mohe Village for a while... It turned out that he just came to God's Domain. I'm afraid he wants to be here with us to learn about the situation of God's Domain?" Mo He couldn't help thinking.

"Young Master Yu, what should I do now?"

The other Golden Crow Guards turned their attention to Cheng Yu.

These dozen or so Golden Crow Guards are just a small team of Golden Crow Guards; it is still very difficult to deal with a "five-star" level expert!

Cheng Yu's eyes flickered a few times, obviously hesitant; he also didn't expect that a newcomer to God's Domain would be so strong - this has greatly exceeded his expectations.

After hesitating for a while, Cheng Yu said savagely: "Kill! - This kid has a teleportation treasure on his body, and we managed to set up a great formation without him noticing it; next time, I'm afraid there may not be such a thing. Chance!"

"Kill!" The other Golden Crow Guards did not hesitate too much.

The Golden Crow Guards have all learned the "Joint Strike Array". A dozen or so Golden Crow Guards joined forces, and they were still able to fight against the five-star gods.

"It's still the old rule, you are responsible for pestering him, and I am responsible for attacking with the fire of all spirits!" Cheng Yu said.

There was a slight displeasure in the eyes of the other Golden Crow Guards.

Fighting with the five-star gods, this is definitely a life-and-death battle! But every time in the battle of life and death, Cheng Yu hides behind and launches long-range attacks; but lets others stand in front and acts as a "meat shield" for him - giving the danger to others and keeping the safety to himself!

However, the other Golden Crow Guards had no choice but to follow suit.

After all, Cheng Yu's father was the commander of the Golden Crow Guard! Moreover, the power of his Myriad Spirit Tribulation Fire is indeed terrifying!



A dozen or so Golden Crow Guards all moved towards Xu Ming to besiege him.

Cheng Yu re-controlled the azure flame, floating around Xu Ming, staring at Xu Ming like a poisonous snake. Once the opportunity is found, the cyan flame will rush up and bite Xu Ming.

The gods of Mohe Village and Blood Sword Village retreated to the corner one after another. Their strength is too weak, as long as they are affected by the aftermath of the battle, they may die.

After retreating to the corner, the Dangkong Great Array blocked their way and could not leave at all.

"Good job!" Xu Ming's eyes were full of excited fighting intent.

Now that Xu Ming has opened the "Soul Possession" link, of course, he must feel the combat power of "Five Stars"!

Moreover, to experience high-level combat power, Xu Ming can also have a lot of insights and gains.


Xu Ming's spear rumbled towards the surrounding Golden Crow Guards.

If it was in the dust world, the position of this gun would have already crushed the space to pieces. However, the space of God's Domain is extremely stable, Xu Ming's shot can't even create a ripple in the space!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

The long spear carried the power of destroying the knuckles and smashing at every Golden Crow Guard.

Such a tyrannical attack, if it is to deal with one-star gods and two-star gods, I am afraid it will be "death by touch". However, among these Golden Crow Guards, the weakest are Samsung Peak, but they are not so easy to be crushed and killed!

However, with one enemy, Xu Ming still has the upper hand! He is like a peerless killing god, extremely fierce!

call out-

Suddenly, the blue flame, "The Fire of Ten Thousand Spirits Tribulation", shot towards Xu Ming like a ghost.

"Huh?" Of course Xu Ming knew that this was probably the strongest attack of the Golden Crow Guard; he didn't dare to be careless, and quickly shot the cyan flames into countless Hmph, it counts You watch out! "Cheng Yu sneered.

Once the fire of all spirits is possessed, it is not so easy to deal with!

Countless sparks gathered again into cyan flames, without the slightest damage. After that, the blue flames continued to surround Xu Ming, looking for opportunities to get out.

"Hmph, I don't believe it, you can block it every time!" Cheng Yu grinned.




Xu Ming shot after shot, completely suppressing Jin Wuwei.

However, Jinwuwei is not a vegetarian either! The dozen or so Golden Crow Guards cooperated seamlessly, and the Myriad Spiritual Tribulation Fire sneaked up every now and then; this made Xu Ming have the upper hand, but he didn't take much advantage.

"This is a protracted battle... It can't go on like this!" Xu Ming and Cheng Yu had the same idea almost at the same time.

Xu Ming thinks this way because "soul possession" has a time limit, and it may not be able to sustain a protracted battle! If the time limit is up, but these Golden Crow Guards have not been killed, then it will be a tragedy - Xu Ming did not hang up, and summoned the soul of the five-star level again.

And Cheng Yu's worry is: Although the cooperation of their Golden Crow Guards seems to be seamless, over time, there will definitely be mistakes! Once a mistake is made and Xu Ming seizes the opportunity, I am afraid they can be swept away!

Both sides have their own concerns.

Suddenly, Cheng Yu's expression became ruthless: "Everyone, help me delay the time! - It doesn't take long, it'll be fine in a while!"

"Young Master Yu, you want to..." Immediately, the Golden Crow Guards came to understand.

"That's right..." Cheng Yu glanced at the hundreds of gods in Mohe Village and Xue Dao Village with a grim expression, "My Myriad Spirit Tribulation Fire has already devoured more than 9,000 gods; as long as I devour a few hundred more gods, I can Grow into a complete Myriad Spirit Tribulation Fire... these people, enough!"

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