Break Into Another World

Chapter 839: life and death book

"Enough of these people!"

When Cheng Yu said these words through sound transmission, the other Golden Crow Guards glanced at the gods in Mohe Village and Blood Sword Village with pity.

You must know that the power of the Ten Thousand Spirit Tribulation Fire is unbearable even for the four-star gods! These gods with only one star and two stars are impossible to resist at all, and they will be burned to ashes in an instant, and even **** will not be left.


Cheng Yu controlled Wanling Jiehuo and killed the gods in Mohe Village and Blood Sword Village.

"What!?" These ordinary gods were shocked when they saw Cheng Yu kill them!

"What does this leading Golden Crow Guard want to do? Does he want to kill us?"

"He single-handedly wants to kill hundreds of us?"

"Brothers, don't be afraid, this azure flame has no power! - Didn't Xu Ming easily block that flame?" All the gods in Blood Sword Village said.

"Yes! This leading Golden Crow Guard doesn't dare to go forward to fight, he must not have much strength! Don't be afraid, let's unite and destroy him!"

"I don't have much strength?" Cheng Yu almost wanted to vomit blood - his strength has reached the peak of four stars, and he is undoubtedly the strongest among all the Golden Crow guards! But now, he was despised by a group of ordinary gods at the bottom.

"It's just courting death!" Cheng Yu was annoyed.

"Kill!" He controlled Wanling Jiehuo and directly killed a fierce **** in the Blood Sword Village.

This Gao Meng deity also used a gun. He was very naive and imitated Xu Ming.

"Break it for me!" While smashing angrily, the tall and fierce **** roared aggressively.


Ideas are beautiful, reality is cruel!


When Wanling Jiehuo was hit by a long spear, it was not directly scattered as the Gao Meng God imagined; on the contrary, Wanling Jie Huo suddenly became bigger and swallowed the Gao Meng God in one bite.


The screams of Gao Meng's gods stopped abruptly! -Because in just an instant, every particle of Gao Meng's spirit was incinerated into nothingness!

Obliterate directly from the particle level!

The soul of Gao Meng was devoured and refined by Wanling Tribulation Fire, and it no longer exists!

The Wanling Tribulation Fire seemed to be a little stronger after it was swallowed.

clang! clang! clang! …

The treasures of Gao Meng's gods, as well as the world ring, all fell to the ground - Wanling Jie Huo only burns the body and soul, but cannot burn treasures.



"Just like that?"

The gods of Mohezhuang and Blood Sword Village were all startled and frightened.

They thought that Cheng Yu's cyan flames were not very powerful; after all, the cyan flames attacked Xu Ming so many times, but they couldn't even burn Xu Ming's hair.

Now, they know that it's not that the cyan flame is too weak, but that Xu Ming is too strong!

The blue flames couldn't burn Xu Ming's hair, but they could easily burn any of them!

"Humph! Stupid! My Wanling Tribulation Fire is something you can resist as an ant?" Cheng Yu raised a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth, and then continued to control Wanling Tribulation Fire, killing the nearest black and thin god.

"No—" Of course the black and thin **** now knew that the cyan flame was terrifying, and he was so frightened that he ran away.

However, how could the speed of escape be faster than the "speed" of Wanling Tribulation Fire?

call out!

In an instant, the fire of ten thousand spirits robbery fell on the black and thin god.


It was like burning a strand of hair with a candle, and with a sound of "chi", Wanling Jiehuo directly burned the black and thin gods to the ground, and rushed towards the third god.


These ordinary gods in Mohezhuang and Blood Sword Village of course realized at this time that Cheng Yu was going to massacre them!


"Run away!"


However, the range of the Breaking Sky Array is so large, where can they escape?

Ordinary gods who had nowhere to escape had to be ruthless: "Fight with him!"

"Yes! Fight! The big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken!"


Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! …

Hundreds of gods all directly killed Cheng Yu.

"Ha!" Cheng Yu smiled disdainfully, "A group of ants want to struggle in front of me too?"

Cheng Yu's strength is "the peak of four stars"! It is a hundred times stronger than the peak of two stars!

And these ordinary gods, the strongest are only two stars, and many are one star! - The strength gap of a hundred times and a thousand times, Cheng Yu wants to crush them, it is as easy as stepping on a group of ants!

However, Cheng Yu is of course reluctant to kill these ordinary gods easily! After all, he still needs the lives of these ordinary gods to elevate the Myriad Spirit Tribulation Fire to its full form!

The complete form of Myriad Spirits Tribulation Fire will be Cheng Yu's reliance on leapfrog battles! It can even allow Cheng Yu to compete with the existence of the five-star peak with the strength of the four-star peak!

"Huh?" Of course Xu Ming also found out that Cheng Yu was "feeding" the calamity of all spirits—feeding with the lives of other gods!

"Wait for this azure flame to devour all these hundreds of gods, it will be terrifying!" Xu Ming was only guessing, after all, he had never seen the Myriad Spirit Tribulation Fire before.

But Xu Ming felt that his guess should be very close to the truth.

"No, he cannot be allowed to devour these ordinary gods!" Xu Ming felt a slight threat.

"Kill him! Stop him!"

boom! boom! …

Xu Ming's spear blasted furiously, trying to force the Golden Crow Guards back and blast a way.

However, a dozen or so Golden Crow Guards formed a battle formation and cooperated perfectly, blocking Xu Ming stubbornly and preventing him from breaking through.

"Go away!" Xu Ming roared, but he was still unable to break through the defenses of the dozen or so Golden Crow Guards.

Cheng Yu, on the other hand, controls the Myriad Spirit Tribulation Fire very calmly; every moment, one deity will be swallowed up—at this speed, hundreds of ordinary deities are only a few hundred moments.

"It can't go on like this!" Xu Ming was a little annoyed.

"Soul Possession" has a huge disadvantage, that is - this avatar that is possessed by the soul cannot open any other plug-ins!

Invincible combat system? Stealth? Teleport? ... no matter what is hanging ~ ~ can not be opened!

"If only my clone could teleport!" Xu Ming secretly sighed.

If he could teleport, Xu Ming would teleport directly behind Cheng Yu and shoot him in the head.

It's a pity... Xu Ming can't open the "teleport" hang now.

"But if I turn off the 'Soul Possession' link, my own combat power is too weak!"

Xu Ming's own combat power is only one star.

"Looking now, it can only be..." Xu Ming's eyes narrowed slightly - he does have another trick!

Inside the world ring, Xu Ming's Heavenly Dao Liu clone solemnly suspended in the void. He holds a brush in his right hand, and a book with a black cover in his left; on the black cover, there are three gilded mysterious words.

Xu Ming had never seen such mysterious words, but he understood these three words at a glance - the book of life and death!

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