Break Into Another World

Chapter 840: Cause and effect treasure?

Life and death book!

The most perverted new function in the 3.0 version of the Alien Invincible plug-in!

As long as you write the name of the person you want to kill on the book of life and death, you can use the causal relationship to kill all enemies!

Whoever wants to die must die! - Of course, the premise is that there are enough hanging points!

"Humph!" Xu Ming's Tiandao Liu clone sneered secretly, "I was forced to use this trick..."

Xu Ming's ancient cultivator clone, because the "Soul Possession" link has been activated, can no longer open other plug-ins. But... Xu Ming's Heavenly Dao Liu clone is fine!

Xu Ming deliberately came to God's Domain with two clones, in fact, he also took into account the current situation! - When a clone can't handle the opponent, then the two clones go into battle together!

"Brother Ming, are you...?" In the world ring, in addition to Xu Ming, there was Sisi who had just been brought in.

At this moment, Sisi looked at Xu Ming standing proudly in midair with a shocked expression. For some reason, she faintly felt that Xu Ming had an aura of detachment that transcended everything.

Xu Ming did not speak, his face was expressionless, and he closed his eyes in thought.

Suddenly, Xu Ming opened the book of life and death and started to write! Then…

Xu Ming discovered that he did not know the names of the group of Golden Crow Guards.

"Go out first!"

Tian Daoliu's clone "swoosh" and teleported out of the world ring.

"Brother Ming..." Sisi knew that Brother Ming was probably in trouble outside, so this clone also went out to fight.

"Brother Ming, come on!" Sisi prayed secretly, "But... Brother Ming's avatar's weapon is really strange! I have never seen anyone fighting with a pen and a book... Besides, I couldn't understand the three words on the cover of the book with the black cover."

Only Xu Ming himself could understand those three strange words that surpassed the Dao of Heaven.


Outside the world ring, Xu Ming's clone suddenly teleported.

"Huh?" Everyone was startled.

"Xu Ming actually has a clone?" The surviving ordinary gods such as Mohezhuang and Blood Sword Village were all surprised - Xu Ming is so strong, and there is still a clone, which makes it impossible for people to live?

At the same time, they secretly rejoiced: "Xu Ming actually has a clone? We are saved! We are saved!"

These ordinary gods have no resistance at all in the face of Cheng Yu's slaughter! Now that Xu Ming's avatar of Tiandao Liu appeared, it undoubtedly gave them hope of surviving.

But then, hope turned into despair! -Mo He and other surviving ordinary gods found that Xu Ming's clone was only a demigod...

"Demi-god..." Mo He's heart just got excited, and suddenly became cold and cold. "In a battle at the level of a god, what use can a demigod clone do?"

"Demigods?" The other surviving gods were also disheartened.

"Boy, your avatar came out? But what's the use?" Cheng Yu sneered; obviously, he didn't take a mere demigod avatar in his eyes.

Although... the shape of this demigod avatar is a bit unique, it is holding a pen and a book; it doesn't look like it's coming to fight, but it looks like it's coming to read.

"Demigod clone?" The other gods were also very disdainful.

Xu Ming was so happy that they ignored their Tiandao Liu clone.

"Little hanging, look for the names of all the Golden Crow Guards; and tell me the hanging points needed to open the hanging!" Xu Ming said.

Just exploring the name doesn't cost much.

Immediately, names appeared in Xu Ming's mind; at the same time, they corresponded with the Golden Crow Guards on the field one by one.

"Cheng Yu..."

"Hong Haofan..."

"Fang Qing..."

As for writing these names into the book of life and death, the prices naturally vary.

A four-star **** needs at least 30,000 to start with a 9-level hanging point; Cheng Yu, who is at the peak of the four-star, has a "worth" that has reached a 90,000-level 9 hanging point!

"I wipe! There are only 20,000 level 9 hang points left, so I can't kill them!" Xu Ming was depressed.

What Xu Ming can kill is the weakest "Samsung Peak" among the Golden Crow Guards, one only needs 20,000 level 9 hang points.

Xu Ming thought for a while: "Kill a Samsung Peak first and break their combined attack!"

Just do it!

Xu Ming immediately wrote quickly, and wrote a bright red name "Shuhuhuhu"!

After that, Xu Ming drew a fork on the name!


Suddenly, a strange causal fluctuation spread out.


The Golden Crow Guard, who was at the peak of three-star strength, was suddenly shocked and lost his life breath in an instant. However, his body was still intact, without any scars.


The causal attack, silently, kills invisibly!


The dead Golden Crow Guard quickly fell downwards.



"what's the situation!?"

Everyone was shocked.

"How did you die!?" Cheng Yu felt very strange.

Immediately, Cheng Yu's gaze fell on Xu Ming's Tiandao Liufen.

"This pen... this book..." Cheng Yu shuddered violently, his eyes showing infinite horror, "Could it be... a treasure of karma?"

Karma treasures are as rare as teleportation treasures!

Teleportation treasures require profound attainments in the "rules and order of time and space" before they can be refined. As for karma treasures, it is necessary to have a very deep attainments in "causal rules and order" before they can be refined.

"This kid not only has teleportation treasures, but also karma treasures?" Cheng Yu thought in horror, "I don't know what level of karma treasures in his hands, can it threaten me..."

"It shouldn't threaten me! Otherwise, the first one he kills should be me!"

Suddenly, in the depths of Cheng Yu's eyes, a flash of greed flashed: "Unexpectedly, this kid has not only teleportation treasures, but also karma treasures... This time, I really made a lot of money!"

Even Cheng Yu knew that Xu Ming had a karmic treasure, and another Jin Wuwei died; this battle will definitely be more difficult!

"Humph! Just devour all these lowly gods, and let my myriad spirits grow into a complete form! I can definitely easily crush this kid!"

Once Wanling Jiehuo grows to its full form, Cheng Yu will be able to fight against the five-star peak gods with the strength of the four-star peak!

At this time, Xu Ming, who is in the state of "soul possession", is only a five-star medium strength!


Cheng Yu didn't know that there were no teleportation treasures or karma treasures on Xu Ming! - Now Xu Ming, even the **** stone is gone, only a few broken artifacts are left, he is so poor!

Don't say that Cheng Yu can't kill Xu Ming no matter what! Even if he did kill him, he wouldn't get any treasures, and he was completely busy working in vain!


At this moment Xu Ming's Tiandao Liu clone, a teleportation appeared beside the dead Golden Crow Guard and grabbed it. Then, with another teleportation, the dead Golden Crow Guard, even the person and the treasure, were brought into the world ring.

Hang up!

Xu Ming urgently needs to hang up now!

"Huh?" The Golden Crow Guards were stunned, "What is this kid doing? Could it be that, after such a fierce battle, he still wants to collect treasures?"

Generally, collecting treasures is something that will only be done after the battle is over! After all, when fighting, the situation must be very tense; moreover, if you can survive the battle, you don't know, what's the use of rushing to get treasures?

Of course, Cheng Yu and the other Jin Wuwei would never have thought that Xu Ming was in a hurry to collect divine stones! Only when enough **** stones are collected, can there be enough hanging points to continue to open the "Book of Life and Death".

"Hope... this Golden Crow Guard will have many divine stones!" Xu Ming refined his world ring with great anticipation.

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