Break Into Another World

Chapter 843: slave to slave

At this time, next to the Golden Crow City, the Golden Crow Guard Barracks was commanding the military tent.

The commander "Cheng Chong" suddenly changed his face, and took out a cyan jade talisman from the world ring, which was completely condensed by the power of karma. This kind of jade talisman can only be refined by the great power of karma, and it is extremely precious!

But at this time, there was a very eye-catching crack on this cyan jade talisman.

"Yu'er..." Cheng Chong's eyes were about to split.

The Divine Realm is vast, and the space suppression is too powerful; if the distance is a little farther, it is difficult to communicate. Therefore, Cheng Chong only knew that his son had died; as for how he died, he had no idea at all.

"Yu'er has a talisman that I specially made for him. Even if it is a six-star god, it's hard to kill him! Could it be that... a seven-star **** will take action against Yu'er?" Cheng Chong thought to himself, "However, the entire Golden Crow City is under the jurisdiction of the city. In the domain, there are only a handful of existences above seven stars; moreover, they are all better than me! There is no way anyone would kill Yu’er regardless of their identity…”

"What happened?" Cheng Chong thought hard, "Could it be that some experts from other jurisdictions have entered the jurisdiction of my Golden Crow City?"

Cheng Chong never thought that the one who killed his son Cheng Yu would be a one-star god.

"No matter who killed Yu'er, I must find out and tear him to pieces!" Cheng Chong's eyes were extremely cold.

However, the jurisdiction of the Golden Crow City is much vaster than the entire Endless Continent; Cheng Chong doesn't even know where Cheng Yu died, how can he find out?

"Even if I send the Golden Crow Guard army, there's no way to check..." Cheng Chong felt a little helpless, "unless... ask Mr. Mei to take action!"

Elder Mei, a superpower who lives in seclusion within the jurisdiction of the Golden Crow City, is good at cause and effect.

With Mei Lao's method, you can even spy on the "causal cycle" between heaven and earth! It is not very difficult to probe what has happened along the "causal line" hidden between heaven and earth.

However, it is not so easy to ask Mr. Mei to take action!

"The revenge of killing a son must be reported! Even if I pay a great price, I must find out the murderer!"

Cheng Chong rushed out of the military tent, soared into the sky, and headed to Elder Mei's seclusion place.

"I accept it! I accept it! I accept it!"

After Xu Ming killed all the Golden Crow Guards, the first thing he had to do was of course - collect the spoils!

Of course, the wealth of a dozen or so Golden Crow Guard masters should not be underestimated! When Xu Ming was collecting the spoils, he also discovered a hidden local tyrant; there were more **** stones in the world ring than Cheng Yu, 600,000!

"Make a lot of money! Make a lot of money!"

Without saying a word, Xu Ming directly moved the treasures such as divine stones and artifacts into his own world ring first.

So, Sisi, who was still in Xu Ming's world ring, saw a series of "rains" falling in the sky - the rain of divine stones, the rain of artifacts, the rain of materials, the rain of medicinal pills...

In addition to the dozen or so Golden Crow Guards, there are also the relics of hundreds of ordinary gods—although these ordinary gods were devoured and killed by the fire of the Ten Thousand Spirit Tribulation, but their treasures were all intact.

Ordinary gods are poor, but there are many!

After some inventory and sweeps, Xu Ming has more than 1.3 million divine stones! There are countless treasures such as artifacts and divine pills!

In this regard, Xu Ming summed up four words: "Great harvest!"

In the short term, Xu Ming doesn't need to worry about hanging points. As long as you don't get too extravagant, more than 1.3 million level 9 hanging points are enough for Xu Ming to use for a while!

"And this 'fire'!" Xu Ming stood near the Wanling Tribulation Fire.

The mature form of Myriad Spirit Tribulation Fire, colorless and invisible, looks very docile at this time. However, Xu Ming knew that this calamity of all spirits was not really as docile as it looked; it only grew into a mature form by using the **** means of "devouring tens of thousands of gods"!

"Ten thousand gods..." Xu Ming really felt the vastness of God's Domain.

In the Endless Continent, it was only an Erke who became a **** by proving the Tao, which gave Xu Ming a huge headache; after all the cards were used, it was very difficult to solve it!

And in the realm of the gods, there are tens of thousands of gods! I am afraid that each of them is much stronger than Birke! But what... if you say you die, you will die!

In the realm of the gods, the life of the gods is worthless at all!

At this time, Xu Ming couldn't help but think: "My ancestor of the human race, True God Jiuyu, has entered the realm of the gods. He doesn't know if he is still alive; if he is still alive, he doesn't know how he is doing now!"

Before entering the realm of the gods, Xu Ming certainly thought about finding the true **** Jiuyu.

And after coming to God's Domain, Xu Ming realized that his previous thoughts were too naive! - God's Domain is too vast, and finding someone in God's Domain is much more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack!

However, Xu Ming is not depressed: "If I have a relationship with Senior Jiuyu, then we will definitely meet in God's Domain!"

Everything is optional, not forced.

"Xiaohang, how can I collect this calamity of all souls?"

Ten Thousand Spirits Tribulation Fire, although it was cultivated with extremely **** means; but since it has been cultivated, Xu Ming does not want to waste it.

Moreover, Xu Ming was the best at the way of fire, and it was just right for him to use the fire of the Wanling Tribulation.

Xiao Hang said: "To explore the collection method, you need a level 9 hanging point..."

"I have to hang up again!" Xu Ming was depressed, "Hold it up!"

Xu Ming had just made a fortune, but he looked like he had a lot of money.

Xiaohang's voice sounded again: "50,000 level 9 hanging points have been deducted!"

"Pfft! Fifty thousand?" Xu Ming almost vomited blood - is it easy for Brother Ming to earn some points? 50,000 hanging points is enough to kill a four-star **** with the book of life and death!

Immediately, the information from the probe was passed into Xu Ming's mind: The Wanling Calamity Fire in the state of no owner is almost no threat, just forcibly refining it!

"Pfft!" This time, Xu Ming really vomited blood.

However, these 50,000 hanging points cannot be said to be wasted. After all, if he didn't investigate Xu Ming would not dare to touch this murderous fire.

Inside the world ring, Sisi looked at the mountains of various treasures, and her heart shook: "Could it be... Brother Ming killed all the elites of the Golden Crow Guard..."

Sisi can't imagine how strong Brother Ming is!

Her eyes flickered, her teeth just bit her cherry lips, and she seemed to be making some difficult choices in her mind.

Suddenly, Sisifan clenched her fists tightly and her eyes became firm: "Brother Ming is my only hope..."

At this moment, Xu Ming's Tiandao Liu clone returned to the world ring.

Seeing Xu Ming's demigod avatar come back, Sisi didn't hesitate, and with a thud, she knelt down in front of Xu Ming.

"What's the situation?" Xu Ming looked confused.

Sisi said with a firm face, "Sisi wishes to serve Brother Ming forever, as a slave and a maid!"

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