Break Into Another World

Chapter 844: Go to Golden Crow City

"Sisi is willing to serve Brother Ming forever, as a slave and a maid!"

Sisi's eyes are very firm.

"Oh?" Xu Ming was startled.

In fact, Xu Ming had been thinking about how to make Sisi follow him willingly.

After all, Sisi is a natural luck person; carrying her is equivalent to carrying a "good luck baby", which can boost her luck! - Of course, the premise is that Sisi follows voluntarily; if you force it, not only will it not increase her luck, but it will reduce her own luck.

However, Xu Ming did not expect that Sisi would kneel in front of him and ask to "serve as a slave and a maid".

Such a request is very unique!

After a while, Xu Ming recovered from his daze; he looked at Sisi in confusion: "Why?"

"Sisi has something to ask for!" Sisi said.

"Oh?" Xu Ming didn't agree easily—because, once Xu Ming agreed, he would definitely do what he said; and now, Xu Ming doesn't even know what Sisi wants to ask for.

"What's the matter?" Xu Ming asked.

"Brother Ming, you should see that I am born with great luck, right?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded slightly.

Sisi continued: "I also have a younger sister, who is also born with great luck. When I was in the world of dust, she and I became a **** at the same time! However, after we came to the realm of the gods, my younger sister was arrested. kidnapped; and I was lucky to escape..."

Hearing this, Xu Ming probably understood: "You want me to help you find your sister?"

"Yes!" Sisi said.

"Stand up first, don't kneel!" After speaking, Xu Ming fell into silence.

The Divine Realm is vast and endless. Just a small Golden Crow City has a jurisdiction of tens of billions of miles! To find someone in God's Domain is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack!

Moreover, Xu Ming was not sure whether Sisi's younger sister was still alive.

Seeing that Xu Ming didn't speak for a long time, and made herself stand up again, Sisi thought that Xu Ming was unwilling to agree, and even said: "Brother Ming, I didn't ask you to help you find it immediately. As long as Brother Ming agrees, he will become a' When Ten Stars exist, you can do your best to help find them!"

"Ten-star existence..." Xu Ming smiled at Sisi and teased, "You just believe that I can become a ten-star existence?"

You must know that according to the strength of God's Domain, from "one star" to "ten stars", for every level difference, the difference in strength is more than ten times!

The existence of two stars is ten times stronger than the existence of one star!

The existence of three stars is ten times stronger than the existence of two stars!

Then, the existence of ten stars is more powerful than the existence of one star?



With a wave of a ten-star god, hundreds of millions of one-star gods can be easily annihilated! -Easier than stepping on a nest of ants!

I don't know if there are ten-star gods in the entire Golden Crow City's jurisdiction!

And if Xu Ming doesn't hang up, his real strength is only "one star"!

To be honest, Xu Ming didn't know that he could only become a "ten-star god" in the year of the monkey. In fact, most of the gods, who have practiced for hundreds of millions of years, are only hovering below five stars.

Ten stars…

too far!


Sisi looked at Xu Ming firmly and decisively: "I believe that Brother Ming can definitely become a ten-star existence!"

Xu Ming looked at Sisi's eyes and couldn't help being moved - what a pair of determined eyes!

Suddenly, Xu Ming smiled: "Do you believe in me so much?"

"Yeah!" Sisi nodded heavily.

Xu Ming grinned: "Actually, I also believe in myself!"

Of course Xu Ming believed that he could become a ten-star existence, it was just a matter of time.

Moreover, Xu Ming also remembered the arrogant Elder Mo Fang in the "Huangquan Temple" - that elder Mo Fang, who is estimated to be above the "Ten Stars"; however, he was not beaten by Ming Ge. Face popping?

Xu Ming has even punched the faces of the existences above "Ten Stars"! Could it be that he still has no confidence in becoming a ten-star god?

"Brother Ming please take me in, I would like to be a slave and a maid forever!" Sisi said again.

Xu Ming thought for a while: "Just follow me! As for being a slave and a maid, forget it! - As for your sister, I will definitely try my best to help you find it!"

Xu Ming is still confident that he will find Sisi's sister! As long as... she's still alive!

After all, Brother Ming has "exploration" hanging!

"Brother Xie Ming!" Sisi was overjoyed.

Xu Ming said again: "Tell me first, what is your sister's name?"

"Han Yingying!" Sisi said.

"Oh..." Xu Ming said to Xiaohang in his heart, "Check it out!"

Xiaohang replied immediately: "Not enough hanging points!"

"Pfft!" Xu Ming almost vomited blood, "Why don't you just probe a person's location? - I have 1,300,000 level 9 hanging points, and it's not enough?"

Xiao Hang said: "God's Domain is too vast, and the space suppression is too strong! If you want to detect someone's position, the price is extremely high!"

"Okay..." Xu Ming temporarily put aside the idea of ​​​​exploring, and let's talk about it later when he has money!

"Sisi!" Xu Ming said, "Next, I plan to visit Golden Crow City!"

Of course, Xu Ming couldn't stay in the countryside of God's Domain all the time, but he still had to go to the city to see the world!

After all, Xu Ming knew too little about God's Domain!

"Go to the Golden Crow City!?" Sisi was startled and said, "But Brother Ming, you killed so many Golden Crow guards... Would it be dangerous to go to the Golden Crow City?"

Xu Ming joked: "God knows you and I know about the deaths of these Golden Crow Guards! - As long as you don't report me to the Golden Crow Guard, no third person will know about it, so what danger will there be?"

"Yes!" Sisi relaxed.

Xu Ming and Sisi, after all, are still weak; they never thought that those super existences in the God Realm would have a way to detect the murderer through causal maintenance!

Sisi said again: "We are relatively close to the Golden Crow City, only a billion miles away!"

"One billion miles, is it still relatively close?" Xu Ming was speechless.

However, the Golden Crow City has a jurisdiction of 10 billion miles; more than a billion miles, it is indeed relatively close!

Let Sisi guide the way, Xu Ming flew all the way, and after three months, finally arrived at the Golden Crow The reason why it took so long is because the space oppression of God's Domain is too strong, Xu Ming Ming's speed is greatly affected. Second, because Sisi didn't know the location of the Golden Crow City very well, so she took a detour. The third reason is that there were also some small thieves who robbed on the road; of course, these little thieves without long eyes have become Brother Ming's "Sacred Stone Extractor".

"Golden Crow City!"

Xu Ming looked at this square, square and magnificent city in the distance.

A million miles seems huge!

But you must know that the territory governed by the Golden Crow City is more than 10 billion miles in length!

A city with a size of only one million miles, in terms of length, is only "one ten thousandth" of the entire jurisdiction; in terms of area, it is only "one ten thousandth"!

And the entire Golden Crow City jurisdiction, only this city!

It is conceivable that the "residents" who can live in the Golden Crow City are definitely the elite among the elites; I am afraid that only one of the hundreds of thousands of gods is qualified to live in the city!

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