Break Into Another World

Chapter 846: disaster

After paying the **** stone, he entered the hall of the emperor.

Soon, a virtuous deity led Xu Ming and Sisi over.

"The two of you are here to apply for the Star Medal? Let me give you a brief introduction!" The sanctimonious **** said.

Xu Ming listened and quickly understood.

The Star Medal I just applied for is all "one star". If you want to upgrade the Star Medal, you must meet two conditions.

The first condition is to have enough strength! —For example, if you want to upgrade the Star Medal to "Three Stars", first of all, you must be at least a **** with "Three Stars" strength!

The second condition is to have enough contributions! —The honor and status conferred by the Star Medal are not given to you for nothing! If you want to get a high star, first of all, you must complete some "medal tasks" and get enough contribution points!

The Star Medal is divided into ten stars. The higher the star, the higher the status in the realm of the gods!

Three-star medal, you can enter and leave the inferior city for free, and you are eligible to enter the middle city! —Like the Golden Crow City, it is the "Lower Divine City"!

Five-star medal, you can enter and exit the middle-class city for free, and you are eligible to enter the upper-class city!

The seven-star medal, you can enter and exit the first-class city for free, and you are eligible to enter the city! - The territory of the Red Lie Mansion, where Xu Ming is currently located in the Yanyan Continent, has a radius of trillions of miles. In such a vast and vast territory, there are tens of thousands of divine cities of different levels, but there is only one mansion, and that is the "Red Lie Mansion"!

Nine-star medal, you can enter and leave the city for free!

Ten-star medal, qualified to enter the "Holy Emperor City"!

"Holy Emperor City!?" Xu Ming's heart couldn't help but shuddered violently - this was the first time he saw the three words "Holy Emperor City" in the Divine Realm!

"You have to have a ten-star medal in order to be eligible to enter the Holy Emperor City..." Xu Ming was secretly shocked, "No wonder Yin Ran said that only after obtaining a 'ten-star medal' can she be qualified to say 'responsible' to her!"


If you don't get the ten-star medal, you won't even be able to enter the city of the Holy Emperor, so what "responsibility" are you talking about?

It's just... the ten-star medal, is it the highest level of medals?

Do not!

On top of the ten-star medal, there is also the "Silver Moon Medal"!

On top of the Silver Moon Medal, there is also "Feng Wang"!

Above the king, there is also the emperor-level existence of "proclaimed emperor"!

However, Xu Ming still doesn't know about this! What's more, even if he successfully obtained the ten-star medal, he is far from qualified to be "responsible" to Yin Ran!

The reason why Yin Ran said those words to Xu Ming at that time was actually... to give Xu Ming some hope!

Yin Ran was worried that once Xu Ming knew the real requirement of being "responsible to her", he would directly despair and give up her! Therefore, she first set a "small goal" for Xu Ming; and she herself, in the Holy Emperor City, would try to delay the time of "recruiting relatives" so that Xu Ming had time to grow up.

If it really doesn't delay Xu Ming's growth, then... there may be no Yin Ran in the world anymore!

"What on earth is the Holy Emperor City? You have to have a ten-star medal to be eligible to enter..." Xu Ming couldn't help asking.

Sisi on the side was also shocked.

The sanctimonious deity did not answer, but said: "If you don't know, don't ask more! When you are qualified to know, you will naturally know!"

Immediately, two cyan talisman papers appeared in the hands of the sanctimonious deity.

On the rune paper, there were runes that Xu Ming could not understand. Moreover, the talisman paper is so tough that it is difficult to tear it apart even for ordinary gods.

"On this talisman paper, imprint your life breath respectively!"

Xu Ming and Sisi both took the talisman paper, completed the branding in an instant, and handed the cyan talisman paper back to each other.

"Excuse me, when can we get our Star Medal?" Xu Ming asked.

"If it was before, I could send you the Star Medal immediately! But now..." The sanctimonious deity said with some doubts, "I don't know why, but the Lord of the Palace has to personally review every life talisman paper! So, what exactly? I can't guarantee that the review will be completed and the Star Medal will be issued to you! - As soon as it is within a month, maybe even a day or two; if it is slower, then I don't know when!"

Xu Ming was slightly startled: "Is that so..."

But Xu Ming didn't care, after all, he wasn't in a hurry to get the Star Medal.

The most urgent thing for Xu Ming is to hurry up and improve his strength! Only strength is king!

At this time, the sanctimonious deity suddenly directed at Xu Ming and Sisi, winked and smiled: "There is already a backlog of life talismans in the hall master's place, and they have not been reviewed! If you want to get the Star Medal sooner, I still You can help, put your two life talismans on the front, so that the hall master can review it earlier!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming was stunned—good man!

"Thank you so much!" Xu Ming cupped his hands and smiled.

"Huh?" The sanctimonious deity's face was a little unsightly, "Don't you understand what I mean?"

"What do you mean?" Xu Ming was stunned for a while, and then he understood, "How many divine stones do you need to help?"

"It's not expensive!" said the godly spirit, "each life talisman paper, ten thousand **** stones!"

10,000 God Stones!

Still "inexpensive"?

Although Xu Ming has more than one million Divine Stones on his body, these are the trophies that Xu Ming harvested after fighting to the death! Why spend ten or twenty thousand to "bribe" this sanctimonious deity in front of him?

"No need, I'm not in a hurry!" Xu Ming said, and was about to leave.

"Wait!" The sanctimonious **** said again, "If you are poor and you don't have so many **** stones, then it's fine! One thousand **** stones, I can help you get ahead!"

"It's really not necessary!" Xu Ming took Sisi directly and left the Hall of the Holy Emperor.

"Hmph! Two poor ghosts!" The sanctimonious deity snorted disdainfully, "It's okay to be poor, it's still like this! Just put your two life talismans with me and hold them for a while before talking about it!"

Thinking about it, UU reading looked like a god, so he directly put Xu Ming and Sisi's life talisman into his world ring.

In fact, with the review speed of the palace master, thousands or tens of thousands of life talisman papers can be reviewed in the blink of an eye; how can there be a backlog of life talisman papers that have not been reviewed. The reason why the sanctimonious deity said this was to deceive Xu Ming about some divine stones!

Now that the Divine Stone has not been deceived, he is of course unhappy; that is why he puts Xu Ming and Sisi's life talisman paper in his hands and puts them in his hands, and waits for a while before sending them to the hall master for review.


The sanctimonious deity suddenly took out a stack of life talismans—of course, Xu Ming and Sisi's were not included.

"This stack of life talisman papers has been deposited with me for several months! Send it over first and let the hall master review it!"

The hall master of the Holy Emperor's Hall is high above, and the dragon sees its head but not its tail. The trivial matter of arranging the life talisman paper will naturally not be personally involved, but will be handled by this sanctimonious deity.

However, this sanctimonious deity would never have imagined that by dragging Xu Ming's life talisman paper like this, he would cause a catastrophe.

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