Break Into Another World

Chapter 847: Open up!

The top floor of the Temple of the Holy Emperor.

An old man in a star robe sat cross-legged, like a piece of dead wood, with no breath of life.

However, those who knew the old man knew how powerful his "death practice method" was - looking for a glimmer of "life" in the midst of decay.

Unfortunately, it hasn't been found yet.

If he could find it, then he wouldn't be living in this small Golden Crow City, and he would be the master of the branch hall of a lower-class city.

Yes, this old man is Xue Rong, the hall master of the Holy Emperor Palace in Jinwu City.

Xue Rong's strength has already reached the "ten-star" level! However, it has not been able to take the next step and surpass ten stars!

If it can surpass ten stars, then Xue Rong is a great existence in the realm of the gods!

Suddenly, Xue Rong, an old man who looked like a dead tree, opened his eyelids like dead tree bark. The eyes hidden under these double eyelids contain infinite vitality, as if everything grows in his eyes.

"Alas..." The old man sighed, "The path of 'birth and death' is really difficult to walk..."

However, this is the path of martial arts that Xue Rong chose himself; no matter how difficult it is to walk, he must go on.

Moreover, except for "birth and death", other paths are not necessarily easy to walk; even, for him, Xue Rong, it is even more difficult to walk!

"It seems that it's time to review the life talisman paper! It really affects my practice..." Xue Rong will only review the life talisman paper once a month, "In the past, how could I personally go out to review such a trivial matter as the life talisman paper! However, Li Xiujie insisted that I personally examine and help him find a person named Xu Ming..."

Li Xiujie, not only in the Endless Continent, left Xu Ming with a sinister trick - that is, let Yehenara Erke, refining and proving the fruit become a god, to deal with Xu Ming. Moreover, in God's Domain, a bureau was also set up for Xu Ming.

Although the Divine Realm is vast, from the Endless Continent to the Divine Realm, ordinary gods will definitely be blown into the jurisdiction of the Golden Crow City by the wind of destruction!

Therefore, Li Xiujie asked the temple masters of the Temple of the Holy Emperor in Jinwu City and several nearby towns to help keep track of Xu Ming! - He was sure that as long as Xu Ming came to God's Domain, he would definitely apply for the Star Medal!

Because without the Star Medal, it would be very inconvenient in many places in the Divine Realm; even the middle Divine City could not be entered.

In God's Domain, there may be many people named "Xu Ming"; moreover, the Xu Ming that Li Xiujie is looking for may also change his name and surname. Therefore, Li Xiujie left Xu Ming's "breath of life" for Xue Rong and other hall masters.

The name can be changed, the appearance can be disguised, but the breath of life is difficult to change!

Moreover, to apply for the Star Medal, you must apply with your true life breath! - The Star Medal is like the "ID card" of God's Domain.

Therefore, in Li Xiujie's view, as long as Xu Ming came to the God's Domain, it would be impossible to fly!

yes! If a **** who first came to the realm of the gods is targeted by an existence like the temple master of the Holy Emperor Temple, how can he escape?

As for Li Xiujie, the reason why Li Xiujie did not take action personally, or asked the experts around him to take action against Xu Ming; one was because of disdain, and the other was because he was worried that if he took action in person, Yin Ran would ask the experts of "Cause and Effect" to find out. .

So, Li Xiujie walked a few more twists and turns, it would be much safer!

At this time, Xue Rong sighed again: "Isn't it more difficult to find someone in God's Domain than to find a needle in a haystack!"

However, Li Xiujie was in a high position in the main hall of the Holy Emperor Palace; Xue Rong did not dare to ignore his orders.

"However, if you can find that Xu Ming, General Li's reward will definitely not be less!" Xue Rong also has some expectations - if a branch hall master of a small place like him can climb a relationship like Li Xiujie, then It is really possible to soar and reach the pinnacle of life!

Suddenly, Xue Rong shouted outside the door, "Come in!"

The sanctimonious deity who received Xu Ming before pushed the door open and came in: "Palace Master."

In his hand, he also held a stack of life talismans, all of which were pending review; however, there was no Xu Ming's in it.

Xu Ming's life talisman was "temporarily detained" by the sanctimonious god, and he planned to detain it for a while before talking about it.

"Bring it here, Li Fang!"

Li Fang, this is the name of this sanctimonious deity.

Xue Rong is a "ten-star" existence, how terrifying his mental power and how swift his movements are; in the blink of an eye, this large stack of life talismans has all been reviewed.

"No!" Xue Rong shook his head secretly in his heart - trying to find someone in God's Domain is really looking for a needle in a haystack!

"Go down!" Xue Rong said.

"Yes!" Li Fang respectfully held the Life Talisman in both hands, and was about to step down.

"Wait!" Xue Rong shouted again.

"Palace Master, do you have any other orders?" Li Fang asked cautiously.

"Recently, is there any suspicious person haunting the Golden Crow City?" Xue Rong asked.

suspicious person?

Li Fang thought about it carefully: "No! In Golden Crow City, everything is normal!"

"Okay, go down!" Xue Rong waved his hand.

Xue Rong asked this question because he considered that if Xu Ming came to Golden Crow City, it would cause some sensation. However, Xue Rong really thought too much, Xu Ming was just a low-key little person in God's Domain.

"Huh..." Li Fang secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "It turned out to be this problem... I thought that the hall master knew, I deliberately withheld some life talismans!"

In Jinwu City, it is relatively peaceful and quiet.

After all, the Golden Crow Guards, who are constantly inspecting the entire Divine City, are not vegetarians! Whoever dares to do it must first consider whether he is qualified to bear the wrath of the "Millions of Golden Crow Guards"!


Thousands of Golden Crows!

Of course, some real top forces still dare to do it in Golden Crow City. However, such top forces are very few after all; so most of the time, the Golden Crow City is very safe.

It is also because of safety that many weak one-star and two-star gods want to live in Golden Crow City for a long time.

However, the Golden Crow City is only one million miles long, so how can it accommodate the weak and small gods within the jurisdiction of ten billion miles and live for a long time?

Therefore, the Golden Crow City has set a threshold, and only those with a "three-star medal" or higher can stay in the city for free. When other gods stay in the city, they have to pay a lot of **** and weak gods, how many **** stones can they have on hand? Of course, there was no money to live in the city for a long time, so I had to leave.

At this time, the Golden Crow City, outside the Lantingxuan gate.

"Sisi, go, open the room!" Xu Ming said casually.

"Brother Ming..." Of course Sisi knew that there was no "bad meaning" in Xu Ming's words.

After all, she took the initiative to say "I would like to be a slave and a maid", and Xu Ming didn't accept her either; if Xu Ming really had any "bad intentions", he would have "bad intentions" towards her long ago!

But Sisi still reminded: "The room in the Golden Crow City is too expensive, Brother Ming, let's save it!"


With Xu Ming's current net worth, can't he afford to open a house?

Xu Ming just wanted to find a quiet and safe place to meditate for a while. After all, Xu Ming had never practiced since he came to God's Domain.

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