Break Into Another World

Chapter 958: windfall


When the tip of the spear hit the palm of his hand, King Xing Luo's palm was intact, but Xu Ming was slammed into the sky and fell down, directly into the depths of the ground.

"too strong!"

Xu Ming was terrified!

At the moment of contact, Xu Ming felt an incomparably huge force - this is a terrifying force that is not at the same level!

After a collision, Xu Ming realized that he was not an opponent at all!


The huge palm slammed towards the ground where Xu Ming was located again.

This palm is full of killing intent.

"What to do!?" Xu Ming was a little anxious.

Half-step kingship, and the real kingship, the gap is really too big! Xu Ming had no chance at all to save his life under King Star Luo!

Moreover, because Xu Ming has already activated the "Soul Possession" link, he cannot continue to open other plug-ins; unless he removes the "Soul Possession" effect first!

However, if Xu Ming removed his soul possession, he would only die faster!

"What should I do? Could it be that... are we going to use the invulnerable stone now?"

If there is really no way, Xu Ming can only rely on the Wu Difficulty Stone to save his life!

"Try again!"

Instead of retreating, Xu Ming advanced, and shot his spear towards King Xing Luo's huge palm.

There is no suspense, Xu Ming was blasted away again! However, he just took advantage of the recoil of being bombarded to quickly escape.

"Ha!" King Xingluo couldn't help laughing, "I have an idea! - But trying to escape from me like this is too naive!"

King Xing Luo retracted his huge arm, but a ferocious sword appeared in his hand.

"Half-step kingship is not weak!" King Xingluo sneered, "In order to show respect for you, I have decided to let you die under my strongest attack!"


All the power in the surrounding space seemed to be absorbed into this sword in an instant.

Before the sword came out, Xu Ming felt as if he was being stared at by an extremely terrifying poisonous snake, and his whole body was full of coldness!

"I can't stop this sword!" Xu Ming was very sure.

I can't stop it, what should I do? - Then don't stop!

Xu Ming's mental power has "grabbed" the Wu Difficulty Stone and is ready to stimulate it at any time.

Soon, King Xing Luo's sword's strongest attack was ready to complete!

"Kid, listen carefully! The sword that killed you is called... the sword of world-destroying!" King Xing Luo sneered, "This sword has killed a real king-level existence! You can die here! With a single sword, it is considered honorable to die!"

boom! !

A sword out.

Xu Ming felt that everything in this world seemed to have disappeared; in the entire space, only this sword was left!

"What a weird feeling!"

"What a terrifying aura!"

Xu Ming didn't dare to hesitate any longer, he directly took out the No Difficulty Stone, and he was about to stimulate it.

But at this moment, an elegant cyan figure appeared in front of Xu Ming without warning. He turned his back to Xu Ming and faced King Star Luo.

"Huh?" Xu Ming's movements couldn't help but stagnate, "This figure seems familiar!"

Immediately afterwards, Xu Ming was horrified to see that this cyan figure with his back turned to him, actually stretched out **** calmly. Afterwards, these two light-white fingers gently pinched the World Destruction Sword that came from angrily!


King Star Luo's strongest attack!

The sword that once killed a king-level existence!

However, when this sword "World Destruction Sword" fell between two fingers, it was like a deflated ball, and the terrifying momentum was instantly exhausted.

"What!?" King Xingluo was so horrified—his own strongest attack, of course he knew how powerful it was! But now, in front of this mysterious figure in Tsing Yi, his World Destruction Sword is a complete joke!

What terrified King Xing Luo even more was that he didn't even realize how this Tsing Yi figure appeared!

"Super master!"

King Xing Luo was still extremely horrified, not to mention the elders under his command!

At this time, Xu Ming finally recognized the figure in Tsing Yi.

"Su Chen!" Xu Ming shouted in surprise, "Did you accept the task of conferring the King's Medal?"

Su Chen was once the number one master of the Silver Moon Rank in the Yanyan Sacred Mountain. Before he stepped into the king level, he swept the Baililou and other emperor-level forces and all the Yinyue-level existences, no one could match!

Su Chen and Xu Ming lived on the same mountain in Yanyan Mountain, and naturally they had seen each other.

"Yes, it's me!" Su Chen also laughed, "Xu Ming, you really gave me a big surprise! You actually possess the combat power of a half-step king! - With your strength, you should become a real king. Isn't it too far?"

"It's still a long way from being a king!" Xu Ming said with a smile, "It's just that there are some special occasions, so it's just that the strength that can be exerted is relatively strong!"

"Oh!" Su Chen didn't ask much—special encounters are everyone's secret; he himself also has some special encounters.

King Xing Luo was already dumbfounded: "This master, you..."

"King Xingluo!" Su Chen shouted coldly, "You are entrenched in Xingluo Island, you have done a lot of evil, and even your soul has controlled many silver-moon-level masters! - This is the order to kill you from the Holy Emperor Palace!"

As soon as Su Chen turned his hand, a talisman paper appeared in his hand, on which was densely written the crimes of King Xing Luo.

"Sure enough!" King Xing Luo stared blankly at the talisman, "I really became the target of the Holy Emperor's Palace! - But isn't the Divine Realm a place where the weak eat the strong? Why did the Imperial Palace kill me because of this?"

"Just are a piece of 'weak meat' in front of the Holy Emperor's Palace!" Su Chen sneered, "Don't struggle, accept the trial!"

"Accept the trial?" King Xing Luo looked terrified, and then...


King Xing Luo broke out suddenly, turned around and fled!

"In front of me, you also want to escape?" Su Chen didn't do anything, just looked at King Xing Luo indifferently.

Just a look!


King Star Luo immediately lost his life breath.

"Hey—" Xu Ming took a deep breath, "It's too strong!"

One look instantly killed the mighty king-level existence - King Star Luo!

Immediately afterwards, the elders of Xingluo Island lost their vitality one by one—they were all soul servants of King Xing Luo; if King Xing Luo died, naturally these soul servants could not live.

In fact, not only the elders in the underground world, even outside the underground world, as long as they are the soul servants of King Xing Luo, all of them are buried for King Xing Luo at this moment.

"Su Chen!" Xu Ming couldn't help but ask curiously, "What kind of strength are you... How can you be so strong?"

Su Chen smiled: "Feng Wang!"

Immediately, Su Chen said again: "Xu Ming, my mission has been completed, so I'll go back and hand in the mission first! As for the treasures here, I'm not interested, you can do it yourself!"

Xu Ming's eyes suddenly lit up!

Su Chen is a super expert in the existence of King Feng. He doesn't look down on such treasures, it's normal! But to Xu Ming, the treasures all over the ground are simply a huge windfall!

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