Break Into Another World

Chapter 959: face is coming

"What's the fun of it then?"

Xu Ming said this, but his hands were not idle, and he began to put away the treasures all over the floor.

"Haha!" Su Chen couldn't help laughing, "Xu Ming, I have something to do elsewhere, so I'll go first! Look back, let's see you at Yanyan Mountain!"

"Okay!" Xu Ming cupped his hands.

Su Chen flashed away.

Xu Ming, on the other hand, picked up the treasure diligently!

You know, Su Chen, the top king, exists, but he left without taking a single treasure! In the underground world, all the red-clothed elders, purple-clothed elders, golden-clothed elders, and even the relics of the special envoy and King Xing Luo belonged to Xu Ming at this time.

"I'll take it!"

"I'll take it!"

"I'll take it!"

Xu Ming was extremely excited.

He was like a hard-working little bee, and soon turned the whole underground world upside down.

"Hahahaha... Not bad, not bad!" Xu Ming couldn't help laughing while looking at the great harvest in his arms.

Most of the treasures of Xingluo Island were accumulated in the underground world, especially in King Xingluo. Now Xu Ming is equivalent to taking all the treasures of Xingluo Island in one pot!

"I didn't expect to come out to do a Silver Moon Medal quest, and I would encounter such a good thing!"

Of course Xu Ming knew that this time, it was mainly because of luck that he met Su Chen. Otherwise, it is impossible to have such a huge harvest!

Seeing the mountains of divine crystals in the world ring, Xu Ming counted them with a smile.

"More than 85 million..." Xu Ming's eyes blossomed with joy - he really got rich!


What is even more precious is not the eighty-five million Divine Crystals, but a small bottle in Xu Ming's hand!

Don't underestimate this little bottle! - This bottle contains a full bottle of spiritual essence!

One bottle is more than 2,000 drops of spiritual marrow!

You must know that every drop of divine essence is the essence extracted from the highest quality divine crystal! Moreover, I don't know how many thousands of the most excellent divine crystals can extract a drop of divine essence!

The preciousness of the marrow can be imagined!

A small bottle of Divine Essence is more than 80 million Divine Crystals, I don't know how many times more valuable!

"La la la! Great harvest!"

Just when Xu Ming was complacent, suddenly, a rough and strong man broke into the underground world.

"Huh?" Xu Ming couldn't help but look at this rough and strong man - he recognized it at a glance, this is the Yinyue ninth-grade master who came to participate in the medal mission with him, called Jin Zhuang; as his name suggests, he is really strong !

Jin Zhuang did not recognize Xu Ming.

After all, when Xu Ming went to gather in Bloodlight City before, it was his disguised appearance and life breath; but now, it is Xu Ming's original appearance.

When Xu Ming and Jin Zhuang saw each other, they couldn't help but be stunned.

Xu Ming did not expect that someone would come so soon after he had just picked up the treasure!

As for Jin Zhuang, it was because he saw that the elders on Xingluo Island suddenly died suddenly; therefore, he hurriedly rushed into the underground world to see what happened.

As soon as he rushed in, Jin Zhuang saw the tyrannical aura on Xu Ming's body - Xu Ming is now hanging on "Soul Possession", which is the momentum of a half-step king!

"Huh?" Xu Ming snorted a little unhappily.

Jin Zhuang's body was shocked: "Sorry senior, I just passed by! I'll go now, I'll go now!"

Having said that, Jin Zhuang left the underground world in a hurry.

"Uh..." Xu Ming didn't take it seriously, and continued to search the underground world; he wanted to see if there were any treasures that he had missed.

at this time.

The entrance outside the underground world is not peaceful.

"How is it, Jin Zhuang, what did you see when you went down?" All the arrogant Yinyue-level masters even asked.

These more than a dozen masters are all here to do the "Silver Moon 7th-Rank" medal task; the weakest have the strength of Yinyue 7th-Rank, and the strong ones have reached the half-step king level!

When they saw the sudden death of the elders on Xingluo Island, they all guessed that King Xingluo was dead.

"There is an unfamiliar master with half-step king power below!" Jin Zhuang said, "However, I didn't see the 'King Su Chen' you mentioned!"

"I have confirmed that it was King Su Chen who killed King Xingluo this time! However, King Su Chen's accomplishments in order have reached an unimaginable level. It's normal for him!" said a stern figure with a rancid stench all over his body.

"King Su Chen is a super expert in the existence of King Feng. Although he beheaded King Xing Luo, he probably doesn't like many of Xing Luo's treasures! Therefore, the half-step Feng Wang you saw when you entered the underground world must have Take away a lot of treasures!" Another handsome young man with a feather fan and lunjian also smiled coldly - although he is not the strongest among the gods present, he is proficient in formation techniques, so other masters vaguely regard him as the core !

"What should I do now?" Yin Li figure asked again.

"I'll block this place first!" Young Master Jun said, "If you want to come out of the underground world, there is only one exit!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Everyone agrees.

"As soon as he comes out, kill him directly!" Yin Li figure sneered.

"Beheading?" Young Master Jun sneered, "Can you have some brains? - Although you are a half-step king, it is so easy to kill another half-step king?"

"Then what should I do?" The stern figure said gloomily.

"Deterrence first! If it doesn't work, then consider doing it!" Young Master Jun said indifferently, "But... once you do it, you must keep him here forever! Otherwise, you will provoke an enemy who is half a king. Come to us. It's also a big hidden danger!"


Xu Ming went around a few more times to make sure that he didn't miss a piece of divine crystal, and then he walked towards the exit with satisfaction.

"A lot of level 10 hanging points, level 11 hanging points! quack..."

Xu Ming, who suddenly became rich, really wanted to find some faces to fight!


With this extremely inflated mentality, Xu Ming rushed out of the underground world.


As soon as he rushed Xu Ming noticed something was wrong!

"Heaven...why is it dark?"

You know, before Xu Ming entered the underground world, it was still daytime. And the time Xu Ming stayed in the underground world was not very long. Why did it get dark when I came out?

"It's a formation!" Xu Ming reacted instantly.

The stars in the dark sky are probably the eyes of this formation!

As soon as you come out, you find yourself in the formation, which is not a good thing!

"Looks like... there's an ambush!" Xu Ming was on guard.

However, Xu Ming is not too worried. Since the opponent has set up a formation, it means that the opponent's strength is not very tyrannical; because if it is really tyrannical, then there will be no formation at all, and it is enough to directly crush himself!

The corner of Xu Ming's mouth couldn't help but evoke a smile: "Just when I said I wanted to slap my face, there was a face!"

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