Break Into Another World

Chapter 960: tease you to play

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

As soon as Xu Ming's thoughts fell, more than a dozen tyrannical figures walked out of the dark sky.

"Ha!" Xu Ming smiled - of course he recognized these figures, they were all here to do the Silver Moon 7th Grade Medal quest.

At the same time, Xu Ming also saw Jin Zhuang, the ninth-grade Yinyue master who broke into the underground world and quickly escaped for the first time.

"This is...?" Xu Ming asked deliberately.

As the saying goes, "Rites come first before soldiers." Of course, Xu Ming had to ask clearly before deciding what to do with these faces.

Moreover, Xu Ming also deliberately put his posture relatively weak; after all, from the "scene" point of view, the opponent's strength is stronger than his own.

The handsome son of Yu Fan Lunjin smiled very gently: "Brother, we are here to carry out the mission of the Order of the Holy Emperor!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming glanced at the handsome young master unexpectedly; he didn't expect that the other party would report his name as soon as he came up.

Young Master Jun added: "Our medal mission requires the use of purple star rings and golden star rings; brother, you must have collected quite a few star rings in the underground world, right?"

"Not bad!" Xu Ming did not deny it.

He wanted to see what the handsome boy wanted to sing.

"Then... can I ask you, brother, to give us these Star Luo Rings?" Young Master Jun said very politely.

"It's easy to say!" Xu Ming said very cheerfully, "By the way! Do you only want the purple star ring and the golden star ring? Don't you want the red star ring?"

The red star ring is worn by the lowest red-clothed elder; the purple star ring is worn by the purple-clothed elder; the golden star ring is worn by the gold-clothed elder.

"You don't need the red ones!" Young Master Jun laughed, "As long as purple and gold are all you need!"

"Okay!" Anyway, the purple and gold Xingluo ring, Xu Ming was useless, so he just threw it away - if this group of people are satisfied after getting the purple and gold Xingluo ring, Xu Ming doesn't mind, help me Help this group of teammates who do the medal mission with you.

If not satisfied...

Then use their faces to satisfy and satisfy Brother Ming's slap!


Young Master Jun rolled over all the Star Luo Rings with a scroll of the feather fan. Afterwards, his spiritual power instantly refined these Star Luo Rings and penetrated into the rings.

"Huh?" Seeing this, Young Master Jun frowned slightly, "Why are they all empty?"

The Xingluo Ring, to put it bluntly, is the storage ring of the elders of Xingluo Island.

"I have already taken all the treasures inside!" Xu Ming said directly.

"Take it all?" Young Master Jun continued to laugh, "Brother, you can't take the treasure! We not only want the empty shell of the Star Luo Jie, but also the treasure inside before we can hand in the mission!"

Not only do you want the empty shell of the Star Luo Ring, but also the treasure inside?

Xu Ming couldn't help laughing in his heart - he also came to do the medal task, why didn't he know this rule?

This handsome young man obviously wants to use this method to deceive Brother Ming's treasure!

As for why they only want purple and gold, not red; I'm afraid it's because they don't like the red star ring - after all, the red star ring is the lowest level, and there are probably not many treasures.

Xu Ming deliberately pondered: "But...if I give you the treasure, then I'll have no treasure myself? Besides...whether you can complete the medal mission, what does it have to do with me?"

At this time, the stern figure with a rancid stench all over his body said very appropriately: "Master Zhang, what nonsense are you talking to him? Just kill him and grab all the treasures!"

Young Master Zhang, that is, Young Master Jun, pretended to say, "No, no, no! I believe that this brother is definitely willing to help us with this little favor!" Then, Young Master Zhang looked at Xu Ming, "This brother, you right?"

Xu Ming pretended to be a little scared and asked deliberately, "Only the treasures in the purple star ring and the golden star ring? You don't want any other treasures?"

"Yes!" Zhang Gongzi said with a gentle smile, "You hand over your world ring and let us choose it! - Don't worry, we only choose the treasures in the purple and gold star ring! We will all your other treasures. Don't touch!"

"Is that so..." Xu Ming thought for a while, and then asked, "But, how do you know, in my world ring, which are my own treasures, and which are the treasures I took from the star ring?"

Zhang Gongzi said: "I have a way to tell the difference!"

Xu Ming took out a world ring and was about to throw it away, but suddenly he put his hand away and asked again, "Really only the treasures in the purple star ring and the golden star ring? You don't want all the other treasures?"

"Yes! Don't need anything else!" Zhang Gongzi said this, but in his heart he was thinking - when you deceive your world ring, what do you want to take, what you don't want to take, isn't it me who has the final say?

"You don't want King Xingluo's rings and treasures?" Xu Ming raised his brows and asked.

Zhang Gongzi was stunned for a moment, then shocked: "What did you say!? - You said that King Xingluo's ring and treasure are also on you?"

King Xingluo, but a king-level existence! How could his net worth be comparable to those of the silver-moon-level elders?

"If I can get King Star Luo's treasure..." Zhang Gongzi's eyes were hot.

"Yeah! It's on me!" Xu Ming looked at Young Master Zhang with a very "naive" expression, and at the same time he casually took out the vial of essence and played with it.

"This is..." Zhang Gongzi's eyes straightened, "Divine essence!? A bottle full of spirit essence!?"

At the moment of seeing this bottle of spirit essence, Zhang Gongzi, Yin Li figure, Jin Zhuang, and every other expert went crazy!

A bottle of Spiritual Essence is more precious than the net worth of all of them combined!


Zhang Gongzi and other Yinyue-level masters violently erupted almost at the same time, killing Xu Ming.

"Brothers, don't keep your hands! If you have any cards, take them out. You must kill him here!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

One after another figure, the weakest is Yinyue seventh-rank, all of them are aggressive.

"Hahaha!" Xu Ming laughed loudly, "Young Master Zhang, didn't you say that only needs the treasures in the purple star ring and the golden star ring? This bottle of essence is not from here. Treasure!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Zhang Gongzi shouted angrily, "Hand over this bottle of spiritual essence! And hand over all the other treasures on your body, can I consider letting you live?"

"Hahaha, handing over the treasure to you? - I just deliberately made fun of you! You really think I'm stupid!" Xu Ming laughed and drilled directly into the tunnel of the underground world - the big one that Zhang Gongzi put down Although the surrounding space was blocked, Xu Ming came out of the underground world, so it is of course not a problem to get back now.

"Want treasure? Then see if you have the ability!" Xu Ming's voice was still echoing in the big formation.


"Kill in!"

"There is a space blocked in the underground world, and just this exit, he can't escape!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

One after another figure, without hesitation, rushed into the underground world.

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