Break Into Another World

Chapter 965: unprecedented

The star-level inheritance monument is divided into ten sections.

What level of Heavenly Dao perception of the inheritor, this black sword-shaped inheritance monument will light up a few paragraphs.

For example, when a three-star deity first accepts inheritance, the lower three sections of the black inheritance monument will be lit up. During the inheritance process, when the inheritor's perception of the way of heaven is raised to a few stars, the inheritance monument will be lit up to several paragraphs accordingly.

"I don't know if Xu Ming's inheritance will be able to raise his understanding of the way of heaven to a few gods?" Xiong Shan looked forward to it.

Of course, he knew Xu Ming's extraordinaryness, and naturally he was very optimistic about Xu Ming's inheritance this time.

"The most monstrous achievement in history is that a demigod directly becomes a seven-star deity! Even if Xu Ming is a little bit close, he should be able to become a five-star deity in one inheritance!" Xiong Shan secretly said, "It shouldn't take a quarter of an hour, the number one inheritance monument. The segment will be lit!"

The time for an inheritance is two hours, that is, "sixteen quarters".

"Humph!" Yue Xiaoxian looked at Xu Ming's inheritance monument and sneered in his heart, "This kid, he practiced the ancient cultivator school before; this shows that he is not very good at the Tiandao school! - I don't believe it, he How can the effect of this inheritance be better!"

At the same time, Yue Xiaoxian thought a lot in his heart.

"This kid can come to the world of no difficulty, it should be God Emperor Yan Yan who gave him the stone of no difficulty! It is estimated that God Emperor Yan Yan also hopes that he can make some achievements in the school of heaven!" Yue Xiaoxian pondered in his heart, "It's just... God Emperor, doesn't she know that in this world of no difficulty, it's easy to get in, but difficult to get out? With Xu Ming's strength, can he get out?"

The Realm of No Difficulty is not only a place to save lives, but also a "genius cage"!

I don't know how many geniuses in the God Realm have been trapped for hundreds of millions of years after entering the Realm of No Difficulty.

The slender figure who always despised Xu Ming's troubles, and there was also a strong disdain in his eyes: "A demigod, he dares to be arrogant in the world of no difficulty! Looking back, I will definitely let him not even know how he died!"

When the other gods in the square saw that a demigod had entered the inheritance monument, they couldn't help but look around curiously.

"It's been a long time since a demigod came to Wudi City, right?"

"It's been a long time indeed! After all, it's almost impossible for a demigod to get the No Difficulty Stone; moreover, after a demigod enters the No Difficulty Realm, it is very difficult to leave!"

"However, the demigod who can get the Wudi Stone must be the best among the best! I'm looking forward to seeing what level this half-god can reach for the first time he accepts inheritance!"

"Haha! I'm looking forward to it too! Why not, who will set up a gambling game and join in the fun?"

"Betting what? Betting on points?"

"How is it possible to bet with points? This is the most important thing in the realm of trouble!"

"Ha ha…"

Time passed by every second.

Soon, half an hour passed.

"Half a quarter of an hour, this star-level inheritance monument still has no response! It seems that this demigod who entered is not so evil!"

It has been half an hour since Xu Ming entered the inheritance monument, but even a section on the inheritance monument has not been lit up; this shows that Xu Ming's perception of the way of heaven has not even reached the level of a deity, but is only at the level of a demigod.

"There are very few people who can light up the first inheritance monument in half a quarter of an hour! It's not surprising that he can't do it!"

"Under normal circumstances, if a demigod can light up the first paragraph of the inheritance monument within a quarter of an hour, it means that he has the potential of being a king! - However, a demigod with the potential to be a king is so easy to appear. ?"

After a while, a quarter of an hour passed.

"It's still not lit for a while!"

"It seems that this demigod who entered has no potential to become a king! It can only be regarded as an ordinary genius!"

"It's not necessarily that he doesn't have the potential to become a king! Maybe, his cultivation time is still short?"

"But in any case, the potential is not much stronger!"

Seeing this, Yue Xiaoxian sneered even more: "It's been a quarter of an hour... It seems that Xu Ming's talent in Tiandao Liu is really average! Without the potential to become a king, his future achievements in Tiandao Liu will be limited after all! "

The lean figure has always sneered disdainfully: "Such a poor talent has come to the world of no difficulty! This kind of person is purely a waste of the stone of no difficulty!"

Xiong Shan was slightly surprised: "Xu Ming's talent doesn't seem to be as strong as I thought!"

There are more and more gods gathered around the inheritance monument, and the discussions are getting louder and louder.

But there is only one topic of discussion - not optimistic about Xu Ming!

Then soon, the onlookers discovered that this demigod inheritor was even more... scumbag than they thought!

Yes, even more scum!

When the inheritance time passed two quarters of an hour, the star-level inheritance monument still did not respond!

"Uh... It's been two quarters of an hour, and I still haven't become a one-star god! This demigod inheritor has a really poor talent!"

"Among all the demigod inheritors, it should be regarded as the middle and lower level!"

"In this way, even if you enter the silver moon level in the future, you can only be the weakest among the silver moon level!"

However, when the onlookers felt that Xu Ming's aptitude was already scum! However, Xu Ming challenged "more scum" time and time again!

For three quarters of an hour, the Inheritance Monument remained unresponsive!

For four quarters of an hour, the Inheritance Monument remained motionless!

Five quarters of an hour...

six quarters of an hour...

Eight quarters!

"Damn it!" There were already many onlookers who couldn't help but scolded, "The qualifications of this demigod inheritor are too bad, right?"

"It's been eight quarters of an hour, and most of the inheritance time has passed, yet I haven't become a **** yet! In the history of Wuyi City, it seems that there has never been a demigod with such poor aptitude?"

"With such poor aptitude, how on earth did he get the No Difficulty Stone!"

"Yeah! He used up the Wudi Stone, it's just a waste of money!"

"A stone without difficulty is worth billions of times more than his life! Even if there are hundreds of millions of such demigods, it is not as valuable as a stone without difficulty!"

In the eyes of many onlookers, Xu Ming's aptitude can no longer be described as "poor"! Simply...very bad! Not bad! Bad to the extreme! Travel to new heights!

In the long history of No Difficulty Realm, there has never been a demigod inheritor like Xu Ming!

Not even in the future!

Xu Ming's aptitude in the Heavenly Dao school is simply too poor... There is no one before or after!


Is that so?

Is Xu Ming's aptitude in understanding the Tao of Heaven really that bad?

The gods who inherited the peripheral view of the monument were shocked by the difference in Xu Ming's aptitude!

However, the "stele spirit" in the inheritance monument was also completely shocked! -However, the shock of the monument is completely different!

The stele spirit is usually in a deep sleep state, but when Xu Ming's inheritance reached the sixth quarter of an hour, it woke up!

"Monster... pervert..." The tablet spirit hid in the dark and stared at Xu Ming, shocked beyond words.

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