Break Into Another World

Chapter 966: 9 Dao becomes a god

The Realm of No Difficulty was built by a certain peak existence in God's Domain; the Inheritance Monument was also left by that peak existence.

The existence of the peak, the understanding and application of heaven and order, has already reached an unimaginable realm. Like the star-level inheritance monument, it contains all the mysterious changes of the nine heavens.

In the inheritance monument, the inheritor can directly accept the inheritance of the mysterious heaven; as for how fast they can comprehend, it depends on their understanding and qualifications!


"It's so vast!"

Xu Ming eagerly absorbed the mysteries of the Dao of Heaven.

Originally, although Xu Ming had a lot of understanding of the Heavenly Dao of Fire, the Heavenly Dao of Wind, etc., his understanding was still too superficial and superficial after all!

Yes, superficial!

To use an analogy, the nine heavenly ways are like the nine numbers "123456789". I have fully comprehended the nine heavenly ways, and I have only just learned nine numbers!

And the mutual integration of the nine heavenly ways is like "addition, subtraction, multiplication and division functions" and so on! - It is easy to recognize nine numbers, and first-grade elementary school students can easily learn them; and those "addition, subtraction, multiplication and division functions", etc., can make mathematicians study for a lifetime!

This is the difference in difficulty between "comprehend the nine great heavens" and "integrate the nine great heavens"!

And Xu Ming...

When he first entered the Inheritance Monument, Xu Ming hadn't even learned a single "number"!

However, for Xu Ming, wanting to learn one or two "numbers" in the inheritance monument and become a one-star deity is simply as easy as the palm of your hand!

However, Xu Ming did not do this!

As soon as Xu Ming entered the Inheritance Monument, he learned nine "numbers" at the same time, that is... At the same time, he understood the nine heavenly ways of "Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Yin and Yang"!

Comprehend the nine heavens at the same time!

How confident Xu Ming is about his own perception!

In fact, in less than a quarter of an hour, Xu Ming had already realized all the nine great ways of heaven to the "extreme demigod"! Any way of heaven, as long as you go a little further, you can become a god!

However, Xu Ming deliberately stopped at this time - no longer improving the perception of any one of the heavens, and began to integrate the nine heavens!

That's right!

Xu Ming is going to perfectly integrate all the nine heavenly ways, and then all of them will become gods in one fell swoop!

Before the successful fusion, Xu Ming was only a demigod; after the successful fusion and breakthrough, Xu Ming will directly become a nine-star god!

What a great confidence this is!

However, only at the sixth quarter of an hour, Xu Ming did it!

The nine heavenly ways that have all realized the limit of demigods were perfectly integrated by Xu Ming!

Next, there is only one problem that Xu Ming has to face - breaking through the nine great heavens to the **** level at the same time!

"Monster... Metamorphosis..." The stele spirit hiding in the dark was also deeply shocked by Xu Ming!

As the stele spirit of the inheritance stele, all kinds of enchanting geniuses, it has really seen a lot! However, like Xu Ming, who started with almost "zero foundation" and accepted the inheritance in just six quarters of an hour, he realized all the nine heavenly ways to the limit of demigods, and all of them were perfectly integrated...

Such a monster, it is really the first time I have seen it!

In the long history, it has never appeared; in the endless long years to come, I am afraid that it will not be seen in the inheritance monument!

"There is no one before or after!" This is the evaluation of Xu Ming by the stele spirit.

"With such a monstrous talent, I'm afraid it can be compared with the master back then!" The master in the tablet spirit's heart is naturally the peak existence of the god's realm who created the world of no difficulty, "However, the master's cultivation path is different from his! I don't know. , does he have a chance to get the master's true inheritance..."

At the sixth quarter of an hour, the stele spirit woke up from his deep sleep; after that, the stele spirit kept staring at Xu Ming, looking forward to seeing if he could break through the bottleneck!

Eighth quarter of an hour…

Xu Ming abruptly opened his eyes, and his eyes suddenly lit up!

"It's time to break through!"

The mystery of the nine great heavens breaking through from the limit of demigods to gods is already in Xu Ming's chest!

After the breakthrough, he will directly step into the nine-star gods in the Heavenly Dao genre!

Nine ways become gods!

Inheritance monument.

The onlookers, the gods, are all boiling!

"It's really amazing! After more than eight quarters of an inheritance, I haven't even become a **** yet!"

"I have some doubts, how did he become a demigod! - Logically speaking, to be a demigod, one's aptitude shouldn't be so bad!"

"When he comes out, I must take a good look, what a wonderful demigod this is!"

"I don't know if it will, but when the inheritance ends, he will still be a demigod!"

There are more and more gods watching the lively.

The aptitude of a super evildoer can attract attention; the aptitude of a super scum can also attract attention!

In the eyes of these onlookers, Xu Ming is the kind of super scumbag talent!

Scum is incredible!

Yue Xiaoxian's face was stunned: "This Xu Ming's aptitude in the Heavenly Dao school is so poor! Also, didn't the God Emperor know that his aptitude was poor, and he actually gave him the Stone of No Difficulty?"

At the same time, Yue Xiaoxian's eyes flickered with a ferocious light: "I don't know, did Xu Ming's ancient cultivator clone come to the Realm of No Difficulties together in the world ring? If he did, it would be fun, he might want to Trapped here forever!"

If you want to leave the Realm of No Difficulty, you need at least the strength of 10th Grade Yinyue!

In Yue Xiaoxian's view, Xu Ming's Heavenly Dao Liu clone may never be able to achieve such strength!

If you can't reach the strength, you will never be able to leave the Realm of No Difficulty!



The bottom section of the star-level inheritance monument suddenly burst into light!


Many gods watched for more than eight quarters, and the inheritance monument finally lit up!

For a time, the eyes of the onlookers suddenly lit up.

"I rely on!"

"It's finally bright!"

"Eight quarters of an hour to light up the first paragraph of the inheritance monument, what is the difference in this qualification!"

"The vast Divine Realm is indeed full of wonders! Even people with such poor qualifications will exist!"

One after another, the gods couldn't help cursing in their hearts.

However, they haven't waited for them to express their thoughts with their mouths...


Immediately afterwards, the second segment of the Inheritance Monument also lit up.



"what happened?"

The onlookers were all stunned, and they couldn't react for a while. What was the situation?

"How come the Inheritance Monument is lit up twice in a row?"

"Is the inheritance monument broken?"

"Fuck! The Inheritance Monument was made by the peak power of God's How could it possibly be broken? - Even if God's Domain was destroyed, the Inheritance Monument could not be damaged!"

"What's the situation!?"


Without giving the onlookers any time to breathe, the third section of the Inheritance Monument is lit up again!


Fourth paragraph!

The black sword-shaped inheritance monument divided into ten sections lights up one section after another, making the gods bewildered.

Suddenly, Xiong Shan thought of a possibility: "Could it be that... Xu Ming is not incapable of aptitude, but has become a **** from multiple heavens at the same time!?"

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