Break Into Another World

Chapter 967: Peerless monster

Multiple heavens become gods at the same time! ?

One after another onlookers thought of this possibility!

"Yes! It must be so! Otherwise, it is impossible for the inheritance monument to light up one after another!"

"I don't know... Will several heavenly paths become gods at the same time?"

"Could it be that the nine heavenly ways became gods at the same time?"

"It's not impossible! After all, the inheritance monument has already lit up four stages!"

"If it is true that the nine heavenly ways become gods at the same time, it will be terrible!"

You know, star-level gods can be divided into "one star" to "ten stars".

A cultivator of Tiandao Liu can achieve "one star" strength as long as he becomes a **** on his own.

Completely comprehend the three Heavenly Dao, or "integrate" two Heavenly Dao, for "two-star" strength!

Completely comprehend the five heavenly ways, or merge the three heavenly ways, it is "three-star"!

Completely comprehend the seven heavenly ways, or merge the four heavenly ways, it is four stars!

Completely comprehend the eight heavenly ways, or merge the five heavenly ways, it is five stars!

Completely comprehend the nine heavenly ways, or merge the six heavenly ways, it is a six-star!

Fusion of the seven heavenly paths, seven stars!

Integrate the eight heavenly paths, for eight stars!

The perfect integration of the nine heavenly paths is nine stars!

And the ten-star strength, after the perfect integration of the nine heavenly paths, has gone a step further!

At this time, the Inheritance Monument has already lit up for four stages; this shows that Xu Ming is already a four-star god! It also means... Xu Ming has either fully understood the seven heavenly ways, or has integrated four heavenly ways!

These two possibilities, whichever they are, are very scary!


And "integrating the four heavens" is even more difficult than "understanding the seven heavens"!


Fifth paragraph, light up!

Beside the inheritance monument, the contemptuous eyes have long since turned into panic and shock without knowing it! As the fifth paragraph of the Inheritance Monument lit up, all the bodies of the gods who were watching couldn't help but tremble.

And then right after…


Paragraph 6, light up!

All the onlookers looked at the gods, and their bodies were shaken again.

Six-star gods!

Break through directly from a demigod to a six-star god!

All the gods understood that Xu Ming either became a **** from the nine heavens at the same time, or he merged the six heavens and became a **** at the same time!


"What kind of enchanting aptitude is this!"

"It's ridiculous that we mocked him just now..."

"Six-star gods, should this be stopped?"

However, Xu Ming disappointed the onlookers! - He didn't stop!


The seventh paragraph of the inheritance monument, light up!



"it turns out…"

The expressions of the onlookers became more and more frightened.

You must know that in the endlessly long history, the best inheritance results were only used by a demigod to become a seven-star god! —Xu Ming, he has already tied the best inheritance score in history!


The entire inheritance has two hours, and now, only one hour has passed!

In other words, Xu Ming has surpassed the best inheritance score in history!

"What kind of enchanting qualification is this!"

"For him, stepping into the king level in the future is almost a certainty!"

"Peerless monster!"

However, Xu Ming didn't seem to want to relax the nerves of the onlookers.


The eighth paragraph of the inheritance monument, light up!

"Could it be..."

"Shouldn't it be…"

At this moment, all the onlookers were not shocked, but fixed their eyes on the ninth paragraph that had not yet lit up.

They tell themselves that this is impossible! If the ninth paragraph also lights up, then Xu Ming is... After the nine heavens are perfectly integrated, they will become gods at the same time!

The nine great ways of heaven become gods at the same time, and some can be found in the realm of the gods; however, after the perfect fusion of the nine great ways of heaven, they become gods at the same time, never before! - After all, it is much more difficult to integrate the nine heavens than to comprehend the nine heavens!

No one believed that Xu Ming could do this!

However, everyone couldn't help but look at the ninth paragraph, wanting to see if there would be a miracle!

Live up to expectations!

A miracle happened!


The ninth paragraph of the inheritance monument, light up!




In the entire square, there were only shocked eyes and a sound of breathing cold air.

The ninth paragraph of the Inheritance Monument lights up, but it is actually just the nine-star gods. The onlookers, however, all have the strength of the silver moon; the strength of the nine-star gods is really not worth mentioning to them!

However, everyone was shocked! - Shocked by Xu Ming's demonic aptitude!

They know very well that although Xu Ming's current strength is not as good as them, I am afraid that they will be thrown away soon!

This is a figure who can stir up the situation in the God's Domain in the future!

This is a peerless monster that has never appeared in the history of God's Domain!

Xu Ming's qualifications are daunting!

However, the onlookers did not know that Xu Ming was far more enchanting than they thought!

At this time, Xiong Shan was completely stunned! At the same time, I was secretly glad that I had made a good relationship with Xu Ming, and the relationship with Xu Ming was very good.

In comparison, the slender figure who had been making things difficult for Xu Ming before, now his face was very ugly.

The lean figure couldn't help but remember the warning Xu Ming said before entering the inheritance monument - watch your mouth, and be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth!

The lean figure at that time, how arrogant; he naturally dismissed Xu Ming's warning! But now, the lean figure recalled this sentence, but his back was chilled; he found that he had offended a peerless evildoer who could not be offended!

The one with the most ugly face is Yue Xiaoxian! -Xu Ming's enchanting aptitude made him feel a lot of pressure.

"No! I must dare to kill Xu Ming before he grows up! Otherwise, it will be me who will die!" Yue Xiaoxian's palm was sweating faintly, but his eyes became colder, "Peerless evildoer? Dead, It's nothing!"

And just then...


The tenth paragraph of the inheritance monument, light up!


"This is impossible!"

"Absolutely impossible!"

"Ten-star gods? Demigods directly achieve ten-star gods!?"

To achieve the nine-star gods, it is necessary to perfectly integrate the nine heavens. To achieve ten-star gods, it is even more necessary to go further after integrating the nine heavenly ways!

Going a step further ~ ~ how tough!

The onlookers who were present were all "come here". At the beginning, they were trapped in the bottleneck of breaking through the ten-star gods, and they didn't know how long they had been trapped before they broke through; and Xu Ming... in just an hour, directly broke through from the demigods to the ten-star gods?

how can that be?

This is impossible!

The onlookers were unable to believe, or "unacceptable" such a fact. However, the whole shining heritage monument made them have to accept - this is true!


The whole square fell into a boundless silence at once!

Xu Ming's evil spirits shook the hearts of the onlookers, almost stopped beating!


Does Xu Ming's evildoer really stop at the ten-star god?

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