Break Into Another World

Chapter 975: What's the last word

call out-

A stream of light quickly crossed the sky above the Continent of Suffering; it was Xu Ming who was heading to the Tower of No Difficulty. This article is hosted by www. lwχs520. com starter

"The Continent of Suffering... It seems that there is no hardship in sight!"

Xu Ming flew all the way and saw nothing but the endless gray-brown earth. This made Xu Ming unable to help but wonder - the continent of suffering! What about the ordeal?

"But..." Xu Ming glanced behind him, "These two little tails are really annoying!"

Xu Ming didn't fly fast.

Behind him, Yue Xiaoxian and Ying Yao followed Xu Ming unhurriedly. As they followed, the two of them shouted, "Xu Ming, run! Run!"

"Jie Jie Jie! Run fast! Otherwise, when we catch up with you, it will be your death!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Yue Xiaoxian and Ying Yao both looked like they were determined by Xu Ming, as if they were playing a game of cat and mouse.

"Two idiots!" Xu Ming shook his head and chuckled, "They thought they were cats!"

Xu Ming glanced at the surrounding terrain: "This place is very far from Wudi City, and there are mountains and forests below - choose this place!"


Suddenly, Xu Ming stopped.

call out! call out!

Yue Xiaoxian and Ying Yao flew to both sides of Xu Ming in the blink of an eye.

"Run! Why didn't you run?" Ying Yao looked at Xu Ming and sneered.

Yue Xiaoxian also looked at Xu Ming intriguingly: "What? Knowing that he can't run, so he took the initiative to stop and die?"

Xu Ming glanced at the ignorant two and smiled: "Do you have any last words?"

Do you have any last words?

When Ying Yao heard the words, he was stunned for a moment, then furious: "Boy, you are already dying, how dare you be arrogant!"

"Humph!" Yue Xiaoxian also snorted coldly, "I don't know what's dead or alive, and my mouth is mad!"

Xu Ming was expressionless, not angry at all - these Yue Xiaoxian and Ying Yao are dead! And two dead people, what's there to be angry about?

In a dark place not far from Xu Ming, a hidden figure quietly paid attention to the situation on Xu Ming's side.

This hidden figure was Yan Xu who kindly followed to protect Xu Ming.

Yan Xu listened to Xu Ming's conversation, and was speechless in his heart: "How arrogant... Brother Xu Ming is a silver moon fourth rank, and now facing a silver moon sixth rank and a silver moon eighth rank, how dare you be so arrogant …”

In Yan Xu's view, Xu Ming, who is only the fourth rank of Yinyue, naturally cannot be the opponent of any of Yue Xiaoxian and Ying Yao.

"Could it be..." Yan Xu suddenly thought, "Could it be that Brother Xu Ming already knew that I was protecting him secretly, so he was so reckless?"

After thinking about it, Yan Xu felt that it should be impossible: "Even the two masters of Yinyue 6th rank and Yinyue 8th rank will definitely not be able to find my track; what's more, it's only Brother Xu Ming of Yinyue 4th rank. !"

However, where did Yan Xu think that Xu Ming had discovered him as early as the moment he left the city. As for Yan Xu, he didn't even know that Xu Ming had always locked him in.

"Xu Ming!" Yue Xiaoxian sneered, "Originally, I wanted to wait for you to escape for a while, and then I would take action against you! Since you took the initiative to stop and seek death, then I will send you on the road as soon as possible!"

"Stop and seek death?" Xu Ming smiled, "Yue Xiaoxian, why don't you think about it, why am I so calm?"

Yue Xiaoxian sneered disdainfully: "It's just a bluff! - Anyway, you will die today! After you die, no matter how evil your talent is, it doesn't make any sense! Hahahaha..."

Xu Ming smiled without saying a word - really ignorant!

"Boy!" Ying Yao shouted, "You're already dying, you can still laugh? I hope you can continue to laugh after I take action!"

With that said, Ying Yao was about to kill Xu Ming.

And right now!


The gray-brown ground beneath Xu Ming suddenly trembled.

"What's going on?" Xu Ming was a little puzzled, "There seems to be something going on in the ground?"

However, the rock of the Torment Continent has a strong barrier to the spiritual power; Xu Ming also cannot penetrate the spiritual power to the ground to see what happened.

On the other hand, Yan Xu, who was hiding in the dark, flashed a hint of surprise in his eyes: "It's a coincidence that someone has endured hardship here!"

The suffering continent is vast. Where Xu Ming stopped casually, it happened that someone was going through hardships. It was indeed a coincidence.



Suddenly, the ground of the Tormented Continent cracked open. Immediately afterwards, a figure rushed out from the cracked ground.

"Huh?" Xu Ming took a closer look and couldn't help but be taken aback, "Isn't this Xiong Shan?"

"Uh?" Xiong Shan had just been freed from the ordeal underground, and his mind was still a little confused. Looking at Xu Ming, Yue Xiaoxian, and Ying Yao above his head, he couldn't help but wonder why they were here.

"Brother Xu Ming?" Xiong Shan flew to Xu Ming's side, "Are you...?"

"Haha, Brother Xiong Shan!" Xu Ming smiled, "I couldn't find you in the city, so you came here!"

"Brother Xu Ming, the two of them?" Of course Xiong Shan knew about the feud between Xu Ming, Yue Xiaoxian, and Ying Yao, and he said worriedly, "Hurry up and escape to Wuyan City, and I'll help you stop for a while! "

"Oh?" Xu Ming glanced at Xiong Shan somewhat unexpectedly.

He did not expect that this friend who had met by chance would be willing to stand up at such a critical juncture; this moved Xu Ming very much.

However, Xu Ming smiled and said, "Don't worry! Before I left the city, I knew they were following me! Just the two of them can't help me!"

Only then did Xiong Shan realize that Xu Ming's cultivation was already the fourth grade of the Silver Moon.

While secretly shocked, Xiong Shan continued: "Brother Xu Ming, the speed of your cultivation is really terrifying; but, you are only the fourth rank of the silver moon, how could it be the sixth rank of the silver moon, or even the silver moon? Yue Bapin's opponent? - Run away!"

"Xiong Shan!" At this moment, Yue Xiaoxian shouted, "Now, it's a personal grievance between us and Xu Ming! If you leave immediately, I will not deal with you; but if you continue to stand beside Xu Ming, we will have to kill you together. !"

Xiong Shan ignored Yue Xiaoxian, but voiced Xu Ming more and more anxiously: "Xu Ming, hurry up! Before they are prepared, I can stop them for a while; otherwise, you will have no hope of escaping!"

Xu Ming took a deep look at Xiong Shan, and said with a loud laugh: "Xiong Shan, I remember your favor! But don't worry, just the two of them are far from being able to deal with me!"

"Hahahaha..." Yue Xiaoxian and Ying Yao seemed to have heard some big joke.

"Xu Ming, you are more arrogant than I thought!" Yue Xiaoxian sneered.

Ying Yao even punched Xu Ming directly: "I'm too far behind to deal with you? - I want to see if my punch can knock you down!"

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