Break Into Another World

Chapter 976: too weak!


Ying Yao's punch turned all the nine heavenly ways into "the heavenly way of Yang", and even some orderly power was gathered in it; the power of one punch far exceeded the realm of breaking the law with force.

"Huh?" Xiong Shan's face changed suddenly, and then he reflexively met Ying Yao, and at the same time even shouted through voice transmission, "Brother Xu Ming, run away! I'll block him for a moment!"

"Haha!" Xu Ming smiled happily, this Xiong Shan is really a good friend.

"Brother Xiong Shan, don't panic!" Xu Ming's palm lightly placed on Xiong Shan's shoulder.

With such a light touch, Xiong Shan felt that the power of the whole person seemed to have disappeared.

"This..." Xiong Shan was shocked and confused again. Between the lights and flints, he couldn't figure out what secrets were hidden in Xu Ming's palm.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Ming gently pulled Xiong Shan back and pulled him behind him. Afterwards, Xu Ming's other palm, like slapping a mosquito, slapped Ying Yao, who didn't know whether to live or die.

"Huh?" Seeing that Xu Ming dared to care so much, Ying Yao couldn't help but look ferocious, "Looking for death!"

"Kill!" Ying Yao arrogantly killed Xu Ming.

Xu Ming was extremely calm, and his palm instantly became bigger than a human being. His palm patted Ying Yao "gently".


Ying Yao's divine body was shattered by a palm. Every particle of the divine body suffered annihilation at the particle level—how tough the sixth-grade Yinyue divine body was; however, it couldn't stand Xu Ming's palm.

Only one fight, Ying Yao, die!

"What!?" Yue Xiaoxian was extremely shocked.

"What!?" Xiong Shan was also shocked.

"What!?" Yan Xu, who was hiding in the dark, was even more horrified, "Destroying the sixth rank of Yinyue with one palm... Although I can do it, I can't do it as easily as Brother Xu Ming!"

"Xu...Xu Ming!" Xiong Shan was completely stunned. His god-level was originally a bit rough; now it is even more unimaginable why Xu Ming, the fourth-grade Yinyue, could kill the sixth-grade Yinyue with one palm.

"Hey—" Yue Xiaoxian was frightened and frightened—he couldn't kill Yinyue Rank 6 with one palm, but Xu Ming did it; does this mean that Xu Ming's strength is stronger than him?

"Impossible! Impossible!" Yue Xiaoxian roared frantically in his heart, and the cold long sword in his hand was killing Xu Ming directly.

The corner of Xu Ming's mouth evoked a sneer of disdain. Then, he stretched out **** in the shape of scissors.

call out-

Yue Xiaoxian's long sword turned into a gloomy poisonous snake and instantly came to Xu Ming's eyes.

Xu Ming was not in a hurry, his **** pointed at the long sword, and he clamped it very calmly.

"Looking for death!" Yue Xiaoxian's face was hideous - in his opinion, even if Xu Ming's strength was stronger than his, but to make such a response, it was an act of courting death.

Immediately after…


Yue Xiaoxian only felt a sudden pain in the palm of his hand, and then he found that his sword was caught by Xu Ming's two fingers!


This scene was even more shocking and eye-popping than when Xu Ming killed Ying Yao with one palm.

"How is that possible!?" Yue Xiaoxian couldn't believe it - he was a dignified silver moon eighth-rank, but his full blow was actually caught by Xu Ming, a silver moon fourth-rank, with two fingers!

This is simply a disgrace!

Xu Ming was expressionless, shook his head and sighed: "It's too weak! It's even weaker than the top silver-moon-level beings I killed on Xingluo Island..."

At this time, Yue Xiaoxian suddenly showed a horrified expression: "Not good!"

Immediately, Yue Xiaoxian hurriedly turned around and fled, not even throwing away the weapon caught by Xu Ming. He was completely frightened by Xu Ming's strength. At this moment, he only had one thought - escape!

"Want to escape?" Xu Ming sneered.

Although Xu Ming's cultivation is only the fourth rank of Yinyue; at least, his strength is comparable to the "middle-level king"! —Let alone Yue Xiaoxian, even the original owner of Xingluo Island, the "King of Xingluo", would not be able to escape in front of Xu Ming!

"It would be a joke if you escaped!" Xu Ming's eyes suddenly became strange.

call out!

A silent soul attack instantly disappeared into Yue Xiaoxian's body.


Yue Xiaoxian's soul was directly shattered! - Although his divine body is still intact, his soul is shattered, and he can no longer die!

"Too weak..." Xu Ming couldn't help shaking his head.

Although, soul attack is not Xu Ming's strong point. However, Xu Ming's strength is strong enough, coupled with the fact that he has created his own emperor-level secret skills, and the fighting level is also high enough; so, even if it is not a strong point, it is an easy thing to kill a Silver Moon 8-Rank who is much weaker than himself!

"Finally, these two annoying flies have been dealt with!" Xu Ming had never paid attention to the two of them.

"Xu...Xu Ming?" Xiong Shan looked at Xu Ming with a feeling that his brain was not enough, "Xu Ming, your Heavenly Dao Liu clone was only a demigod not long ago, right?"

Xu Ming smiled and said, "Don't you know?"

"I know! But... I can't believe it!" Xiong Shan's expression was very exciting, "Not long ago, he was only a demigod, and in a blink of an eye, you can kill Yinyue Eighth Grade..."

Xu Ming smiled and said, "I have some luck, so it's special!"

"Your fortune... is too perverted!" Xiong Shan didn't ask much, he knew that every cultivator has his own secrets. And Xu Ming's encounter must be his big secret.

"Haha!" Xu Ming smiled, and then turned towards the surrounding void, shouting loudly, "Brother Yan Xu, since you're here, why don't you come out and see?"

"Yan Xu?" Xiong Shan had obviously heard of Yan Xu's reputation. After all, Yan Xu's reputation in the world of no difficulty is still very loud.

"Hahahaha..." There was a loud laugh in the distance, and then a figure emerged from the shadows, it was Yan Xu, "Brother Xu Ming, you must have discovered me long ago? - I followed you all the way, look It's overkill!"

Xu Ming went up to meet him and said with a serious face, "Brother Yan Xu is actually protecting me in secret, I am very grateful!"

"Don't, don't! I can't be thankful for you!" Yan Xu continued.

Xu Ming didn't say much - this thank you, just keep it in your heart, there's no need to talk about it.

"But..." Yan Xu looked at Xu Ming as if he was perverted, "Brother Xu Ming, your strength is too terrifying..."

Xu Ming smiled and said, "I seem to have mentioned my strength to you before, but you don't believe me..."

"How do you tell me to believe it?" Yan Xu said bitterly, "Even now, I still can't believe it!"

"Haha..." Xu Ming laughed, "So now, I said that I want to leave the Realm of No Difficulties, is there any problem?"

"Of course there's no problem! - If you go to the No Difficulty Tower, I'm afraid your opponents will cry!" Yan Xu said.

"Oh?" Xu Ming was not very clear about the rules of the Tower of No Difficulties.

"The rules of the No Difficulty Tower are very simple, you will know it when you go!" Yan Xu said, "With your just be a little careful, pass the third floor of the No Difficulty Tower, and leave the No Difficulty Tower. Difficult world, no problem!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded.

In fact, Xu Ming's goal this time is not to break through the third floor of the Pagoda of No Difficulty and leave the Realm of No Difficulty; it is to break through the fourth floor and above of the Pagoda of No Difficulty to see if he has the fate to accept the real " inherited"!

"By the way, Brother Yan Xu, I have something else I want to trouble you with!" Xu Ming suddenly said.

"I understand, you're talking about this Xiongshan brother, right?" Yan Xu pointed at Xiongshan and said with a smile, "Don't worry, he will be a member of my No Difficulty Alliance in the future; in the No Difficulty Realm, no one dares to bully him!"

Xiong Shan's eyes suddenly lit up—of course he wanted to join the Wu Difficulty League; but with his strength, under normal circumstances, the Wudimeng League would not want him!

"Thank you very much!" Xu Ming clasped his fists and said, "If we can see each other again in the God's Domain in the future, we must get drunk and rest!"

"Okay!" Yan Xu's eyes flashed with excitement - isn't everything he is doing now to have a relationship with Xu Ming? Now it seems that Xu Ming has accepted his love!

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