Break Into Another World

Chapter 977: Enter the Tower of No Difficulty

The continent of suffering is endless and vast.

The so-called tests in the Torment Continent were all aimed at the Silver Moon level, and naturally they would not pose any threat to Xu Ming. After beheading a few strange-shaped beasts, Xu Ming finally arrived at the end of the Continent of Suffering, which is also the exit of the Realm of No Difficulty - the Tower of No Difficulty!

"finally reached!"

Xu Ming looked at the black seven-story pagoda in front of him.

This pagoda is not tall, only a few dozen feet; the pagoda's aura is also very simple, without the slightest coercion.

However, Xu Ming knew that inside the pagoda, there must be something special.

"No Difficulty Tower!"

Xu Ming flew forward.

As he kept getting closer to the pagoda, Xu Ming felt that the surrounding space was constantly distorting; and the black pagoda he saw in his eyes was also constantly changing its shape.

The pagoda sometimes becomes hundreds of millions of miles tall, and sometimes it becomes smaller than the dust; sometimes it becomes a short "fat pier" shape, and sometimes it becomes extremely thin-Xu Ming knows that these are all due to the distortion of space. It was so powerful that when the light was transmitted to his eyes, the distortion in his eyes also occurred.

"What a clever time-space distortion method!" Xu Ming carefully felt the changes in the surrounding space.

Although Xu Ming knows nothing about time and space, he has already reached the realm of "breaking the law with force", and naturally he can also feel the mystery of time and space changes.

It took about half an hour to fly, because the space was distorted too much, and Xu Ming could not know how far he had flown.

Suddenly, a dazzling white light flashed in front of Xu Ming's eyes; when he regained his vision, the surrounding scene had completely changed, turning into a beautiful and peaceful valley.

The seven-story pagoda is in the center of this valley; however, it is no longer the color of darkness. The whole pagoda is overflowing with brilliance, which is extremely dreamy and beautiful.

At this moment, Xu Ming remembered a poem - Willows, Dark Flowers, Bright Another Village!

In the valley, there are already nine figures.

Of these nine figures, the weakest is the tenth grade Yinyue, and there is only one; the other eight are all half-step kings!

Xu Ming couldn't help but look at it for a while: "What a strong lineup!"

These nine figures also saw Xu Ming for the first time, and they all showed joy: "Finally wait until the tenth, you can enter the Tower of No Difficulties!"

"Uh..." Xu Ming was a little surprised - to enter the Tower of No Difficulty, you still need ten people to make a pot?

Immediately afterwards, all nine figures noticed Xu Ming's cultivation level; then, everyone was stunned!

"Silver Moon Fourth Grade?"

"Isn't this kidding me? Yinyue fourth-grade, dare to come to the No Difficulty Tower?"

"Did he come to die?"

"Boy!" A burly figure asked with a sneer, "Did you go to the wrong place?"

Wrong place?

Xu Ming looked at him: "This is the Tower of No Difficulties, right?"

"That's right! But your cultivation..." The burly figure was only halfway through when he was stopped by another master voice transmission, telling him not to continue talking.

Xu Ming didn't pay attention, just said with a smile: "Since it's the Tower of No Difficulties, then it's not wrong!"

Did you go wrong?

All nine figures looked at Xu Ming in shock.

The burly figure just now couldn't help but ask, "Are you really here to break through the No Difficulty Tower?"

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Xu Ming asked in confusion.

"Don't you... don't understand the rules for breaking through the No Difficulty Tower?" The burly figure asked again.

Xu Ming said a little "stupidly": "I just came to the World of No Difficulties, and I really don't understand the rules of breaking through the No Difficulty Tower!"

"Oh..." In the eyes of the nine figures, a clear look appeared.

"It turns out that I don't understand the rules, no wonder..." The nine figures said to each other through voice transmission.

"It's really lucky! I was able to meet a fourth-grade Yinyue competitor!"

"In this case, if we break through the No Difficulty Tower, it is equivalent to one less competitor!"

"Ha ha…"

Of course Xu Ming didn't know that these nine figures had already regarded him as a "gift". However, even if Xu Ming knew the thoughts of the nine people, he would not care; because... no matter what the rules of the Tower of No Difficulty were, Xu Ming could crush it with absolute strength!

At this time, the tenth-grade Yinyue with the weakest cultivation base among the nine said, "Since everyone has gathered, let's enter the Tower of No Difficulty!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Others spoke up.

Of course, Xu Ming also had no objection. However, Xu Ming found that the existence of the eight half-step kings seemed to be a little afraid of this silver moon tenth rank.

Half-step king, afraid of Yinyue tenth grade? - Quite unusual!

"I'm afraid this tenth-grade Yinyue has extraordinary strength!" Xu Ming secretly said in his heart, and slightly raised some vigilance.

When ten people walked to the main entrance of the seven-story pagoda...


A dazzling colored light suddenly radiated from the main entrance of the pagoda; an invisible pressure radiated from the door, oppressing Xu Ming and others.


"Go in!"

Xu Ming and other ten masters looked at each other; then, almost simultaneously, they turned into streamers and rushed into the gate.

No Difficulty Tower.

The first world.

"Huh? What about the others?"

Xu Ming saw that in front of him was an incomparably long and narrow corridor, dark and deep, with no end in sight. The wall of the corridor was made of black jade; however, Xu Ming knew very well that he would definitely not be able to break the wall.

The other nine had disappeared without a trace.

"I'm afraid... the other nine people are also facing a corridor, right?" Xu Ming guessed.

At this time, a magnificent voice sounded above his head: "Through this corridor, you can reach the second layer of the world and get rewards! The sooner you pass, the more rewards!"

"It is so!"


Xu Ming did not suppress his speed, and shot out the electricity - the sooner you reach the second floor, the more rewards! Even for rewards, Xu Ming must not keep a low profile!

call out-

You must know that Xu Ming's strength is comparable to that of a middle-level king! His speed soared, naturally far exceeding the masters of the other nine corridors.

"I don't know... In this deep corridor, what kind of test will be encountered?"

Sure Xu Ming flew for a quarter of an hour, and a magnificent voice sounded above his head again: "Ahead, your opponent will appear! The opponent's strength is equal to your cultivation base!"

"Uh..." Xu Ming was speechless—the opponent's strength was equal to my cultivation?

Xu Ming's cultivation base is Yinyue fourth-grade, so his opponent is not the strength of Yinyue fourth-grade?

Is there still a challenge for such an opponent?

Not at all!

But... Xu Ming likes it!

"Roar-" Soon, in front of Xu Ming, a strange beast with fangs and claws appeared, which was the strength of Yinyue Fourth Grade.

The alien beasts are fat, directly blocking the entire corridor. Needless to say, if you don't kill this alien beast, you will definitely not be able to pass through the corridor.

"Roar! Die!" The alien roared.

In the face of this strange beast, Xu Ming's speed did not decrease at all; he was ready to... directly hit it!

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