Break Into Another World

Chapter 978: kindness 1 point


Flesh and blood fly!

The poor beast encountered Xu Ming, who was many times stronger than it; not only was it hit with flesh and blood, but the impact of the collision caused it to suffer a massive annihilation at the particle level.

Yinyue Fourth Grade, hit and killed!


Without turning his head, Xu Ming rushed towards the depths of the deep corridor.

At this time, the other nine tower breakers have not yet flown to the alien beast! When they encounter a strange beast, it will definitely not be as easy as Xu Ming, but will have to go through a hard and fierce battle.

call out-

Without a doubt, Xu Ming was the first to arrive at the end of the corridor.

"Congratulations, you are the first to pass the first layer of the world, and you will be rewarded with five bottles of spiritual marrow!" The magnificent voice sounded again, and at the same time, five small jade bottles fell from the sky.

"Five bottles of divine essence!?" Xu Ming's eyes lit up.

You must know that when Xu Ming received King Xingluo's treasure, he only got one bottle of Spiritual Essence; but now, just by passing through the first floor of the Pagoda of No Difficulties, he actually got five bottles of Spiritual Essence!

Five bottles of spiritual marrow, that's 10,000 drops!

"There are so many rewards on the first floor. I don't know if the second floor will give me even more surprises!" Xu Ming thought to himself, stepping up the ten thousand steps at the end of the corridor and walking towards the second floor.

The second floor of the No Difficulty Pagoda is an incomparably vast desert world with no end in sight.

The wind danced wildly, raising thousands of feet of yellow sand; the entire vast world was immersed in the dusky sandstorm.

"No one else is here yet!"

Xu Ming was not anxious, he stood with his hands behind his back, closed his eyes, and waited for others to come up.

After about a quarter of an hour.

In the first layer of the world, the silver moon tenth-grade master finally arrived at the end of the corridor.

"Haha, it's finally here! I, Zuo Bai, must be the first to reach the finish line!" The silver moon tenth-grade master "Zuo Bai" laughed loudly.

No wonder Zuo Bai has such confidence! You must know that although his cultivation level is only 10th grade Yinyue, his strength is stronger than that of ordinary half-step kings - like those eight half-step kings, they are not his opponents!

And the opponent that Zuo Bai encountered was only the tenth grade Yinyue; therefore, in his opinion, he must be the "number one" without a doubt!

As for Xu Ming... Zuo Bai has directly ignored Xu Ming's existence!

"Congratulations..." A magnificent voice sounded.

Hearing the word "Congratulations", Zuo Bai's face suddenly burst into a smile - in his opinion, he must be congratulated because of his good grades.

But then, the smile on Zuo Bai's face froze.

"Congratulations, the second time you pass the first layer of the world, you will be rewarded with three bottles of spirit essence!"

Three small jade bottles slowly fell from the sky.

Three bottles of spiritual marrow, a full 6,000 drops. However, Zuo Bai looked at the three bottles of divine essence, but he did not have the joy that he should have when he obtained the treasure, but instead revealed Ling Lie's killing intent.

"Second... I'm actually only second..." Zuo Bai's eyes were extremely cold, "Someone dared to grab my first throne!"

In Zuo Bai's eyes, "No. 1" has already been set by him, and no one is allowed to interfere!

"Who is so ignorant of life and death?" Zuo Bai collected three bottles of spirit essence and stepped up the ten thousand steps step by step to the second layer of the world, "Humph! The second layer of the world is a world of slaughter; , then I'll kill him and rob him of his treasure!"

With full of killing intent, Zuo Bai stepped into the second layer of the world.

Then, Zuo Bai was stunned.

"It's you!?"

Zuo Bai's eyes widened, looking at Xu Ming, his heart was unbelievable, and he couldn't accept it: "I actually... was robbed of the No. 1 throne by a silver moon fourth rank?"

If the one who stole his first throne was a half-step king, Zuo Bai would still be able to accept it a little; Just as uncomfortable.

It's so **** frustrating!

"Uh, you're finally here?" Xu Ming didn't seem to see Zuo Bai's ugly face, and smiled, "I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

I have been waiting for you for a long time!

Xu Ming's words undoubtedly gave Zuo Bai another critical blow.

If it is said that Zuo Bai's mood just now was like eating ten mouthfuls of Xiangxiang; then now, his mood is like eating a hundred mouthfuls of Xiangxiang! - It's the feeling of being able to eat and hold on!

"Boy!" Zuo Bai looked at Xu Ming coldly, "No wonder you dare to come to the Tower of No Difficulties, so you have some skills! In such a short time, you have passed the first floor; I am afraid, your real The strength is not lower than the seventh rank of Yinyue, right?"

Zuo Bai quickly figured out why Xu Ming crossed the first floor earlier than him.

In his opinion, Xu Ming is only a fourth-grade Yinyue, and his flying speed must be much slower than him; then the only explanation is that Xu Ming took a very short time to solve the alien beast guarding the gate, and even directly Spike! - So, Zuo Bai quickly calculated that Xu Ming's strength was not lower than the seventh rank of Yinyue. Only in this way, Xu Ming can take away the first throne that "belongs" to him.

"Yinyue fourth-grade cultivation base has the combat power of Yinyue seventh-grade; your background is also extremely strong!" Zuo Bai sneered, "If you can become Yinyue tenth-grade in the future, I am afraid not. Will be weaker than me now! What a pity! What a pity!"

"What a pity?" Xu Ming couldn't help but asked curiously.

" have no future!" Zuo Bai sneered.

Xu Ming's eyes froze slightly: "You want to kill me?"

"That's right!" Zuo Bai admitted directly, "Although the second layer of the world can't be done right now; but when everyone arrives, the killing will begin! - You dare to grab my first throne, Moreover, your strength is the weakest among all people; you said, if I don't kill you, who will I kill?"

"So that's how it is..." Xu Ming understood Zuo Bai's thoughts.

However, Xu Ming didn't take Zuo Bai's threat to heart in the slightest - Zuo Bai's strength is slightly stronger than the ordinary half-step, but even the threshold of the first-level kingship is still there. Didn't touch it! However, Xu Ming is already a middle-ranked king!

Zuo Bai wanted to kill Xu Ming?

This is not called "killing", this is called "seeking death"!

Zuo Bai said again: "If you kneel in front of me now and beg for mercy, maybe I will be a little more merciful to you!"

Be kind?

Xu Ming smiled and asked, "Can you not kill me?"

"Don't kill you? How is that possible!" Zuo Bai sneered, "Be kind to you, so that you can die happily!"

"Is that so..." Xu Ming smiled meaningfully, "If you kneel down and beg for mercy now, then I can be a little more merciful to you!"

"You... seek your own death!" Zuo Bai snorted coldly, and then stopped talking.

However, Zuo Bai had already begun to ponder in his heart, how could he torture Xu Ming a little harder in order to vent his hatred.

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