Break Into Another World

Chapter 979: kick the iron plate

After half an hour, another person came to the second floor.

"Ji Ran!" Zuo Bai glanced indifferently, seeing that Ji Ran was the third to arrive, and there were no surprises. After all, Ji Ran's strength is second only to him among the nine people, and there is not much difference.

However, Ji Ran was obviously surprised, because he found that Xu Ming, the fourth silver moon, had arrived before him!

"Zuo Bai!" Ji Ran pointed at Xu Ming and asked, "Is he the second?"

Zuo Bai looked ugly: "He is the first!"

"What!?" Ji Ran looked shocked, unimaginable.

However, after the shock, Ji Ran looked at Xu Ming with only pity in his eyes. Because in his opinion, no matter what number Xu Ming got, it is impossible to leave the second floor alive.

The second floor is a world where one side kills!

After that, people arrived in the second world one after another.


When the ninth person reached the second floor, a low and huge roar suddenly appeared in the sky.

A terrifying twisting force was formed above the distant sky; the endless yellow sand in the second-layer world was rolled into a huge vortex, slowly turning like a grinding disc. In the center of the vortex, a huge cyan beam of light blasted down, connecting the heaven and the earth.

"What is that?" Xu Ming looked puzzled.

But Zuo Bai, Ji Ran and other old drivers knew that it was the passage to the third-layer world.

But at the same time, Zuo Bai and others also had doubts in their hearts: "Don't the passage to the third floor appear only after ten people have arrived? Why does it appear after only nine people have arrived?"

At this time, the magnificent voice sounded again: "Among your group of ten people, one person has died on the first floor!"

"I see!"

"It is so!"

Zuo Bai and others thought about it.

"That unfortunate ghost is too weak, right? You can't even break through the first floor, and you dare to come to the No Difficulty Tower?"

"It's not weak! It should have just broken through to the half-step kingship, and then rushed to break through the No Difficulty Tower; but I don't know, if you just break through, you will be very disadvantaged in the first-layer world!"

"Anyway, if one dies, it will be easier for us to break into the second floor!"

"Haha! Indeed! On the second floor, only eight people can survive! - If he hadn't died on the first floor, then in the battle on the second floor, two people had to die; and now, one death is enough. !"

die one?

Who to die?

Everyone looked at Xu Ming with bad intentions - since only one person needs to die, then who else can die if this Silver Moon 4th Rank is not dead?

"Hahaha..." Zuo Bai couldn't help grinning excitedly, "None of you should do anything, this kid is mine! I have to torture him!"

Although Zuo Bai's cultivation is only 10th grade Yinyue, his strength is stronger than the average half-step king! The other half-step kings didn't want to conflict with Zuo Bai on the second floor; after hearing the words, they all stepped aside, leaving the battlefield to Zuo Bai and Xu Ming.

"Boy, now you know you're afraid?" Zuo Bai sneered and looked at Xu Ming.


What is Xu Ming afraid of?

Xu Ming just wants to laugh now - laughing at how ignorant Zuo Bai is!

"However, even if you're afraid, it's already too late!" Zuo Bai continued with a sneer, "Just now, I gave you the opportunity to kneel down and beg for mercy; however, instead of cherishing it, you also uttered wild words and utter nonsense!—Now , even if you kneel down and beg for mercy, I won't let you die comfortably!"

"Really?" Xu Ming glanced indifferently and sneered, "But I'm still very kind! I still give you the opportunity to kneel down and beg for mercy, it's up to you to seize it!"



The other half-step king masters, listening to Xu Ming's arrogant words, couldn't help but think.

As for Zuo Bai, seeing Xu Ming so calm and arrogant, for some reason, a tingling feeling flashed in his heart. But then, Zuo Bai felt that he was over-hearted! - The other party is only a Yinyue 4th rank. Even if he is perverted, how can he threaten him?

Thinking of this, Zuo Bai couldn't help but feel a little annoyed and angry: "I was... almost fooled by him!"

"Boy, how dare you be so arrogant when you are about to die!" Zuo Bai shouted angrily, his figure turned into an afterimage, and he shot towards Xu Ming. His two palms directly imitated Sen Leng's bone claws, "Boy, I hope you can be so stubborn after a while!"

Xu Ming's eyes narrowed slightly: "The way of the sky is too cloudy?"

Obviously, Zuo Bai took the route of "breaking the law with force" with the help of the way of the sun.

"Dare to kill me with bare hands?" Xu Ming couldn't help sneering in his heart, "It seems that Zuo Bai didn't take me seriously at all!"

"Humph!" Xu Ming groaned angrily, his fists ignited with flames and smashed towards Zuo Bai's bone claws.



Seeing this, the surrounding half-step seal kings sneered.

Zuo Bai's face was even more ferocious: "Boy, even if you are courting death, you don't need to be so impatient, right?"


In an instant, Zuo Bai's two cold bone claws appeared in front of Xu Ming.

Among the bones and claws, the Tao of the Clouds of Heaven is the foundation, and the mysteries of countless laws of heaven and order are integrated. The bone claws pressed over, even making Xu Ming feel as if he was entangled by hundreds of millions of spider silks, and even his movements became a little slow.

"Heh! A bit of a doorway!" Xu Ming used his power, and with a slight shock, he completely dissipated the power that was entangled in him.

"What!?" Zuo Bai was horrified. He didn't expect that some of the mysteries contained in his claw could be broken so easily.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that made Zuo Bai even more terrified happened!


Zuo Bai's two bone claws collided with Xu Ming's flame fists - the bone claws were blown away!

Moreover, it wasn't just Zuo Bai's bone claws that were blasted away! Even the divine power on Zuo Bai's hands was completely annihilated from the particle level and turned into nothingness!

In just one collision, Zuo Bai destroyed both arms. Although, the arm can be re-condensed immediately with divine power; however, the re-condensed arm is definitely very different from the original arm!

"What!?" Everyone looked at this scene in horror.

No one expected Zuo Bai and Xu Ming's collision would end like this!

"I kicked the iron plate!" Zuo Bai's face turned pale, and he ran away.


It is too naive to know that I am afraid and to run away only now!

"Kill!" Xu Ming was murderous.

"Forgive me! Forgive me this time!" Zuo Bai begged for mercy loudly, while taking out his sharp sword, preparing to resist Xu Ming's attack.

"Now you know to beg for mercy? It's too late!" Xu Ming pulled out his spear and smashed it in a mighty rage.

Poor Zuo Bai, although he was slightly stronger than the ordinary half-step kingship, but he didn't even touch the threshold of the first-level kingship, so how could he resist Xu Ming's full-strength attack?

With one shot, Zuo Bai directly turned into powder; every particle on his body was annihilated from the particle level, and he couldn't die any longer!


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