Break Into Another World

Chapter 980: 16 numbers

No Difficulty Tower.

The second world.



Between heaven and earth, apart from the sound of endless yellow sand swept across, there were only the exclamations of half-step king conferring masters.

"Zuo Bai was killed by... a shot?"

Everyone subconsciously stayed far away from Xu Ming.

You know, Zuo Bai is the most powerful being among them! Even Zuo Bai was killed with a single shot, so the rest of them were killed by a single shot against Xu Ming?

"This Xu Ming's strength is too terrifying!"

"One shot kills Zuo Bai, his strength is probably already at the level of a king!?"

"Isn't he Yinyue Fourth Grade?"

"Silver Moon Fourth Grade? - He must have used some method to hide his cultivation!"

"Have you seen the mystery of his shot just now?"

"I didn't see it clearly! However, he must have taken the route of breaking the law with force!"

"The route of breaking the law with force, the attack is relatively stupid. As long as we stay away from him and don't get close to him, there shouldn't be too much danger!"

"Yes! The seven of us are all half-step kings! Even if he is king-level strength, it is not so easy to kill us!"

The seven half-step king masters spoke to each other through voice transmission. Although their conversation sounded emboldened, in fact, the seven people had already been intimidated by Xu Ming's shot just now.


Xu Ming glanced at the seven people with disdain.

The opponent who has been frightened is not worth his attention at all.

At this moment, the majestic voice resounded again above the dome: "There are only eight people left in the second-layer world, meeting the conditions for the third-layer world! Killing is prohibited from now on, everyone, please enter the blue beam of light!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! …

Hearing the words, the seven half-step king masters were relieved and rushed to the blue beam of light in the distance.

Xu Ming calmly put away Zuo Bai's legacy and flew towards the blue beam of light.

"This Zuo Bai is quite rich!" In Zuo Bai's inheritance, there are four bottles of spirit essence, and there are countless other treasures.

call out!

Xu Ming flashed his body, but did not enter the blue beam of light.

Although it was the moment of "no killing", the other seven half-step king masters still looked at Xu Ming with great fear; in the huge blue beam of light, they were all far away from Xu Ming.

Xu Ming sneered disdainfully—if he wanted to kill these seven people, why would it be so difficult? You must know that these seven people are only half-step kings, not real kings; Xu Ming really wants to kill them, just spend some level 10 hanging points and open a "life and death book" to hang it!

Xu Ming now has ten bottles of Spiritual Essence in hand, even if it is a level 11 hanging point, there are a lot of them; even if he spends a level 10 hanging point, he is not at all distressed.

"Killing is forbidden now, don't rush to do it first; go to the third-layer world first and see what's going on!" Xu Ming secretly thought.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Ming only felt a twist in time and space; after the misty light flashed in front of his eyes, Xu Ming appeared in a new world!

"the third floor?"

Xu Ming looked around and observed the situation around him.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! …

As for the other seven half-step king crown masters, they all flew back in the opposite direction of Xu Ming, staying far away from Xu Ming.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Ming had already figured out his situation.

Xu Ming was now on a crimson earth, with endless fire clouds rolling in the sky, with no end in sight.

In the distant sky, from time to time, large groups of skyfires fell, hitting the end of the earth. Even though Xu Ming was separated by thousands of miles from the end of the earth, he could still feel the overwhelming and unstoppable power of the falling fire from the sky.

"If the fire fell from my head these days, I'm afraid it would kill me instantly!" Xu Ming was silently shocked.

At the same time, Xu Ming discovered that there were actually eight masters about 100,000 miles away from him. The eight masters all stared at their side.

"Are they...?" Xu Ming was a little puzzled - he didn't understand the rules in the Tower of No Difficulty, so he didn't know that those eight masters were the last group to enter the Tower of No Difficulty.

The eight masters in the distance are extraordinary! One of them even reached the strength of the first-level kings; the remaining seven were half-step kings.

"Huh?" When the eight experts saw Xu Ming and the others, they were all stunned, "What's the situation? There is actually a fourth-rank Silver Moon who came to the third-layer world alive?"

Immediately afterwards, an incredible scene for these eight masters happened. They saw that the seven half-step kings who came up with Xu Ming were all far away from Xu Ming, like a mouse seeing a cat.

The eight masters in the previous batch were not fools, so they naturally guessed Xu Ming's extraordinaryness.

"I'm afraid this silver moon fourth rank is a little tricky, you have to be careful of him!"

Xu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly and looked around calmly: "Including me, there are 16 people in total, and the weakest have half-step kingship strength! I don't know... What kind of rules will this third-layer world be!"

Xu Ming didn't care what kind of rules it would be! - In front of his power to crush everything, no matter what the rules are, they are clouds!


Just as Xu Ming waited silently, the endless fire clouds rolling in the sky suddenly turned blood red.

The blood-red fire clouds that filled the sky were disgusting to look at; the intense killing intent boiled over, constantly impacting the willpower of Xu Ming and others. Several half-step kings with weak willpower, their eyes were red with murderous redness, and their minds were a little sluggish.

Of course, to Xu Ming, this killing intent was nothing.

In the blood-red fire cloud, huge black numbers suddenly appeared. There were a total of sixteen numbers, each of which was as pitch-black as ink, and exuded monstrous murderous intent, which seemed to draw out the murderous emotions of Xu Ming and others.

The sixteen numbers are: one, two, three, four...fifteen, sixteen!

Under the impact of the killing intent of these sixteen numbers, even the only king who exists, his will is somewhat unclear at this moment, and his eyes are full of murderous light.

The one with the most sober will is undoubtedly Xu Ming! - The monstrous killing intent slammed into Xu Ming's will, as powerless as a mayfly shaking a tree.

"What do these sixteen numbers mean?" Xu Ming waited curiously.

After a while, the magnificent voice sounded again: "Congratulations, you have successfully reached the third floor! As long as you pass the third floor, you can leave the No Difficulty Realm, or enter the higher fourth floor to accept the test!"

Xu Ming listened silently.

The grand voice continued: "The content of this test depends on both strength and luck! Then, let's see how your luck is!"


The sixteen black numbers with monstrous killing intent in the sky began to twist and merge.

Finally, sixteen black numbers, fused to form a huge new number: One!

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