Break Into Another World

Chapter 982: and slow down

"Silver Moon Fourth Grade?"

"Is this the genius you were talking about?"

After the consciousness of the spirit of the earth and the spirit of protecting the city came to the Tower of No Difficulty, they were all speechless.

"Yes! It's him!" Ta Ling said with great certainty, "Although he only has the cultivation base of Yinyue Fourth Grade, his strength is not simple! I estimate that his strength may have reached the middle level of the king!"


"Yinyue fourth-grade, has the strength of the middle-level king?"

The spirit of the earth and the spirit of protecting the city couldn't believe it: "If this is the case, then this kid is really not easy!"

"And..." Taring said again, "His breath of life is very young! Although I can't judge his exact age, it should be no more than 100,000 years old!"

"So young?" The Earth Spirit's eyes brightened. "The younger you are, the younger your heart will be! Maybe, this kid really hopes to get the inheritance of the master!"

Suddenly, the spirit of the moat said: "It's him! - I know who he is!"

"Oh?" Taling and the spirit of the earth looked over curiously.

The spirit of protecting the city said: "Not long ago, the stele spirit of the inheritance monument reported to me that there was a peerless evildoer. The first time he accepted the inheritance, he broke through from the demigod to the first grade of the silver moon; the second time he accepted the inheritance, it was even more so. From Silver Moon Rank 1 to Silver Moon Rank 4!—Yes, I just confirmed with the tablet spirit, he is right!"



The Spirit of the Earth and the Spirit of the Tower both sucked in a breath of cold air: "Two inheritances, broke through from the demigod to the fourth rank of Yinyue? Moreover, the strength is even more comparable to the middle-level king!?"

Who would believe this if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes?

"Peerless monster!"

"Unprecedented peerless evildoer!"

"Master... Maybe there is a successor!"

"He is such a monster, will he have already obtained the inheritance of other peak existences?" The spirit of protecting the city suddenly thought.

"It is possible! But so what? The inheritance of the master, and the inheritance of other peak existences, do not conflict with each other!" The spirit of the earth said indifferently.

"Don't talk about it, the battle is about to start!" Taring said, "You said... Should I make him more difficult?"

"How to increase?"

"Look at me!"

The third-level world of the Tower of No Difficulty.

The atmosphere is tense.

Fourteen half-step king conferring masters stared at each other, ready to take action against Xu Ming and the enmity king at any time.

King Qiufu had a serious look on his face—although he was a king-level existence, he had to pay 100% attention and deal with it carefully when facing seven half-step king-making experts at the same time.

Xu Ming is very relaxed - let alone seven half-step kings, even if all fifteen people present besiege him, there is not much threat!

Suddenly, the fourteen half-step king conferring masters slammed together: "Kill!"

But at this moment, the magnificent voice on the dome sounded again: "Everyone who breaks the tower, slow down!"


Xu Ming, Qiu Fuwang, Ji Ran and others all looked at the air in confusion.

"I remind you..." The majestic voice on the dome seemed a little obscene, "This fourth-grade Yinyue, his real combat power should be in the middle rank of King Feng!"


The sixteen people on the third floor, including Xu Ming, were all dumbfounded.

Qiu Fuwang, Ji Ran and the others were all shocked: "Fengwang middle-level? How is it possible..."

At this time, the magnificent voice said again: "Okay, I will say so much, you can do it yourself!"

Immediately, the magnificent voice disappeared without a trace.

Xu Ming was speechless for a while: "Just talking so much? Just came here to reveal my strength? - This is playing me!"

Although Xu Ming doesn't mind "one enemy fifteen", he doesn't want to be played like this either!

"I rely on!"

However, people had to bow their heads under the low eaves.

Xu Ming cursed angrily, clenching the spear in his hand! - With one enemy and fifteen, Xu Ming did not dare to be too careless.

At this time, the expressions of King Qiufu, Ji Ran and others became very complicated.

"Fengwang middle-level..."

"I met such a strong opponent, and I can only survive one..."

Everyone quickly communicated in private, and soon reached an agreement - join forces to kill Xu Ming first!

Everyone glanced at Xu Ming, and then...

Fifteen people were very tacit, and they all killed Xu Ming.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

One after another, terrifying murderous aura charged towards Xu Ming. Under the strong murderous aura, even Xu Ming felt a little heavy.

call out…

Around Xu Ming, hundreds of millions of invisible causal lines suddenly undulated like waves. All the cause and effect related to Xu Ming were disturbed at this moment.

"There is a master of cause and effect!" Xu Ming's eyes instantly locked on a Taoist robe and a half-step king. This wave of causal attacks was exactly what he sent.


Immediately afterwards, countless causal threads were madly entwining towards Xu Ming; between the lightning and flint, Xu Ming was entangled into a silkworm cocoon!

"Causal bondage!"

At the same time, the space beside Xu Ming began to distort. In the severely distorted space, Xu Ming took a step forward, or even took a step back—this situation is very dangerous, because Xu Ming may have accidentally bumped into someone else's blade.


Immediately afterwards, Xu Ming suddenly panicked, as if he felt that his fate was no longer in his control.

"Fate tampering! He is a master of fate!"

boom! boom! boom! …

The other masters also showed their means and besieged Xu Ming at the same time.

Among them, the most terrifying attack by King Qiufu was the most terrifying; as soon as his blood-colored sword light came out, he seemed to be able to directly sever everything.

Under the joint efforts of a junior king and fourteen half-step kings, Xu Ming felt a lot of pressure in an instant!

"Some tricks!" Xu Ming snorted coldly, "I really underestimate them! But..."

The long spear in Xu Ming's hand trembled, and the sound of a dragon roared faintly.

"However... It's too naive to want to deal with me with these flashy means!"


Xu Ming's aura erupted violently, and the causal cocoon bound to him was instantly shattered to Break the law with force!

The causal order related to Xu Ming also briefly fell into chaos.


Xu Ming's spear took the initiative to meet King Qiufu.

"The Heaven of Reincarnation Five Forms Collapses!"

Heaven collapsed!

The ultimate strength, the ultimate domineering one-shot marksmanship!

Under the crushing of absolute power, all laws and orders will be broken!

The spear in Xu Ming's hand blasted through the distorted space beside him, as if a large truck ran over a small puddle - the distorted space was directly flattened by this gun!


The long spear crushed the heavy law shackles, and finally smashed it with the knife of the burial king.

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