Break Into Another World

Chapter 983: whetstone

boom! !

Even though Xu Ming's spear, after breaking the shackles of many laws, already felt a little bit at the end of the line. However, when the spear and the **** knife collided, the mysterious power contained in the spear completely crushed the blood-colored light of the burial king.

Xu Ming is safe and sound.

But King Qiufu was blasted back a hundred miles, and his divine body was slightly damaged.


The Qiufu King and the half-step kings who were besieging them all watched this scene in shock - fifteen of their masters joined forces to besiege Xu Ming, and they were still at a disadvantage! ?

"Feng Wang Intermediate!"

"It is definitely the strength of the middle-level king! Moreover, in the middle-level king, there is no weak existence!"

King Qiufu, Ji Ran, etc. all exclaimed.

"Fortunately, the tower Ling of the No Difficulty Tower reminds us that Xu Ming is a middle-level king; otherwise, if we don't all unite, we will definitely not threaten Xu Ming at all!" Ji Ran thought with lingering fears.

"However, why does Taring remind us of this?" Someone immediately wondered.

"Yeah! The Tower of No Difficulty, and even the entire Realm of No Difficulty, should have been set up by some super existence to select geniuses, right? - Xu Ming is obviously a lot more genius than us. Even if Taling wants to help, he should help Xu Ming, you shouldn't help us!"

"Yeah! It doesn't make sense!"

"In my opinion..." King Qiu Fu flew back from a hundred miles away in an instant, "Ta Ling regarded us as Xu Ming's whetstone!"

"Dare to treat us as whetstones!?" Ji Ran stared, "Ta Ling is not afraid, we broke Xu Ming's knife?"

"Humph! Kill him!"

"Even if I die, I will pull him back!"

The masters present, even if the talent and aptitude are not as good as Xu Ming, but who is not the favored one? How can they tolerate that they become Xu Ming's whetstone?

"Whetstone?" Xu Ming sneered in his heart.

If you want to be a whetstone for Brother Ming, it depends on whether you are qualified or not!

With the fifteen rabble in front of me, it's almost the same for Brother Ming to warm up; but if they want to be Brother Ming's sharpening stone, they are still too tender! - If it is really sharpened, I am afraid that the stone will be broken before the knife starts to be sharpened.

Moreover, if Xu Ming really wanted to start the killing ring, as soon as the "Book of Life and Death" opened, fourteen half-step kings such as Ji Ran and Ji Ran could be instantly crowned! There is only one burial king who is at the beginning of the rank of the king, isn't it still for Xu Ming to knead?

However, that Taling, since he kindly arranged so many sharpening stones for Xu Ming; if Xu Ming did not give it a symbolic sharpening, it would really be a bit of a waste!

"Let's not use the 'Book of Life and Death' to hang them, and directly use force to defeat them!"

Xu Ming's eyes froze: "Kill!"


Xu Ming held a long spear, his eyes were frosty, and he took the initiative to kill him.

"Dare to take the initiative to attack!?"

This move by Xu Ming undoubtedly provokes King Qiufu and others.

Chou Burial King was covered in blood, and roared: "I'm the main attack, you guys assist me and kill him together!"


The monstrous blood on King Qiufu turned into hundreds of millions of blood dragons in vain. Every blood dragon is rolling with a ferocious killing intent, making people tremble!

This move is exactly the domain secret technique of King Chou Burial—Blood Dragon Realm!

Countless blood dragons attacked Xu Ming and entangled Xu Ming.

And Xu Ming, facing the harassment of these blood dragons, completely turned a blind eye!


Xu Ming's divine body violently smashed away countless blood dragons, and slayed the king of burial.

Not to be outdone, his **** knife was just raised, and countless blood dragons in the "Blood Dragon Realm" converged on the blood knife!

"Wanlong Slash!"

"Residual blood of the fifth form of reincarnation!"


The fourteen half-step kings also showed their means; causal attacks, fate attacks, time and space restrictions, and other means, all greeted Xu Ming.

And Xu Ming, like an invincible **** of war, no matter what means attack him, it will sink into the sea, and it will not have any effect.

"I don't believe it. You, a middle-ranked king, can be much stronger than me!" King Qiufu roared with a grim expression on his face.


The Wanlong Slash slashed across the blood and hit Xu Ming!

Seeing that, Xu Ming and King Qiufu were about to confront each other again! But suddenly, the corner of Xu Ming's mouth evoked a playful smile.

Then, the next moment—


Xu Ming immediately disappeared!

"What?" King Chou Burial's ultimate move suddenly lost its target, and he was suddenly stunned, "Where's the person?"

Immediately, King Choufu reacted: "It's teleportation! But... it's not right! Isn't this kid taking the route of breaking the law with force? Why is he also so accomplished in time and space that he can even teleport?"

"Not good!" Almost at the same time, King Qiufu felt a huge sense of crisis - because Xu Ming teleported behind him!


The secret skill "Remnant Blood" mercilessly blasted towards the King of Enemy Burial!

"Hey—" King Qiufu suddenly felt a chill in his heart—he wanted to dodge, but it was too late! Moreover, King Qiufu does not have the ability to teleport!

"No—" King Qiufu never expected that in the second round of the fight, he would face a huge crisis of life and death.

"Can't escape!"

"It's too late to turn around and resist!"

The burial king was almost desperate!

At this moment, the space between Xu Ming and King Qiufu suddenly distorted seriously.

"Space distortion?" Xu Ming couldn't stop sneering - if it were a Yinyue-level attack, he would indeed lose his way in the space distortion! For example, it was originally attacking forward, but it is likely to be sideways due to space distortion.


In the face of an attack of Xu Ming's level, this little space distortion is not worth mentioning at all, and it can be crushed directly! At most, it can slow down the speed of Xu Ming's shot a little bit!

Enemy Burial King, still have to die!

But then something unexpected happened to Xu Ming! ——I saw King Chou Burial, who had no time to dodge, and his entire figure teleported a short distance to the side very strangely!

But it was this short distance that allowed King Chou Burial to escape!

"Huh?" Xu Ming was slightly startled, "What's the situation? How could King Qiufu teleport?"

Immediately, Xu Ming understood that it wasn't that the King of Burial would teleport. It was the half-step king conferring master who practiced space-time and applied a teleport on Qiufu Wang, helping Qiufu Wang teleport away a short distance!

"Is this all right?" Xu Ming has a long experience! - You must know that Xu Ming's "teleport" hang, but he can only use it himself, and can't help others teleport!

"It's so dangerous!" King Qiu Fu breathed a long sigh of relief. Just now, he really walked at the juncture of life and death!

Xu Ming was a little annoyed: "The master of Space-Time One is really annoying enough to crack my ultimate move! - In this case, I will kill this one who cultivates Space-Time One first, so as not to be disturbed by him later!"

Xu Ming immediately turned the gun around!

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