Break Into Another World

Chapter 985: Grinding Hall


After a dazzling white light passed in front of him, the scene around Xu Ming changed and appeared in a huge hall.

The circular hall is a hundred miles in size and dozens of miles high, but there are no doors and windows. On the bright white walls, the texts of the Divine Realm were written all over the place; the text seemed to contain some kind of deep coercion.

What surprised Xu Ming the most was that the ground under his feet seemed to be a huge grinding wheel. Xu Ming felt that he seemed to be standing on a grinding wheel.

"What a strange hall!" Xu Ming observed carefully, "I don't know, what kind of tests will be on the fourth floor!"


At this time, the countless words of God's Domain on the walls of the hall began to emit a faint light.

Taring's voice also sounded again: "Welcome to the fourth floor - Grinding Heart Hall! In this floor, as long as you persist long enough, you can pass; if you fall into syncope, you will fail to pass the level!"

Hold on long enough?

Don't fall into fainting!

It sounds like the rules are pretty simple!

But Xu Ming knew that if he wanted to persist long enough, it might not be an easy thing!

"bring it on!"

Xu Ming gritted his teeth and shouted.


The text of the Divine Realm in the hall suddenly became so dazzling that Xu Ming could hardly open his eyes. The "grinding disc" under Xu Ming's feet trembled a few times, and then began to slowly turn.

"Damn it? It's really a grinding disc!"

Xu Ming let out a secret cry.

Immediately, a tyrannical coercion suddenly pressed down.


Xu Ming's heart seemed to be hit hard, and his whole body was stunned.

Even his knees shook violently—a terrifying coercion, trying to force Xu Ming to kneel on the ground!

"Want me to kneel!?"

Xu Ming's body was erect, his aura was limping, and his unyielding will rose to the sky.

This will is even stronger than the terrifying coercion in the Hall of Grinding Heart!


The terrifying coercion seemed to be provoked by Xu Ming's provocation.

The countless Divine Domain characters on the wall became more and more dazzling; the grinding wheel under Xu Ming's feet also slowly accelerated. The terrifying coercion is naturally even more terrifying!

Above the clouds above the No Difficulty Pagoda, the three "Artifact Spirits" looked in amazement:

"What a tenacious willpower! The coercion in the Hall of Grinding Heart did not force him to kneel!" Ta Ling said in shock, "Strong strength, strong willpower, and still so young... How did this kid cultivate? what!?"

"It doesn't matter how he cultivated! The evil genius can't be measured by common sense!" The Earth Spirit said indifferently, "Also, even if he can stand now, when the pressure in the Hall of Grinding Heart gets stronger and stronger, In the end he's going to kneel down!"

"Also... Even if he can pass the test of the Grinding Hall, he must pass the test on his knees! - No one can pass the test of the Grinding Hall set by the master standing up!" Ta Ling nodded.

Suddenly, the spirit of protecting the city, who had been silent, exclaimed: "Have you noticed that this kid's 'mind' is very strong?"


The tower spirit and the spirit of the earth all looked at it in amazement - isn't the Hall of Grinding Heart the place to test "mind power"?

Soon, the three spirits were shocked: "The second level of mental power!?"

"This kid has such a high talent in terms of mental strength?"

"At such a young age, he has the talent of the cultivator of the mind! It seems that he is very hopeful to realize the 'third level of mind power' and pass the test of the Heart Grinding Hall!"

The three artifact spirits all looked forward to watching: "It has been a long time since no one has passed the fourth-layer world of the Tower of No Difficulty!"


The grinding disc of the Grinding Hall was slowly turning, and it was turning faster and faster.

Xu Ming felt that his soul was like a diamond being ground by an invisible grinding disc.

With the rotation of the grinding disc, the impurities in Xu Ming's mind were ground away, and the original heart became more and more tenacious, and the mental strength became more and more tyrannical!

However, this process of "grinding the mind" is undoubtedly extremely painful! Fortunately, Xu Ming is very young, his "heart" is still very young, and there are not many impurities in his "heart"; therefore, this kind of pain is still within his range!

If it were replaced by those older gods, hundreds of millions of years old, billions of years old, even tens of billions of years old - their "hearts" are already old and full of various impurities; once they are ground in the Hall of Grinding Hearts, I am afraid Soon you will faint in severe pain! In that case, the test of Heart Grinding Hall will naturally fail!

In the Hall of Grinding Hearts, the "young heart" undoubtedly has an advantage over the "old heart". However, for a young heart, it is very likely that the willpower is not strong enough; it may not be fainted by the pain, but it is oppressed by the willpower to the point of fainting - the test is naturally a failure!

And someone like Xu Ming, with a young heart and a strong will, is undoubtedly rare!


Xu Ming's current mood can be described in five words: Painful and happy!

Grinding the mind is naturally painful; however, seeing his "mind power" grow rapidly during grinding, Xu Ming is extremely happy!

Xu Ming could feel that his mental strength was like a budding sapling, growing vigorously and rapidly growing into a towering giant tree.

After an unknown amount of time, Xu Ming's will has been oppressed to the point of being a little confused. The terrifying coercion kept hinting to Xu Ming: Kneel down! As long as you kneel down, it will be a lot easier!

However, no matter how terrifying the coercion of will, how could Xu Ming kneel down!

"Roar!!" From Xu Ming's throat, he couldn't help but let out an unyielding roar.

Will coercion is getting more and more terrifying!

The grinding disc under Xu Ming's feet was also spinning faster and faster!

Suddenly, Xu Ming felt that his mental strength no longer continued to increase!

"It's the limit!" Xu Ming knew that his mental power had reached the limit of "the second level of mental power"; if he went further, he would enter a new level!

The first level of mental strength is comparable to the "Taoist" level combat power.

The second level of mental power is comparable to the "demi-god" level combat power.

The third level of mental power, that is, the mental power school proving the Tao and becoming a god!


Xu Ming gritted his teeth.

The will of the outside world is getting stronger and stronger, and the power to grind the mind is getting stronger and stronger! —Xu Ming's mental Although it is no longer increasing; however, he is silently accumulating strength, ready to break the shackles between "second level" and "third level" in one fell swoop!


Xu Ming's steel teeth shattered, his veins protruding.

"Break it for me!"

"Broken! Broken! Broken!"

Suddenly, Xu Ming's mind roared, like a big explosion in his head, almost knocking him unconscious!

Xu Ming's mind has undergone an unprecedented transformation.

"Is this the 'third level of mental power'? Really..."

Xu Ming was extremely shocked to see his transformation!

The mind force school becomes a god, it is really much stronger than the other four major schools become gods!

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