Break Into Another World

Chapter 986: heart world


Xu Ming felt that his heart seemed to "explode"!

It really feels like a blast! - If it is said that Xu Ming's original mind is like a bean; then the current situation is that this bean has been blown up, and an endless and vast void has been blown up!

"There is also a void in the mind?" Xu Ming was extremely surprised.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Ming saw that in this "spiritual void", changes began to occur - the turbid air was sinking, the clear air was rising, and the yin and yang were divided; the sky and the earth began to form!

"This... is this in the evolution world?"

Xu Ming guessed right, his mind is evolving into the world! The third level of mind power - mind world!

The one who was amazed was more than Xu Ming?

"Heart world?"

"How long has it been since he stepped into the third level of mental power!"

"What a terrifying mental school qualification!"

"Terrorist aptitude is one aspect. His 'heart' is young enough and easy to polish. It must also be one aspect!"

"Master is finally expected to get a successor!"

"It's too early to say this. It depends on whether he can pass the subsequent test! However, he is at least much bigger than the previous tower breakers!"

The spirit of the moat, the spirit of the earth, and the tower spirit are all looking forward to watching. The meaning of their existence is to select suitable descendants for their masters.

At this time, Xu Ming's "heart" was undergoing earth-shaking changes.

From the material level, "heart" is obviously an incomparably small existence; however, inside this small "heart", a vast world has opened up! —Although this "heart world" is not very big, it has a diameter of thousands of miles!

"It's so mysterious!"

"Is this the feeling of 'one sand, one world'?"

Xu Ming was completely immersed in the development of the "heart world", and even his understanding of the way of heaven was improved.

The heart world is getting more and more perfect, and the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers and rivers gradually appear. Some of the most primitive creatures also began to be born and evolved in the heart world.

"This...this..." Xu Ming was stunned.

The evolution of the mind world to this level is almost complete.

The "grinding disc" in the Grinding Hall turned faster and faster, and the willpower became stronger and stronger; but to Xu Ming, it was like a breeze blowing on the face, and it could not cause any oppression - obviously, the test of the Grinding Hall was no longer available to Xu Ming. any sense anymore!

The rapidly spinning grinding wheel slowly stopped, marking that Xu Ming had passed the test of the fourth-layer world!

At this time, Xu Ming felt the strength of "the third level of mental strength".

"It's too strong... I've only just entered the third level of mental power, and the strength of mental power flow is comparable to that of a ten-star deity!"

The third level of mental strength corresponds to the strength of the "star level" gods! However, it is clear that the combat power of "Xinli Liu" is obviously stronger than that of "Heavenly Dao Liu"!

"This Heart Grinding Hall really made me gain a lot!" Xu Ming secretly sighed.

Xu Ming has long felt the power of the mind force genre; however, Xu Ming has always been suffering, unable to truly embark on the road of "heart cultivator"! And now, Xu Ming has reached the third level of mental power, and the mental power school has become a god, and he has finally become a true "mind cultivator"!


You must know that the most powerful part of the mind force school is that no matter which avatar of Xu Ming, the "heart" is the same, so the strength of the mind force flow is also the same!

For example, Xu Ming’s avatar of Heavenly Dao Liu—Heavenly Dao cultivation base is the fourth grade of Yinyue, and mental power cultivation base is the “early stage of the third level of mental power”, which is comparable to ten-star gods!

For example, Xu Ming's ancient cultivator clone - Gu Xiulu's cultivation base is an eight-star god, and his mental strength is also a ten-star god!

Another example is Xu Ming's avatar of Faith Stream - Faith Stream cultivation base has not yet become a god, however, mental stream cultivation base is also a ten-star god!

In other words, no matter which avatar of Xu Ming, from this moment on, he can add a layer of "ten-star gods" strength to the original strength! In this way, no matter which avatar Xu Ming is, his combat power will not be weak!

And Xu Ming's strongest avatar at this time - Tiandao Liu avatar, with the addition of mental strength and plug-ins, the combat power has reached the extremely powerful level of the middle-ranking king, even close to the high-ranking king!

"I don't know, what surprises are waiting for me on the fifth floor!" Xu Ming secretly looked forward to it.

At this time, two ladders extended from above to Xu Ming.

The grand voice said: "Come on the left ladder, you will end the test and leave the Tower of No Difficulty; walk up the ladder on the right and enter the fifth floor of the Tower of No Difficulty! - Please note that starting from the fifth floor, life or death! No Way back!"

Live or die!

There is no turning back!

In other words, stepping on the fifth floor means - either clear the No Difficulty Tower, or die in the No Difficulty Tower!

"It seems that above the fifth floor, it is likely to involve the core secret of the peak existence who created the world of trouble-free!"

Xu Ming was slightly serious, but without any hesitation, he directly stepped on the ladder leading to the fifth floor!

The fifth-layer world is an endless white world.

The ground is an incomparably smooth mirror surface that extends to infinity and has no end. The sky is empty, and there is no limit to the height.


Xu Ming landed his feet on the mirror, carefully guarding his surroundings.

"Welcome to the fifth floor!"

Suddenly, the mirror that was thousands of miles away from Xu Ming opened a hole. A black figure emerged from the mirror.

"Huh?" At the realm of Xu Ming, thousands of miles away, as if in front of him. Xu Ming looked at the black figure with a little doubt, "This...isn't a person?"

The reason why Xu Ming said this was because this black figure, although it was humanoid, had a metallic sheen all over it. There is no life breath on "it".

"It's a puppet!"

The puppet one, in the realm of the gods, is a relatively partial road! After Xu Ming came to God's Domain, he had never seen any powerful puppet masters.

"Could it be that the test on the fifth floor is to let me defeat this puppet?" Xu Ming secretly clenched the spear in his hand.

The puppet looked at Xu Ming, his eyes flashing with mechanical light: "Welcome to the fifth Tower Breaker! - On this fifth floor, I will teach you the holy-level mind power secret technique "Wanxin" "Yin"! If you learn it within a limited time, you can go to the sixth floor and get a big chance; if you don't learn it, you will...die!"

If you learn it, you will lead to the sixth floor; if you fail to learn it, you will die!

It's so arrogant!

However, Xu Ming knew that this was probably the way that the peak existence who created the Realm of No Difficulty could prevent the spread of secret techniques! -It is necessary to prevent the rumors of secret techniques, and also to allow You Yongcai to get the great opportunity he left behind, so such harsh conditions are set up!

"I don't know, what kind of level is the 'Holy' secret skill; is it more powerful than the emperor level?"

Learning secret skills, Xu Ming still has confidence!

Moreover, even if the study fails, Xu Ming does not believe that the other party can really kill him - at most, Xu Ming will lose two avatars; Existence should not threaten his deity!

The puppet said in a cold voice, "The holy-level mind power secret technique "Wan Xin Yin", the teaching begins! The first mark - the instant kill mark!"

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