Break Into Another World

Chapter 995: worship

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"Silver Moon-level gun master!" Yun Ning's eyes were hot.

In fact, with Yun Ning's identity and background, some are king-level gun masters, lining up to give him pointers; even if he is an emperor-level gun master, Yun Ning's father has a way to invite him to be his son. teacher.

However, Yun Ning was disdainful to learn spear art from those king-level and emperor-level spear masters!

The reason is very simple. In Yun Ning's view, the spear masters of the king and emperor level, although the spear skills are powerful, they mainly rely on the realm of the king and emperor level to display their powerful power! If you let those king-level and emperor-level spear masters suppress the realm of heaven used to silver moon level, the spear skills displayed in that way may not necessarily be as powerful as his Yunning!

That being the case, Yun Ning of course didn't bother to study!

And now, there is a silver-moon-level gun master standing in front of Yun Ning, of course, Yun Ning's eyes are burning.

"I must take a good look at the mystery contained in his marksmanship!"

call out!

Feng Ming's black long sword instantly turned into a black streamer.

Feng Ming majored in "Breaking the Method with Strength" in the Dao of Wind and Heaven, and also used the Dao of Wind and Heaven as a springboard, with some time-related mysteries mixed in it.

With a sword, not only faster than the streamer, but also contains the mystery of the chaos of time and space, which is unpredictable.

The weaker master kings, even under this sword, will be confused. In the confusion, it is likely to be killed by a sword!

However, how tyrannical is Xu Ming's will? This time and space confusion will not affect him at all!

"The speed is very fast, but it is faster than me..." Xu Ming's mouth twitched with disdain.

The "Photo" of the Five Forms of Reincarnation!

call out! call out! call out! …

Xu Ming's spear, like a poisonous snake spouting a letter, instantly turned into countless unpredictable spear shadows. Obviously, it is a lot faster than Feng Ming's swordsmanship!

"So fast!"

"What a wonderful mystery!"

Yun Ning came from an extraordinary background. Although his strength was average, his eyesight was extremely sharp! - After all, Yun Ning has seen it many times, even in the fight between emperor-level existences!

"And... the mystery contained in this gun is completely at the silver moon level, and it has not reached the king level!" Yun Ning was more and more shocked, "With the mysterious mystery of the silver moon level, why did the shot come out? With so much power? Can't figure it out! Can't figure it out!"

Of course Yun Ning couldn't figure it out!

After all, he would never have imagined that Xu Ming created his own emperor-level marksmanship; he would never have imagined that Xu Ming's marksmanship was also blessed with the power of "the world of the heart"; he couldn't even imagine that Brother Ming had a plug-in!

Invincible combat power system, permanently open for free! - The added combat power is not a joke!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

The fights between the great powers are often completed before the electric light and flint.

In the short moment when Yun Ning was amazed, the fight between Xu Ming and Feng Ming had already been fought hundreds of times!

Xu Ming's marksmanship is obviously a level higher than Feng Ming's swordsmanship! In the beginning, Feng Ming could still resist it with difficulty; but gradually, he became more and more disadvantaged and at stake!

"I was actually... completely suppressed by a Yinyue 4th rank?" Feng Ming had the urge to vomit blood, "I can't fight like this!"

Feng Ming quickly retreated, and the swordsmanship in his hand also changed quickly; in an instant, it changed from "extremely fast" to "extremely slow"!

A sword slashed out, as if slowing down. However, the power contained in the long sword was layered upon layers; it was as if Feng Ming had cut out many swords at different points in time, and the power of these many swords was gathered here.

"Such a slow sword?"

Xu Ming is a little puzzled - the speed of this sword is so slow, he can choose not to carry it hard, and just dodge it, so there will be nothing left?

However, when Xu Ming set out to dodge, he found that he was wrong!

It's not that Feng Ming's sword is slow, but... the flow of time around him has slowed down!

"Time slows down!" Xu Ming was shocked! - His ideology still maintains the normal flow of time; however, Xu Ming's body movements have become extremely slow, no matter how fast he can get up!

"What a weird feeling!"

Moreover, Xu Ming found that with such a slow action, he could not avoid the opponent's slow-moving sword.

"Teleport!" Xu Ming quickly tried to use his teleport to dodge.

However, Feng Ming seemed to have penetrated Xu Ming's thoughts a long time ago; a strange inscription rune paper appeared in his hand and tapped it in the void.

The talisman was instantly annihilated, but in the surrounding void, golden chains appeared!

"Empty lock!" Yun Ning exclaimed.

Xu Ming also discovered that the surrounding space had been blocked, and he could not teleport at all. Unless you first use force to break the law and break the space blockade!

However, Feng Ming's ultimate move is approaching, and Xu Ming has no time to break the space blockade!

"You can only hit hard!"

Under such circumstances, it would obviously be unwise for Xu Ming to continue to use "Take a Photo"!

But... if you face it hard, how can Xu Ming be afraid?

The "Heaven Collapse" of the Five Forms of Reincarnation!

As soon as the "Tian Beng" style came out, the mighty momentum seemed to crush the whole world out of breath. Even the gods in the distant Bone Mountains felt the terrifying power that was oppressing their hearts.

"What's the matter?" Han Nan, the leader of the Bone Mountains, looked in horror at the direction Xu Ming was leaving, "Could it be... that the super master just now fought with other masters?"

Thinking of this, Han Nan couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief: "Fortunately! Such a battle did not break out in our Corpse Bone Mountains; otherwise, Chiyu would really be affected!"

Even the gods of the Bone Mountains felt the terrifying pressure; then, Yunning, which is near Xu Ming, not to mention!

Under the deceleration of time, Tianbengshi seemed to be played in slow motion; every terrifying detail was reflected in Yun Ning's terrified eyes.

"What a mighty power... Emperor-level marksmanship! This is definitely a self-created emperor-level marksmanship! Moreover, it is also the most peak emperor-level marksmanship! Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such power!" Yun Ning finally reacted~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Yinyue level, you created your own emperor level marksmanship? "Yunning is extremely unbelievable - has anyone done this kind of thing in the history of God's Domain?

In Yun Ning's impression, there is no such thing!

Thinking of this, Yun Ning's gaze towards Xu Ming became more and more fiery! —He was of noble birth and proud by nature, and there were not many people who could make him worship; even his father, a very great existence in the realm of the gods, could not make him worship.

But at this moment, Yun Ning really had an extremely fanatical admiration for Xu Ming!

Comparing with Xu Mingyi, Yun Ning found that the "Yinyan Continent's No. 1 Silver Moon Rank Master" he used to call himself was simply scum!

It's just... Yun Ning still doesn't know that Xu Ming's emperor-level marksmanship was not created at the Yinyue level; it was created when Xu Ming only had two-star gods!

If Yun Ning knew this, I'm afraid it would not be worship, but worship with all five bodies!

(End of this chapter)

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