Break Into Another World

Chapter 996: nothing so cheap


Absolutely domineering Tianbeng style, crushing everything. It's like a grinder, crushing Feng Ming's ultimate move.

Feng Ming was run over by a strong force!

The time deceleration is broken!

The space blockade is broken!

One shot, destroy everything!

boom! !

Feng Ming was blasted back tens of thousands of miles with a single shot, and even the divine body began to crack.

"What a tyrannical power!" Feng Ming was extremely shocked, not caring about the damage to his divine body.

Feng Ming thought that his swordsmanship was perfect - he needed speed and speed, and he needed strength and strength!

However, after colliding with Xu Ming, Feng Ming found that he was completely suppressed by Xu Ming in terms of speed and strength!

Feng Ming looked at Xu Ming in horror: "Although he is also a high-ranking king, his strength is obviously better than mine, and he is closer to the peak of the king than me! - If I don't pay some price, it is impossible to defeat him! "

Is it worth paying the price for this task?

Feng Ming thought for a while - not worth it!

After all, the quest to kill Xu Ming, the reward is not very generous! Originally, Feng Ming was the first to kill Xu Ming. It was just a little effort, so he happily accepted the task; but now he finds that Xu Ming is not as easy to kill as he imagined - since that's the case, there is no need for him to It is impossible to complete this task!

Thinking of this, Feng Ming flew back and shouted: "Xu Ming, your strength has won my respect; I give up the task of hunting you, our well water will not violate the river water, just let it go!"

Abandon the mission?

Xu Ming was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted—the other party was trying to escape!


Xu Ming couldn't help sneering: "Come here if you want to kill me, but if you find you can't kill me, you want to leave? - How can there be such a cheap thing in the world!?"


Xu Ming was so imposing, he picked up his gun and chased after him.

"Then what do you want?" Feng Ming shouted.

"At least..." Xu Ming sneered, "Let's leave something behind, right?"

leave something?

Feng Ming has a feeling of "stealing chickens can't lose rice" - didn't he just want to make a little money, so he diligently accepted the assassination mission of a space-time temple? As a result, now, not to mention that the money is not earned, but also being extorted by the mission target?

Feng Ming was really angry, and had the urge to vomit blood.

However, Feng Ming still held back his anger and said, "What do you want me to leave behind?"

"It's very simple!" Xu Ming's expression was somewhat playful and hideous, "Just leave... your life!"

"You..." Feng Ming shouted angrily, "Are you kidding me?"

"That's right! I'm just playing tricks on you!" Xu Ming sneered, "Since you dare to kill me, you must be ready to die!"

Feng Mingdao: "I have no grievances with you in the past and no enmity in the recent past! I just accepted an assassination mission! - Even if I don't accept it, there are other time and space walkers who will accept it!"

"There was no grievance in the past and no enmity in the past?" Xu Ming sneered, "From the moment you accepted the task to kill me, we already have a grudge! - Stop talking nonsense, and die honestly!"

Feng Ming roared: "Don't force me to work hard! Otherwise, it won't do you or me any good!"

Xu Ming smiled provocatively: "I just forced you, what's wrong?"

boom! !

Xu Ming's body was even more murderous, and his momentum was even more turbulent.

"Mad! You and I are a time traveler, what's the point of working so hard? You have to work hard, go find the person who issued the assassination mission and fight!" Feng Ming scolded and cast a time acceleration on himself, turning it into a streamer Run away quickly.

And the direction in which he fled was the direction of the Bone Mountains.

"Want to escape?"

The wind after the acceleration of time, although faster than the streamer, but no matter how fast, can it be faster than the teleport?


Xu Ming's teleportation brought him closer to Fengming. After another teleportation, he was already behind Feng Ming.

Feng Ming gritted his teeth, endured the distress, and threw a "locking talisman" at Xu Ming! —This assassination mission, he really lost a lot; not to mention that the mission was not completed, he even lost two space locks, suffered some minor injuries, and is now being chased by the mission target!

Feng Ming really scolded the Temple of Time and Space a thousand times in his heart—the information of the Temple of Time and Space was sometimes unreliable!

call out-

Feng Ming was extremely fast, and instantly disappeared at the end of the sky.

Xu Ming broke the law with force, and after breaking the space blockade of the empty talisman, he also teleported and chased away one after another—want to escape in the hands of Brother Ming? Is it that easy?

At this time, Yun Ning saw that he couldn't catch up with Xu Ming, and a strange bell appeared in his hand.

Jingle Bell…

Yun Ning shook the bell, and the "causal line" between him and Xu Ming appeared in the void - this is a precious treasure of cause and effect!

You know, in God's Domain, artifacts are worthless. After all, the creation of artifacts is too easy!

However, karma treasures, teleportation treasures, etc. are extremely precious! -For example, the karma treasure that can be used by the silver moon level, usually has to be an emperor level existence who is good at karma, and can only be created with painstaking effort! Moreover, there is a limit on the number of times of use; once you use it, you will have one less time!

It is also because teleportation treasures and karma treasures are extremely precious, so battles between gods are rarely seen. Even if it happens occasionally, it's a life-or-death moment!

And Yun Ning, just to "watch the fun", used precious karma treasures at all costs; it can be seen how rich and powerful he is and how great his background is!

After the "causal line" appeared in the void, Yun Ning directly stretched out his hand and pulled the causal line; every time he pulled, his coordinates in the space changed strangely, but there was no doubt that it was all from Xu Xu. Ming is closer!

Yun Ning used this causal method to pursue Xu Ming.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! …

Xu Ming teleported one after another, and finally intercepted Feng Ming above the Bone Mountains.

Feng Ming's face was ugly: "You really are a stalker!"

Feng Ming has already used two "empty locks", and it is a bit reluctant to let him use one more! Moreover, Feng Ming knew very well that even if he used another one, he would not be able to escape Xu Ming's pursuit.

"Since you must court death, then I have to satisfy you!" Feng Ming's eyes were extremely cold.

"Hahahaha..." Xu Ming laughed arrogantly, the power emanating from the long spear, UU Reading shocked the entire void like an angry dragon, "Yes, I want to die, you come!"

Yun Ning, this follower, followed again. His eyes were full of light: "Just now, the two sides were only tentatively fighting; now, it is estimated that it is a real life and death struggle!"

The life-and-death struggle of the high-level kings is rare in God's Domain! After all, there are only so many master kings in God's Domain; a king's master can occupy one side of God's Domain and become a prince!

In particular, Xu Ming is a fourth-grade Yinyue with high-ranking King Feng battle strength; such a battle is even more valuable—to be precise, in the history of God’s Domain, there has never been a life-and-death fight between Yinyue Fourth Grade and Feng Wang high-ranking!

Even, even in the future, it will never appear again!

Because... the cultivation of Yinyue Rank 4 is comparable to the combat power of a high-ranking king, which is really terrifying!

"This will definitely be a rare and rare battle!" Yun Ning was full of expectations.

At the same time, Yun Ning has made up his mind - if Xu Ming is threatened with life and death, he must use the treasure to save Xu Ming! After all, Xu Ming is his idol!

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