Break Into Another World

Chapter 997: black and white life and death pill

Bones Mountains.

Bloody, murderous!

Xu Ming and Feng Ming were far away from each other. The aura emanating at will from the two of them suppressed the **** murderous aura of the entire Bone Mountains.

There was silence between heaven and earth.

It was horribly silent.

"What's wrong?"

"what happened?"

The bandits in the Bone Mountains were all oppressed by the oppressive silence; silhouettes, like frightened birds, flew out of the mountains.

"It's him!" The leader Han Nan's gaze fell on Xu Ming at once; he felt bitter in his heart, "Why is this master back?"

Han Nan, a gangster who bullies the soft and fears the hard, is most afraid of having a master wandering in his territory; because this will make him feel very insecure.

Immediately, Han Nan's eyes fell on Xu Ming's opponent, Feng Ming!

"This is..." Han Nan's pupils shrank suddenly, as if he saw a poisonous snake.

Feng Ming's popularity among Time Travelers is still relatively high! One is because his strength is indeed not weak; the other is because Feng Ming is very diligent in taking tasks, and his footprints are all over the God's Domain, leaving countless legends.

"Could it be that they radiated the terrible power I felt from a distance just now?" Han Nan couldn't help but guess.

At the same time, Han Nan wanted to cry without tears: "The two great gods will fight, so why do they want to hit me over the mountain of bones?"

As the saying goes, when gods fight, mortals suffer!

Although Han Nan and other gangsters in the Bone Mountains are all gods, but in front of super masters like Xu Ming and Feng Ming, these gangsters suddenly become as weak as mortal little girls-Xu Ming and Feng Ming fought. Just a little aftermath can take the lives of these weak gods!

Han Nan really wanted to come forward and persuade: Two masters, please go farther and fight!

But does he dare to persuade him?

dare not!

At this moment, Han Nan really felt a strong sense of powerlessness - for hundreds of millions of years, the mountains of their bones have bullied the weak and committed countless evils; the bones of the gods they killed have piled up into continuous mountains. However, in front of Xu Ming and Feng Ming, they became "weak"; they didn't even have the courage to speak up!

"Everyone, don't watch it here, let's spread out!" Han Nan shouted again and again through voice transmission - how terrifying he was, even the aftermath of the battle of the super master!

The bandits in the Bone Mountains all fled in all directions; like a nest of small ants, crawling in all directions.

Xu Ming and Feng Ming turned a blind eye to what was happening below. To them, these gangsters in the Bone Mountains are really just a nest of ants!

Yun Ning's attention was also not on the gangsters in the Bone Mountains - for a force like the Bone Mountains, even if Yunning wanted to kill a hundred or a thousand, he only needed to move his mouth! If Yun Ning wasn't for experience, he wouldn't have any interaction with these weak bandits.

"Xu Ming!" Feng Ming finally spoke again, "I originally wanted to let you go, but you want to live or die! - It seems that my Feng Ming hasn't shown his true strength for a long time, and God's Domain is about to forget me. It's a legend!"

"Your legend?" Xu Ming couldn't help laughing, "I'm sorry, I just found out about your name; I never heard of it before!"

"You can use your words! You dare to provoke me again and again, today, you will die!" Feng Ming said, a mysterious elixir of black and white appeared in his hand.

Of course Xu Ming didn't recognize this medicine pill.

However, Yun Ning even sent a sound transmission to Xu Ming: "Master, you have to be careful, this is a black and white life and death pill! After taking it, his strength will soar to a new level in a short period of time!"

Feng Ming's strength soared to another level?

That is the peak of the king!

"Oh!" Xu Ming was a little cautious, but not too afraid.

It's just the peak of the king!

If Xu Ming is willing to use the Chaos God Armament to kill the heart arrow, he will dare to fight even in the face of an emperor-level existence! Of course, the Chaos Divine Soldier is of great importance. Every man is innocent but guilty. It is not a situation of last resort, Xu Ming would not be able to use this treasure!

However, even if he didn't use the Chaos Divine Weapon, Xu Ming was still able to deal with the peak of Feng Wang! After all, Xu Ming still has many other means such as "teleportation" hanging, holy-level mental power secret technique "10,000 Heart Seal" and so on.

A trace of fear and struggle flashed on Feng Ming's face, but he still looked ruthless and swallowed this black and white life and death pill.


An incomparably strong aura suddenly burst out from Feng Ming. The star-level gangsters fleeing below, some of whom were weak, were immediately pressed to the ground by this terrifying aura, unable to move.

The peak of the king!

call out-

Sword light without shadow!

Feng Ming, whose strength has increased greatly, the speed of this sword is even faster than Xu Ming's "Photo"; the power is also stronger than "Photo"!

Moreover, Feng Ming knew that Xu Ming would teleport, so when approaching Xu Ming, he threw out several "space lock symbols" regardless of the cost, sealing the entire space tightly. It was impossible for Xu Ming to break the space blockade with force.

In Feng Ming's eyes, killing intent radiated: "Forcing me to use the Black and White Life and Death Pill, and forcing me to use so many empty locks! How can I solve the hatred in my heart if I don't kill you today!?"

Ling Lie's killing intent swept the world, and everyone was so depressed that it was hard to breathe.

"How will Xu Ming deal with it?" Yun Ning watched nervously, his mental tentacles had already grabbed the Dao Talisman in the World Ring; once Xu Ming threatened his life and death, he would immediately take action!

In Yun Ning's opinion, an ordinary king-level like Feng Ming would die if he died, and there was nothing to regret; however, if a super genius like Xu Ming died, it would be a great pity for God's Domain!

Xu Ming's eyes were slightly and he said to himself: "Various means are interlocked, Feng Ming, Feng Ming, you do have a good plan! If it was someone else, I'm afraid they would really be planted in it. You have it in your hand; it's a pity that you met me..."


Xu Ming spun the spear like a huge flame grinding disc.

The strongest defensive move in "Reincarnation Five Forms" - grinding disc!

"Since I can't dodge it, and I can't fight with attack, then I'll take strong defense!" Xu Ming secretly said.

"Do you think you can defend against my attack!?" Feng Ming roared, and the black long sword slashed towards Xu Ming frantically; however, every sword light was firmly blocked by Xu Ming's "Long Spear Grinding Disc".

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Xu Ming seemed to be at a disadvantage, and was constantly being killed to fly back. But in fact, he didn't suffer in the slightest; on the contrary, Feng Ming, every time he made a sword, his body became weaker! - The strength gained from taking the Black and White Life and Death Pill is not without a price! If you can't kill the enemy, you will die by yourself!

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