Breaking the Day

Chapter 899: One note Senkin Musou

Han Tianxing stared at Li Chengfeng with wide eyes, and whispered, "Brother, do you still play games?"

"Haha!" Zhao Xiaobao was very doggy with his arms akimbo, and said triumphantly, "Master is eating, drinking, gambling, swindling, kidnapping, and all kinds of poison! There is no such thing as ruining people in the world that he can't!"

Han Tianxing was in a cold sweat: "This doesn't seem to be a very glorious thing!"

The two were whispering to the side. Li Chengfeng slapped Zhao Xiaobao's head and stared, "How dare you arrange your little master? Are you not going to fight for three days!"

Zhao Xiaobao hurriedly nodded and bowed, and said with a smile: "Don't dare, Xiaobao, isn't this... helping the young master publicize the glorious deeds of the young master!

Li Chengfeng angrily said: "Is this a glorious deed? Explain to me what is meant by eating, drinking and gambling!!"

At this time, Li Chengfeng is no longer the little gangster who hasn’t gone up the mountain to hang out on the streets of the city. He is now a famous practitioner. Although he is still slightly inadequate from the major practitioners, he is only one door behind. After that, he yelled with anger at this time, and his whole body suddenly exploded. The three maidservants on the side shuddered in fright, and they dared not even approach Li Chengfeng.

Zhao Xiaobao shrank his head and said timidly: "That... is it eating and drinking whoring?"

The two are used to playing around. Han Tianxing was a little uncomfortable at first, but when he got used to it, he knew that the two like to fight and joke on weekdays, so he watched the jokes without worry. He couldn't help but squeeze when he heard this Mouth, turned his face, the maidservants on the side were embarrassed at this time, they wanted to laugh, but they didn't dare to laugh, so their heads were lowered, and their chins almost stuck into the incense groove of the tube top.

Li Chengfeng grabbed Zhao Xiaobao's collar and said angrily: "Eating and drinking whoring? You **** seem to be really owed! You dare to arrange your young master like this! Huh?! You tell me clearly what is eating and drinking? Whoring? Is your young master just eating and drinking? I need to eat and drink? Can't you just be whoring?"

"Puff......" Han Tianxing still couldn't hold back after all, he spouted out, he turned around and coughed violently.

The three maids also concealed their faces with silks, leaning on their sides, laughing tremblingly.

The two distinguished guests in the VIP Pavilion also had weird faces. They wanted to laugh or not, but one desperately squeezed his fists, bowed his head, and his shoulders trembled. The other hurriedly served tea and water, but after drinking, he coughed out. He almost coughed so that tea bubbles flew out of his nostrils, and the maid on the side quickly held back a smile and stroked his chest and back.

Li Chengfeng and Zhao Xiaobao talked and laughed, and soon a middle-aged man dressed in a Chinese suit walked quickly. This man was wolf-eyed and eagle-nosed. His eyes were scary and sharp. Behind him, there were three people of different heights and fat. Men and women of different skinny followed, one of them was tall and thin, his hands were as big as a fan, the other was short and fat, his hands were as white as jade, and the other was a beautiful woman with an extremely coquettish appearance, and a beauty mole under his lips. Although it is Qiu Qiaochunhan, she only wore a dress, almost half of her skin was exposed, especially the deep and bottomless gully on her chest immediately attracted the eyes of the two first brothers, Zhao Xiaobao and Han Tianxing. .

Li Chengfeng knew that these four people had visions and looked good, and they must all be top casino players. He smiled and said, "Just the four of you?"

These four people did not speak, but there was a burst of laughter outside.

"Lord Li Jue is so interested! Sure enough, he came to join him tonight!" Zhao Liexian strode out with a big laugh, and snuggled an extremely beautiful woman in his arms, with extremely white skin and refined temperament, she smiled. Looking at Li Chengfeng, after following Zhao Lie into the house, she stepped forward and gave a salute, and said softly: "Cici has seen Lord Li Jue."

Li Chengfeng looked at her up and down, and said, "Could it be Shangguan Qian, Shangguan everyone?"

The eight leading lines in Shenjing, the poppy is the head of the Guqin line, ranking first, and this Shangguanqian is the head of the Gu Xiao, ranking fourth.

Shangguan Qian said with a light smile: "Can't afford to be, I dare not call everyone in front of Li Jueye."

Li Chengfeng smiled and said: "How can you not be worthy of this? Before I wait for the vulgar people, you are not everyone, are they?" Li Chengfeng curled his lips and motioned to the several casino masters who lowered their hands and eyebrows.

These people stood behind Zhao Liexian, like servants and servants, unremarkable, all of their spirit and light were all collected.

Shangguanqian covered her mouth and smiled: "How can a man who can be praised by Sister Yu be a vulgar person? Don't be polite, Lord Li Jue."

Zhao Lie first laughed and said, "Seeing that the two of you are talking very speculatively, Cici, then you can go and stay with Lord Li."

Shangguanqian was not polite with Zhao Lie first. She smiled and came to Li Chengfeng. The maid accompanying Li Chengfeng immediately bowed her head and retreated. Li Chengfeng is a frequent visitor on the wind flow field, and he is not polite. , Took Shangguanqian with one arm, sniffed at the ears of her and Qian Xiu's ears, and smiled: "It turns out that my elder sister uses peacock fragrant. This rouge hurts the skin a bit, and there is too much arsenic inside. La! With my sister’s skin, it would be more suitable to use Wan Zitang’s Yun Shangxue."

Shangguanqian looked at Li Chengfeng in surprise, and covered her mouth and said: "Lord Li Jue still knows how to apply fat to girls?"

Li Chengfeng smiled and said: "There is nothing else, only the nose is very good."

Shangguanqian smiled and said on the stick: "Unexpectedly, Li Jueye is a lover of the flower field. Then you have to communicate with Li Jueye afterwards.

Zhao Lie first smiled and said, "What is Li Jueye going to play tonight?"

Li Chengfeng laughed and said, "Anything is fine, as long as it's big... it will do!"

With that, Li Chengfeng stared at the female dealer with a smile.

This female dealer stood tall and looked at Li Chengfeng with a smile, her eyes flowed, and her eyes were like silk. It is Li Chengfeng who has been accustomed to wandering in the flowers since childhood can not help his heart beat.

Zhao Liexian also laughed and said, "This king has no tricks and no specialties. There is only one advantage, that is: big!!!"

After that, he pulled a graceful handmaid on the side, squeezed her chest hard, and then said: "Old Huang, go play with Jue Li!"

The most advanced middle-aged dealer Huang Chui stepped forward and smiled slightly and said, "What does Li Jue want to play? Is it dice?"

Li Chengfeng nodded, "It's not bad to practice hands with dice first!"

The dealer Huang said again: "Then how do we play?"

Li Chengfeng smiled and said: "Then the simplest way to play is too complicated. I'm afraid you can't play with me."

The dealer, Huang Huang, was not angry, but smiled slightly and said, "The six dice, how big or small?"

Li Chengfeng laughed and said, "Okay! Let's get bigger first!"

Lao Huang smiled and said: "Okay, everything depends on Li Jue's instructions! How much shall we bet?"

Li Chengfeng curled his lips and said, "Betting on a smaller one at the beginning, one bet one thousand taels."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shangguanqian on the side immediately looked sideways and looked at Li Chengfeng in surprise.

As one of the top eight, she is naturally not someone who has never seen money, but in the casino, one bet is one thousand taels, which is really scary, because the betting in the casino is often not just one bet. With one bet, one thousand and two bets on such a scale, you can lose a house of a million in one night!

Zhao Liexian was also a little surprised, saying: "Lord Li, we can say ugly things in front. If you lose all your pants for a while, I don't care about you! Haha!"

Li Chengfeng also laughed, and said, "You have troubled Lord Lao! There is a nickname called Casino Invincible No Hands!"

Zhao Lie first laughed and said: "Coincidentally, our old Huang also has a nickname called Unbeaten Thousand Hands! You two have fun tonight!"

The two of them were talking with a smile, looking like a pair of old friends, but in fact, Shangguanqian, who was snuggling in Li Chengfeng's arms, could feel the undercurrent surging between the two men, with murderous aura.

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