Breaking the Day

Chapter 900: The world's largest gambling game

Dice is one of the oldest gambling tools in the world. There are many kinds of gameplays, and it is difficult to count them one by one. But the most widely spread in the world is its simplest and most extensive gameplay: betting on the size.

Six dice sway in the dice cup. When they are settled, the size of the dice on both sides is determined. Each of the six sieves throws six points. The total number of 36 points is the largest. In other words, as long as six sixes are rolled, it is already never fail.

The people here are all veterans of casino gambling, and naturally no one needs to explain to understand the key to this duel at the gaming table.

There is only one exception... that is Han Tianxing.

Han Tianxing whispered to Zhao Xiaobao: "Did the brother win by throwing six six?"

Zhao Xiaobao explained in a low voice: "No, it depends on how the opposite dealer throws it. If he is also six sixes, then he has to continue the comparison, and the comparison will continue until both sides make a mistake and lose."

Han Tianxing said with some worry: "Then brother...can you?"

Zhao Xiaobao slapped triumphantly, and said, "Master once threw a hundred and fifty-three Tianbao!"

In Daqi, the six six are called "Tianbao", which means the largest.

The dealer Huang, who was opposite Li Chengfeng, smiled slightly, nodded to Li Chengfeng, and said: "Sure enough, the hero was born in a young age. I don't have such a good skill at the age of Li Jueye."

Li Chengfeng smiled slightly and arched his hands: "It's not worth mentioning, just laughed."

Old Huang nodded slightly and said: "Yes, the casino trail is naturally not worth mentioning in front of Li Zhenren. Old and talented, he can only throw a mere 1,302 plates of Tianbao. I really don't dare to face Li Zhenren. show off……"

Li Chengfeng's forehead bounced with blue veins: You **** are already showing off! !

Zhao Xiaobao was dumbfounded, and said, "One thousand three hundred and two sets?! Impossible!? Unless he uses spells, who can throw one thousand three hundred and two sets of Tianbao in a row?!"

Zhao Xiaobao and Li Chengfeng have been together in casinos since they were young, especially Zhao Xiaobao, who is proficient in all kinds of hidden weapons, is naturally a master of gambling. Of course he knows how terrifying it is to throw more than 1,300 sets of Tianbao!

Humans are not machines, and there is no way to maintain a stable state for a long time. In fact, like Li Chengfeng's throwing more than 100 sets of Tianbao in a row, it is already a very shocking record.

But... the seemingly inconspicuous "old yellow" in front of him has directly increased Li Chengfeng's record ten times!

This is something that even a monk cannot do! Unless the monk makes a thousand every time after the dice hits the ground!

But...Which monk would be so painful? Thousands just to break the record?

Either... this person lied!

Yes, it must be this person who lied, just to discourage the young master's confidence!

In casinos, technology is only one aspect, confidence is more important!

Fighting gambling is like fighting, not only fighting for technique, but also fighting for the way, but also fighting for the state of mind!

When the mood is chaotic, the subordinates will hesitate, and hesitate will lose! Sometimes the more decisive the attack, the more often he can display his true strength.

But who is Li Chengfeng?

This is a person who has fought Qianshanxue, played with the demon king, and fought with the demon king Ximeng, fought with the two of the top ten devils, Juewuyao and the old demon Leiyun, who has fought against the real painter, how can he be Distracted at this small gaming table?

Li Chengfeng laughed and said, "So you are the best in the world!"

Old Huang also smiled slightly: "Dare not dare."

People like Li Chengfeng and Zhao Xiaobao who have spent time in casinos naturally know that there are several legendary figures in the gambling world. One of them is the "first hand in the world." Although this person is good at gambling, he can mainly Specializing in dice, he played it to the point where no one else could match.

Li Chengfeng used to dream of such a character when he was playing in the casino, but he didn't expect to see him here now.

It can be seen that under the wings of the four princes, many talents with three educations and nine first-rate talents have been recruited.

Li Chengfeng drew out a stack of banknotes, put them on the table, smiled slightly, and said, "Since it is the world's first hand, then let's have a better time, and we will decide the game!"

Han Tianxing glanced at the banknote, but saw that it turned out to be a banknote from Tongbao Bank with a denomination of one hundred thousand two, and there were ten of them!

In other words, there is actually one million taels of silver here! !

Han Tianxing was dumbfounded, and said to his heart: Master, where did this money come from?

He didn't know that Li Chengfeng was no different from beggars in Shenjing compared with other bigwigs. However, among the people he knew and were close to, there were a few people with rich family wealth. Say: Poppies, Liu Sumei, and Zhao Feiyue are all super rich women.

One is the number one beauty in the world, and the first of the eight great lines. Will this kind of people be short of money?

One is Daqi's most noble princess. She is the head of the world and the Nine Heavens Golden Immortal. Would such a person have no money?

One is a disciple of Fengwu Pavilion who has been practicing for a hundred years and has an unpredictable cultivation level. Qu Wan is like a high disciple. Can a cultivator with such a strong and powerful ability as her be a poor ghost?

Just met Yu Meiren, Li Chengfeng didn’t look for her, although he knew that if he looked for her, she would be able to borrow 80% of it. One million silver taels would be exchanged for the favor of the hottest cultivator. It’s a gain or a loss. I believe in smart people. I have an account in my mind.

Zhao Feiyue Li Chengfeng didn't look for it either. He didn't dare to have too much fetters with Zhao Feiyue anymore.

Although... he owes Liu Sumei a lot of favor, but after excluding the first two, Li Chengfeng really has no other candidates.

After Liu Sumei heard that Li Chengfeng wanted to borrow money with a high interest rate, she took out her savings without saying a word: one hundred and one hundred thousand taels of silver, Li Chengfeng took the whole number, and left a fraction for Liu Sumei. Tell her to return her 1.5 million taels the next day.

Liu Sumei smiled slightly, but didn't take the words to her heart.

For Liu Sumei, this money is just something outside her body. When she reaches the realm of a top major practitioner, the help of money becomes very small, so she doesn't care.

But for Li Chengfeng, this one million can't be lost, it's a matter of dignity and face.

One million taels is definitely not a small number, this is a huge sum of money!

It is "Old Huang" who has never seen such an amazing amount of money in a casino for his whole life. He brows for a moment, his throat subconsciously swallows, and his hands tremble.

There is no doubt that Lao Huang was actually using psychological warfare to attack Li Chengfeng, making him cowardly before fighting, but Li Chengfeng turned it over with a huge sum of money, and also using psychological warfare to make Lao Huang cowardly before fighting!

Because Li Chengfeng can afford to lose, but he cannot afford to lose!

Li Chengfeng loses, it is nothing but a shame, he loses, and his life will not be guaranteed!

In the eyes of people like Lao Huang, no matter how the four princes can win over others, he will definitely not be able to afford the loss of one million taels of silver!

Therefore, Lao Huang is really panicked and scared!

What a clever person Zhao Liexian immediately noticed that after the two men’s mental battles were confronted, Lao Huang had fallen behind in his mood, and the strength of the two was at the same level in one hundred and fifty sets. Mistakes, then... one million taels can be lost!

Zhao Lie first laughed and said, "Isn't it one million taels? What's so great! It's just the money spent on an autumn chrysanthemum club!"

Old Huang raised his eyes and gave Zhao Liexian a grateful look. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes slightly, settled, and said in his heart: The old man has been in the casino for decades, and he has never met a rival in dice! The old man has been immersed in this way for decades, even if he started from his mother's womb, he would never reach my position! Even if he is a monk, he can never beat me on this dice!

Lao Huang opened his eyes again, his eyes were exquisite and exquisite, and he had restored his previous self-confidence and composure. He said to Li Chengfeng: "Lord Li Jue, want to throw first?"

Li Chengfeng laughed and said, "Respect for the elderly and the virtuous is a great virtue! Naturally Huang Laoxian!"

Lao Huang is not polite, he naturally knows that in this kind of gambling, the first thrower has a great advantage. Once a Trimble is thrown, it will force the opponent to also throw a Trimble, otherwise they will lose. The psychological pressure is infinite!

Old Huang calmed down, he took a deep breath, and there was silence for a while. Everyone stared at his hands. When he moved his hands, an afterimage passed by, and the dice cup had already flown into the air. , It turned a circle in the air, and was quickly slapped on the gaming table by Lao Huang with a slap.

There are no bells and whistles, only the most refined and concise practical moves after a lot of hard work.

After all, this is a comparison of the size, not guessing the size, so there is no need to confuse the opponent with fancy movements and movements, and Li Chengfeng does not need to bother to listen to how many numbers the opponent shakes.

Therefore, you only need to make sure that you are the greatest Tianbao and you are already invincible!

Everyone watched Lao Huang uncover the dice cup, and they saw that the six dice inside were all six points, it was Tianbao!

Lao Huang breathed a sigh of relief without realizing it. He smiled and looked at Li Chengfeng, and said, "I'm sorry!"

Li Chengfeng laughed and said, "As expected to be the first hand in the world! Admire it!"

Old Huang also smiled and folded his hands: "Dare not dare..."

Li Chengfeng quickly said, "However, it's a pity that after the first hand of this world, it can only be called the second hand of the world! Because, I will win!"

After saying this, most of the people present looked weird and thought: This Tianbao is already the highest point on the court, how can you win the biggest Tianbao? Could it be that you are crazy?

Han Tianxing also nervously whispered to Zhao Xiaobao: "Master, isn't he too nervous and frustrated, right?"

Zhao Xiaobao rolled his eyes in an angry tone: "Go! Go! This is where you are! Master says that he will win, and he will definitely win!"

Zhao Xiaobao has strong self-confidence in Li Chengfeng. He raised his arms and shouted, "Master, come on!!"

Li Chengfeng smiled and picked up the dice cup with one hand, only to bump up and down, and then slapped it on the gaming table. His movements were more concise and powerful than Huang Lao.

But other people think... Is this done? Bragging so big, so little movement?

How can you throw more points than Tianbao like this?

Anyway, the whole moment of the golden light was shaking the mountain!

Everyone stared at Li Chengfeng's dice cup with breathlessness. After all... this is a super game of one million taels of silver! !

Zhao Xiaobao also clenched his fists and stared at the dice cup very nervously. He saw Li Chengfeng uncover the dice cup little by little, his eyes widened, and he shouted: "Wow! You won! Sure enough! Won! Six sevens! Wow hahahaha, six sevens, don’t you win six sixs? Haha, master, you... eh... wait! It doesn't seem right..."

Six seven! ?

Where do you get the six sevens for the dice? !


Big chapter, make up the previous update! !

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