Breaking the Day

Chapter 914: Star City Aura Chasing Monster Trail

Just after Li Chengfeng and others left the canyon near Taiyang City, more than a dozen blue lights flew over, like a meteor falling on the wall of Taiyang City.

These dozens of blue lights flashed, and a group of monks wearing black monk robes and a white sky full of stars on their chests fell on the city’s head. There were males and females, but the leader was a petite man with extremely skin. Bai’s female monk, behind her is a male monk with a stubborn face and a group of fellow students. These people are not others, but they are the Star City gate disciples and others who have had conflicts with Li Chengfeng. It was Chong Mijing, the leader of the Star City Gate.

"Senior Sister! What happened here? How terrible it is!" The monk who was speaking was the stubborn monk behind Chongmijing. He was slender, standing behind Chongmijing a head taller than her. , But when she speaks, she is very conscientious to Chong Mi Jing, bowing her head to her ears.

Not only did Chong Mijing look shocked, but all the disciples behind her were shocked. Some of them are considered to be a lake, but how can they ever see such a terrifying sight!

Before their eyes is an empty, silent dead city!

There are only mice running around and crows hovering in the sky squeaking and screaming, and the thick pungent smell and dense fog of ashes in the sky make them feel like they are in hell, and the city is everywhere. The corpses can be seen everywhere. Although the cold weather did not cause decay, the mice burrowing everywhere and the crows gathering around the corpses to eat the carrion meat bit these corpses completely unrecognizable, some open their stomachs, and some unrecognizable.

Chong Mijing clenched her fists, her handsome eyes burning with raging fire.

Next to her, a beautiful female monk stepped forward and said angrily: "Sure enough, as the Fourth Royal Highness said, there is a demon who is rampant and messing up the world!"

A male monk on the side whispered: "Didn't it mean that the two demon heads Jue Wu Ji and Old Leiyun have been killed by Li Chengfeng?"

They all subconsciously believe that these scenes, such horrible tragedies, must be the work of the top ten monsters in the world!

Among the top ten monsters, only Jue Wushu and the old Leiyun demon have recently reappeared in the world, and they also appeared near Taiyang City. Seeing this tragedy, a group of them subconsciously believed that this 80% was absolutely free of disease and thunder. What Old Demon Yun did when he made a comeback!

The male monk with a stubborn face sneered: "Huh, it's probably the boy named Li who blows the air! Let me see, this boy saw the top ten monsters, I was afraid he would take another look, and then ran back to Hu Blow yourself and defeat the big demon!"

Chong Mijing glanced at the stubborn male monk, her eyes stern: "Dao Tu Ming, Hugh can chew her tongue behind her back!"

Dao Tuming immediately lowered his head, but said in a consoling manner: "Yes, Sister Sister taught you the right thing!"

Chong Mijing said with a cold face: "Li Zhenren's cultivation is unpredictable, and his strength is beyond imagination! If you underestimate the enemy, you will meet him in the Fighting Conference in the future, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Dao Tuming curled his mouth, his eyes were a little disapproving, but a smile quickly appeared on his face. He smiled and said: "Naturally, she is not as good as Senior Sister! Senior Sister's galaxy power has already been achieved, and the world can be compared with Senior Sister, but Only a few people!"

Chong Mijing was noncommittal. She didn't look at Dao Tu Ming, but glanced at the other juniors and sisters, and said: "Anyone can lose this time, but we absolutely can't lose to the Lingshan faction! Our Star City Gate must have this time. Regain the third place in the world!"

These juniors and sisters Qi Qi said yes, and Chong Mijing went on to say coldly, her tone was cold, as if her skin was like snow and ice, and her temperament was extremely cold, not close to others: "Zhao Xiaobao and Han Tianxing are also absolutely unique. It's not easy to be the next generation, if you think they just look down on them when they get started, huh...then you just wait to lose!"

The others shuddered, and said in unison: "Sister, the lesson is true!"

Dao Tu Ming's eyes rolled, and he said: "Senior Sister, who exactly did the demon here do? Except for Jue Wushu and the old Leiyun demon, what other demon can commit such a murder?"

Chong Mijing's tone almost didn't fluctuate, and she said, "It shouldn't be Absolute Disease and Leiyun Old Demon!" As she said, she looked towards the direction of the corpse all the way outside the city behind her, and the jungle that was burned to white ground : "If it were these two monsters, these civilians would never have a chance to escape into the jungle, and they would never have to work so hard!"

"Then what the devil did this?" a delicate-looking younger sister behind Chong Mijing asked in a low voice.

Chong Mijing took out a small and exquisite glazed lamp from her sleeve. This glazed lamp was only the size of a palm in Chong Mijing's small hand. The base was bronze, with extremely complex and dense patterns carved on it, and the lampshade. It is the unique stamen glaze of Shihuo Island in the East China Sea, on which the shape of each stamen can be clearly seen, and it is beautiful.

This kind of stamen colored glaze is the world's most treasure, and it even surpasses the spirit jade in the use of mana sensing. This kind of magical material needs to slaughter the top monster She Luotu on the stone fire island to get one or two raw materials, and make it into this level of weight. At least ten She Luotu will be slaughtered for Huarui Liuli!

And a She Luotu's combat power is enough to sling ten fierce storks!

The world's Sheluotu together are only a dozen or so, in other words, after this magic weapon is made, this magic weapon is declared a masterpiece, and there is no second in the world!

It is absolutely impossible to imitate a second copy!

And the effect of this stamen glass is not only to transmit mana, it can even increase mana, unlike most spirit jade, no matter how pure the jade is, it will cause the attenuation of mana transmission. The larger the magic weapon, the mana The greater the attenuation ratio.

After Chong Mijing took out this magic weapon, the juniors and sisters behind her all showed a strong envy. This is the treasure of Star City Gate!

Chong Mijing held the flower stamen glazed lamp in her hand and inputted her whole body mana into it. This glazed lamp immediately lit up, emitting a crystal clear silver light. This silver light spread out quickly, but it condensed and remained, as if a The silver silk thread spreads out rapidly, extending all the way, and the more it extends inside, its color begins to slowly change. When it reaches a street, the silver light thread has already changed. It became a dark red like blood, so thick that it seemed to smell the blood.

"It's a monster!!" Dao Tuming was shocked and couldn't help but cried out.

The surrounding Star City gate disciples were all frightened, their hairs on their bodies, and immediately took out the magic weapons in their hands!

For monsters, practitioners are even more afraid of monsters!

Because monsters are essentially more powerful beasts, but they have mana and release spells. Some have extremely strong spell tolerance and even spell immunity. Some monks have ways to deal with them.

But the monsters are different. Most of them are transformed from humans. They not only possess extremely powerful and terrifying magic powers, but also retain human wisdom. The most frightening thing is that most of them have the ability to be immortal. !

Ordinary spells can't destroy them at all! Moreover, most of their magic tricks are also different from each other. Some magic tricks are simply overwhelming. Even major practitioners will be caught if they are not careful!

The most important thing is... every monster is a potential candidate for the Demon King of the Nine Nether Kings. This is something everyone in the spiritual world knows!

This is also why Da Qi is always very nervous about the appearance of monsters, and his nervousness for monsters is several levels lower.

Chong Mijing also narrowed her eyes slightly, and a sharp divine light shot from her eyes. She quickly chanted: "Starlight guides, insight into the celestial phenomena, the chaos of the heavens and the earth, all I investigate! Break the illusion!!"

The dark red light was immediately distorted, and they quickly condensed together, and began to swim in the air like a snake, and quickly spread forward.

"Quick! The demon didn't go far! Chase!!!"

As soon as her voice fell, everyone at the Star City Gate flashed, and they all turned into a blue light, chasing the dark red snake and python and quickly left.

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