Breaking the Day

Chapter 915: Is it a man or a demon?

"Sister Yuehan, where are we going?"

On the official road, a horse-drawn carriage was slowly driving along with the convoy, and Xiao Zhuo was tightly attached to Su Yuehan, carefully looking out the window. She seemed to be immersed in the horrible memories before, the sadness of losing her father. Did not leave her.

Especially she avoided Zhou Ling in fear, keeping a distance from her, curling up her petite body behind Su Yuehan, the fear Zhou Ling brought to her that night was unforgettable!

If it hadn't been for the horror of the Taiyang massacre, she would never have followed Su Yuehan and the others.

Su Yuehan stroked Xiao Zhuzi's hair affectionately, and said softly, "Let's go to Shenjing..."

Xiao Zhuzi immediately said in surprise: "Is it going to find the Prince to complain?"

Su Yuehan's face became stiff, she grinned reluctantly, and said, "Well, when you arrive in Shenjing, there will naturally be His Royal Highness who will be fair for you!"

Little Zhuzi jumped up immediately, waved his small fist, gritted his teeth and said: "Little Zhuzi is going to find His Royal Highness, let him avenge his father! Revenge for so many fathers and villagers in Taiyang!!"

Sitting on the side with one leg curled and one leg hanging outside the carriage, Zhou Ling laughed disdainfully when she heard this. She glanced at Xiao Zhuo and the proprietress, with a trace of pity and disdain in her eyes.

Since she committed suicide due to resentment in Tong'an, and finally turned into a monster and became a candidate for the Demon King, her whole personality and three views have undergone a great change. The silly white sweetness has long since disappeared and replaced it. He is a monster who sees human nature extremely dark and sinister!

She began to contemplate humanity and humanity with the greatest malice!

Su Yuehan touched Xiao Zhuzi's hair. She knew very well that at best she could send Xiao Zhuo to the vicinity of Shenjing, but she would never enter Shenjing.

Because Li Chengfeng is in Shenjing right now, she can’t go to Shenjing to cause trouble for him. Now her identity is extremely sensitive, and the Nine Nether King is constantly tracking her. She must hide her identity and be careful to escape. Nine Nether King's ubiquitous tracking and perception!

In the carriage of this little carriage, the lady boss hugged her knees and hid in the corner. Her head was buried in her knees and arms, as if she wanted to hide herself. She was motionless, and followed the carriage. The movement was swaying, and only the strong hatred from the eyes that occasionally raised her head slightly could make it possible to find that she was still alive, alive full of anger and hatred.

Zhou Ling held a dog's tail in his mouth impatiently and watched the carriage slowly running on the official road. In her eyes, it was no different from a tortoise crawling. She sighed and said, "If this goes on, There are so many dreams in the night! Such a big event in Taiyang City will surely shock the world, and there will definitely be nosy practitioners coming to make trouble..."

As if to testify to what she said, Zhou Ling and Su Yuehan's expressions changed at the same time, and they turned their heads to look at the sky behind the carriage at the same time.

At this time, Xiao Zhuzi also curiously poked her head out of the carriage window and looked outside. She only saw a dozen blue lights flying from the sky in the distance, although it was very clear during the day.

Xiao Zhuo didn't know what these dozen green lights meant, let alone what it meant.

Zhou Ling's face was solemn, but in his mouth he sneered and said, "Let you take these two oil bottles! Now it's all right, here comes the trouble!"

Su Yuehan said coldly: "Isn't it that you have to follow? It must be your demon power that attracted them!"

Zhou Ling sneered and said, "Why isn't it your demon power?"

Su Yuehan glanced at her sideways, her tone indifferent, but full of confidence and arrogance, and said: "I, Su Yuehan, have been flying around the world for more than 100 years, and I am still alive and well. Why do you think I survived?"

Zhou Ling sighed and said disdainfully, "Isn't it hiding in Tibet? What's so good about?"

Su Yuehan sneered and said, "Why follow me if you are so good? If you have the ability to walk by yourself! See how long Nine Nether King can find you!"

Zhou Ling's expression changed slightly, she turned her head and snorted coldly, because Su Yuehan's words came to her heart.

It stands to reason that she doesn’t need to follow Su Yuehan at all, but her family knows about her family affairs. Zhou Ling has a strong demon spirit. If she walks alone, she will not only be easily spotted by the Nine Nether King, but also by other monks. The monk of a spell or magic weapon found it.

However, now the problem is coming, and I was discovered after Su Yuehan, then... what is the problem?

Zhou Ling was a little confused for a while, but she didn't care about these hindsight matters anymore. She just curled her lips at Su Yuehan and said: "You can deal with it yourself. I'll go first. I can't make a move. If I make a move, Jiu Nether King You will find me! We will both be unlucky then!"

Su Yuehan didn't care, and said: "You go away, you are more noticeable here! I'll do it alone..."

Zhou Ling snorted. Before she left, she suddenly turned her head and said meaningfully to Su Yue: "Do you still consider yourself...a person?"

Su Yuehan also stared at Zhou Ling and asked her back: "Then what about you? What do you think of yourself? A monster? A heir to the Demon King controlled by the Nine Nether King? A monster that only knows about killing?"

Zhou Ling became silent, and Su Yuehan asked again: "Do you think we are more like humans and who are more like demons than the people who slaughtered Taiyang City?"

Zhou Ling laughed loudly. She raised her hand and grabbed the coachman who was already shaking like a sieve with one hand. She grinned and said: "Then I'm leaving. Before I leave, I will help you do one more thing for you as a human being. Things come out!"

How could this coachman want these two beautiful women to be monsters that everyone talks about in the world!

At this moment, his legs were shaking like chaff, and the urine was dripping under his thighs. He wanted to ask for mercy but was pinched by a slender hand. He couldn't make a sound. He could only look at Su Yuehan pleadingly with his eyes, and his eyes couldn't help but flow out. Tears come.

Little Zhuzi was shocked and unaware of the fear. She rushed over and grabbed Zhou Ling's arm and kicked her body hard. She shouted angrily, "Let go of him!! You monster!!"

Zhou Ling laughed wildly: "Have you seen? I am a monster! No matter what I do, they will think I am a monster!"

Su Yuehan looked at Zhou Ling earnestly and said, "I was like you at the beginning. I renounced myself and became angry with the world! But the endless killing will only bring you endless blood and hatred, and then endless fatigue and emptiness! In the end, what you get must not be happiness, but endless regret and pain!"

Zhou Ling sneered and said, "Do you still want to preach at this time?"

Su Yuehan shook her head and said: "The reason you followed me is to get rid of the control of the Nine Nether Kings. But you believe me, the true control of the Nine Nether Kings does not come from his ubiquitous induction and magic, but lies in your own heart. Devil! If you have a demon in your heart, you will never be able to get rid of him. One day, you will become his tool of killing, and eventually become his skin furnace!"

Zhou Ling was silent, and slowly let go of the hand holding the driver's neck. She said, "I believe you for the time being, but if he leaks the wind, hum, don't regret it!"

Su Yuehan sneered and waved to the coachman, and the coachman fell down, unconscious, only the two horses in front were still running ahead due to inertia.

Zhou Ling looked up at the sky at this time, and saw that the dozens of azure lights had flown much closer. She said: "I'm leaving, you can do it yourself!"

Zhou Ling's figure instantly turned into a black mist from the bottom of the carriage and plunged into the ground, and then disappeared quickly.

Not long after Zhou Ling disappeared, there was a clear loud shout from the sky: "Youxie, stop away!!"

A cyan light fell like a cannonball, and slammed into the direction of the carriage in front of the carriage, so that the horses neighed and people stood up!

In front of the official road, standing a beautiful woman holding a stamen and glazed lamp, she is the outstanding star of the Star City Gate, Chong Mijing!

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