Breaking the Day

Chapter 932: Be the first to investigate suspects

Hearing this voice, Li Chengfeng and others turned their heads to look. Zhao Feiyue came to Li Chengfeng and said in a low voice, "This is Zheng Qiuyun, the son of Zheng Jinghong, the number one arrester in Daqi today."

Li Chengfeng was taken aback: "Zheng Jinghong? Zheng Jinghong, who once captured the devil's dream talent? Hasn't he been ransacked by his family?"

Zhao Feiyue whispered: "Zheng Qiuyun is a fish that slipped through the net. He has been incognito for many years and has been investigating the suspected case of his father being involved in the Qiuwei fraud case. After ten years of continuous investigation, he finally found the key evidence. It was proved that the letterhead of the prince’s forgery was a forgery and was framed by political opponents, so this big case was made anyway. Zheng Qiuyun also became famous in the first battle, when he was only twenty-five years old!"

"But it's not over yet. After joining six doors, Zheng Qiuyun has solved big cases in succession. In just ten years, he has solved eight shocking cases in a row. To be named the best catcher in the world is to regain the lintel."

Li Chengfeng, Zhao Xiaobao and Han Tianxing took a breath of air when they heard, Li Chengfeng said, "This man is a legend! Why don't you find him to solve the case? He is much more reliable than me as a half-way monk!"

Zhao Feiyue said solemnly: "Because he is unreliable! Zheng Qiuyun has never been attached to any faction, so he is neither the third brother nor the fourth brother..."

Li Chengfeng said, "Isn't that just right?"

Zhao Feiyue shook her head and said, "No, he is the least reliable because he doesn't rely on either side!" After that, she glanced at Li Chengfeng and said meaningfully: "Because you don't know his true loyalty Who is this person, let alone who he will fall to at a critical time!"

Li Chengfeng nodded and said, "Then I avoid it first?"

Zhao Feiyue smiled coldly, and said, "No, it's just to kill the chicken and the monkey!"

Li Chengfeng looked at her unbearably, and whispered in a very low voice: "You shouldn't promise the emperor..."

Zhao Feiyue raised her eyes and glanced at Li Chengfeng. At this moment, there was grievance and touch in her eyes. Her feelings for Li Chengfeng were so humble. Even if it was Li Chengfeng's simplest thoughtful and comforting sentence, she was already moved.

"But, after all, he is my father...the emperor's fate is hard to break, how can it be?" Zhao Feiyue's voice was slightly trembling and choked, she didn't want to take the jade pendant and the jade seal of the town, this is not just a hot potato, It is a deadly weapon!

As a woman, Zhao Feiyue suddenly ascended the big treasure, holding heavy power. Although everyone can see that it is an expedient measure, this still hurts the most sensitive places of these in power!

Because, after all, this is a world where men are in power, and this is a world where every important position hub is filled with men!

How can a hen be Sichen! !

Why do women climb to that position, why do they climb to their heads!

At that time, Qu Wanru had reached the top of the world for five consecutive years and it had caused an uproar and caused countless murders and backlashes. If she hadn't realized this, she would retreat, otherwise it would have attracted the crazy counterattack of countless male monks.

Zhao Bairen knocked out two thorns, but he held Zhao Feiyue to a high position, which was like erecting a big target, causing many people to temporarily ignore the scandal of poisoning the king in the palace!

Only people who are well versed in tactics can detect how much the emperor’s tactics are from Zhao Bairen’s response in a flash!

It is said that Zhao Bairen is old and faint and has no intention of ruling the country. He is the king of subjugation...

But who knows that although such an emperor is a mess in governing the country, he is inherently capable of exercising power!

Zhao Feiyue’s weakness was only a moment, and she soon became strong. She looked at Li Chengfeng and said softly and firmly, "Although the slave only wants to be a wild crane with the palace lord, but... When it comes, the slave will never shrink back, and she must not fall into the face of the palace owner!"

Li Chengfeng heard her gentle and firm tone, as if being punched in his heart, he secretly felt a little distressed for her.

But this feeling was only fleeting. He nodded and said, "Then let him in."

Zhao Feiyue slapped her palms, and the **** outside immediately understood and said loudly, "Please Zheng Qiuyun!"

Not long after, Li Chengfeng saw a thin man with gray hair and an inch of beard walking in.

This man is extremely short, only about 1.6 meters tall, and extremely thin, but his eyes are deeply sunken, and his eyes are like torches, piercing and piercing. When he walked in, he was full of wind and looked forward to flying.

This is today's No. 1 catcher in Daqi. At the age of twenty-five, he was the first catcher Zheng Jinghong who turned the case against the sky.

Zheng Qiuyun swept his eyes and found that Li Chengfeng was also here. He immediately raised his eyebrows. First, he bowed to Zhao Feiyue: "I have seen Yun and Princess!" Then he bowed to Li Chengfeng, the etiquette was not bad, and said: "I have seen Lord Li Jue!"

The title of Daqi is very precious. Even high-ranking officials like Zheng Qiuyun who are able to catch up to the third rank do not have half the title. Seeing people like Li Chengfeng who have no official position but is named a baron, they have to be naturally short.

Li Chengfeng was not arrogant either, he respectfully saluted the other party, smiled and said, "This must be my predecessor, Zheng Qiuyun, the most famous first arrester!"

Zheng Qiuyun saw Li Chengfeng's sincere expression, not like cynicism, so he slowed down a lot, arched his hands, and said, "Don't dare! Lord Li Jue is too famous!"

After that, Zheng Qiuyun turned his head and said to Zhao Feiyue: "Yun and princess, please forgive your subordinates for offending! I don't know why the veterans were excluded from investigators? This kind of rebellious case is exactly where our veterans are responsible! Your Highness , I have been deeply favored by the emperor. At this time of crisis, I should stand up and serve the country. The old minister is willing to make a military order. If the real culprit of this case is not found, the old minister is willing to give him the head!"

These words were sincere and passionate, sincere and sincere, that is, Li Chengfeng and others were moved by it. At this time, those who are willing to spend their lives to investigate the case, if not really feel the emperor’s grace and want To repay the favor, then there is really no other possibility.

But Zhao Feiyue didn't respond, she just stared coldly at the man in front of her who was old enough to be her grandfather's No. 1 arrest in the world, and she asked, "Inspector Zheng, what do you think is the most important thing for a case? "

Zheng Qiuyun said without hesitation: "The truth! Apart from the truth, there is nothing more popular in this world!"

Zhao Feiyue nodded and said: "What you said is reasonable. After all, you finally reversed the case by finding out the truth of your father's unjust case. What made you Zheng family re-emergence is the truth you have found out!"

Zheng Qiuyun said excitedly: "That's it! Your Majesty, the mad thief dared to poison his majesty in the deep palace. What a rebellious and arrogant act! If we don't check it out, how will the face of our officials be? Why don't you think that your father will share your concerns!"

Zhao Feiyue was noncommittal and continued to ask: "You think the truth is the most important thing, but do you understand why your Majesty chose me instead of you to investigate the case?"

Zheng Qiuyun was taken aback, and then excitedly said: "If your Royal Highness personally investigates the case, the old minister will naturally have nothing to say! But his Royal Highness asked Lord Li to investigate the case. The old minister was not dissatisfied, but was afraid that Lord Li was too young to enter and be deceived by the thieves. , So as to miss the best time to solve the case!"

Zhao Feiyue snorted coldly and said: "You think the most important thing in a case is the truth, but I think the most important thing is trust! This is why my two brothers are now under house arrest and I am entrusted with heavy responsibility. The reason for this! This is also the reason why the emperor does not need you, and I do not need you either!

Zheng Qiuyun was stunned when he heard the words, then his old face was pale, and his whole body was trembling slightly. He clenched his fists, and said with a choked throat: "Old official...understand, the old official is impolite, and please forgive his sins, please also Lord Li Jue forgive me!"

Zhao Feiyue waved his hand disapprovingly, and Li Chengfeng bowed slightly towards Zheng Qiuyun, and then watched him leave the palace. The high-spirited old man seemed to arch his back at this moment.

Zhao Feiyue didn't care, she said seriously to Li Chengfeng: "This case is not trivial, and it cannot be delayed indefinitely. Now the third and fourth elder brothers are preparing information, and I guess there will be a terrible court battle tomorrow. , I can’t hold them back. My father has a poor dragon body and won’t show up, so I can’t delay that long. Once the time is long, the court will be completely out of control, and the central authority will disappear. ...The consequences are terrible and unpredictable!"

Li Chengfeng also looked solemn, and said, "I...try my best to catch the real murderer!"

Zhao Feiyue shook her head and said: "I'm worried about this! Once you find the real murderer, remember not to act rashly, tell me immediately, and then I will report to your father."

Li Chengfeng instantly understood that a person who can be poisoned in the palace for a long time must have a powerful power, and the energy in the harem is unimaginable. Otherwise, how could Zhao Bairen be poisoned so silently for such a long time? Long?

Li Chengfeng nodded: "I know."

Zhao Feiyue asked: "Then where do you want to check first?"

Li Chengfeng said without hesitation: "Shuiyue Palace, Concubine Ming!"

Zhao Feiyue said in amazement, "Why was it her first?"

Li Chengfeng said: "Because in my opinion, she is the most suspicious!"

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