Breaking the Day

Chapter 933: The layman is ignorant of the investigation

When I came to the Water Moon Palace again, the atmosphere was completely different from before.

Although there were many guards around the water moon palace before, they were just normal, but now, it is not just three steps, one post and five steps, one sentry, but the sentry that stood in ambush even the palace is staring at, and some corners are fleeting. Both the shadows and the eyes hidden in the shadows and darkness tell Li Chengfeng that this place has become a big cage where flies can't fly in, and mice can't escape!

The originally quiet and pleasant Shuiyue Palace became deserted and solemn at this time. On weekdays, it is equipped with the largest number of palace ladies and eunuchs, but now the most are the gods and the powerful eunuchs of Kong Wu.

There were no beautiful ladies in sight at the door, only guards armed to the teeth. After inspecting the jade pendant in Li Chengfeng's hands, they carefully verified the authenticity and then let Li Chengfeng into the Water Moon Palace.

Under the guidance of a maid and **** in the palace, Li Chengfeng took Liu Sumei, Xiaoling Dang, Zhao Xiaobao and Han Tianxing into the palace, and the three went to the depths of the palace together.

Entering the palace, the maids gradually saw more along the way. They usually live in this deep palace, and it is extremely difficult to see strangers

Before entering the apse, I heard a screaming cry: "Your Majesty, I want to see Your Majesty! Your Majesty, the concubine has been wronged, the concubine has been wronged!! The concubine has served your Majesty for so many years, so be careful. , For fear that your majesty will feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable, how could your concubine want to murder your majesty! Your majesty, your majesty!! The concubine has been wronged!!"

This shout echoed in the quiet and empty harem, making people feel creepy.

A fat and fair **** led Li Chengfeng to the entrance of the apse, and then said to him seriously: "The concubine Ming is the most beloved concubine of your majesty. The suspicious case is pending, and the true murderer is undecided. Although it is an investigation and trial, Li Chengfeng Sir Sir Alex needs to be careful."

Li Chengfeng nodded, and said, "Naturally know this, thank you for your father's advice."

The **** smiled and said, "Lord Li Jue don’t dislike our long-winded family. After all, Jue Li is young and promising, and his future is limitless. There are many rules and regulations in this harem. Destroy the promising future in this harem!"

Li Chengfeng smiled and said, "Thank you for your father-in-law's advice. What kind of teachings does he have?

The **** waved his hand and said with a smile, "I dare not dare, but any interrogation will have to be conducted under our family's attention. I hope Lord Li Jue will forgive me."

Li Chengfeng nodded, and said, "I also need a few real people to help me, and I hope I can understand."

The **** smiled and said, "As long as we can find out the truth, report to God's grace, and report to the Emperor's grace, these can be expedient."

Li Chengfeng, Liu Sumei and the others exchanged glances. Amid the creaking of the door, they saw the deep palace open to them, and it was dark and gloomy, and there was no palm for the lamp. stand up.

Li Chengfeng walked into the hall. The figure he came in immediately caught Concubine Ming’s attention. Concubine Ming immediately rushed out. Li Chengfeng saw her at a glance. She saw her hair scattered, her skin pale, her eyes sunken, and her eye circles were hairy. Red, obviously caused by crying and panic.

Concubine Ming concubine saw Li Chengfeng at a glance, immediately rushed forward, stretched out her hand to catch Li Chengfeng, and said loudly: "Are you the person sent by your majesty! Where is your majesty, I want to see your majesty! Your majesty he knows, concubine body will never It may be the one who harmed him! The concubine is alone, and often accompanies your majesty. Only your majesty is the only relative of the concubine. Your majesty is safe, and your concubine is in danger, and your concubine is in danger! How could your concubine poison your majesty Yeah!"

This was true and sincere, with a mournful mourning, even the iron man was also moved by it. Zhao Xiaobao and Han Tianxing on the side looked at each other subconsciously, and the two muttered to themselves.

Did the young master/senior brother really make a mistake?

No matter from which point of view, it is impossible for Concubine Ming to kill the emperor, because among all the suspects here, only the emperor died, which would do nothing to her!

She has no motive for committing the crime!

Li Chengfeng was not moved by the words of the concubine Ming, he dodged aside to avoid letting herself and the concubine Ming have skin close. Liu Sumei grabbed her hand and said softly to her: "Concubine Ming, don’t panic. I'm here to express my concubine Ming's condolences and ask a few words in passing."

Concubine Ming's eyes widened immediately and her face was full of surprise. She trembled: "I know, Your Majesty will not forget me, Your Majesty will not leave me! Your Majesty, what did he say, he knew that his concubine was wronged. ?"

Li Chengfeng said to the Concubine Ming: "Be calm, Concubine Ming, I will only ask the Concubine Ming a few questions, and you will be fine. If the Concubine Ming is innocent, she will clear her grievances and let her see one. The innocent concubine, okay?"

Concubine Ming really settled down a lot. She looked at Li Chengfeng eagerly and said, "Your Excellency is Li Jue Ye in front of you? The concubine was impolite. Please forgive Li Jue Ye."

After that, she gave a slight bow and Li Chengfeng quickly avoided again.

Concubine Ming said: "Lord Li Jue wants to ask, the concubine knows everything without saying anything."

Li Chengfeng smiled very mildly, and asked, "Dare to ask Ming Concubine how old this year is?"

Concubine Ming was stunned for a moment. Obviously she did not expect that Li Chengfeng would ask such a sensitive and useless question in her first question. She hesitated for a moment, and said, "There are eight out of twenty concubines this year..."

Li Chengfeng nodded, then asked, "Dare to ask what year Ming concubine entered the palace?"

Concubine Ming was stunned again, she subconsciously squeezed her hands and said: "The concubine body entered the palace on the 13th of the first year of the apocalypse..."

Li Chengfeng nodded and said with a smile: "Concubine Ming remembers clearly."

Concubine Ming reluctantly smiled, and said: "This is such a big event, the concubine body naturally remembers very clearly..."

Li Chengfeng asked again: "Then dare you to ask Ming concubine's favorite clothes on weekdays?"

Concubine Ming was completely confused. She didn't understand why Li Chengfeng suddenly asked about her dressing preferences. "Does this have anything to do with the cleansing of the concubine?"

Li Chengfeng smiled and said: "Naturally it is related. Concubine Ming just answers, if she knows, she will answer, if she doesn't know, she will answer without knowing."

Concubine Ming nodded, and said: "What my concubine likes the most is the cloud-worn rainbow dress that your majesty gave to your concubine. That was the first time your concubine gave a gift to your concubine. The concubine is grateful to remember! Although it has been 16 years For a long time, but this dress has been well preserved by the concubine's body and is intact. Would you like Lord Li Jue to take a look? The concubine will take it out every night and put it next to her pillow to sleep."

Li Chengfeng smiled and said, "Okay, you can also open your eyes."

Concubine Ming suddenly laughed like a child. She immediately jumped up and said cheerfully: "Lord Li, wait a minute, let the concubine go and change clothes."

Having said that, she turned and walked away quickly, like a butterfly.

Li Chengfeng watched her figure go away, with a meaningful smile on his face.

The court lady **** on the side looked at Li Chengfeng and exchanged eyes, looking at each other one by one, with strong distrust and doubts in their eyes.

What the **** is this Lord Li doing?

Does he know how to investigate a case?

Can he find out the truth if he investigates the case like this?

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