Breaking the Day

Chapter 943: Tracking the final trace

"What? How did Huang Yun and Father Huang die? When did it happen?" Li Chengfeng grabbed the **** in front of him in fright and roared.

An old **** on the side immediately sternly reprimanded: "Presumptuous, who are you!"

Han Tianxing on the side also sternly reprimanded: "This is an imperial angel, Li Chengfeng Li Jue! Haven't heard of it?"

Li Chengfeng showed the jade pendant in his hand. These eunuchs were all old men in the palace, and they naturally recognized this jade pendant. They immediately bowed their heads and knelt on the ground one by one, saying loudly: " Long live Long live Long live!"

Li Chengfeng was also not interested in playing prestige here with a group of lost eunuchs. He waved his hand and motioned for them to get up quickly, and said, "Who can tell me what happened to Duke Huang? How did he die?"

These eunuchs looked at each other, and they were utterly moaning for a while, and Li Chengfeng's expression sank: "What's the matter? The father-in-laws have done their duties for your majesty and have been worrying about them all their lives. In the end, will they be late?"

The old eunuch's face changed, and he immediately stepped forward and said: "Lord Li Jue is serious. Huang Gonggong passed away the night before. According to Wu Zuo, he died of a heart attack at night."

Li Chengfeng immediately asked: "Heart attack?"

The old **** said: "Yes, Duke Huang has a heart disease and lives alone on weekdays, so when he became ill last night, no one of us knew about it. When he got up again, he would have died in bed."

Li Chengfeng's face was pale and said: "Stop the burial immediately. The case involved in Huang Gonggong's death is extremely serious. As witnesses, please don't leave Shenjing these days. Violators will be punished as conspiracy!"

These words were extremely heavy, and these eunuchs were shaking all over, not daring to raise their heads.

Li Chengfeng said to Zhao Xiaobao: "You immediately take the jade pendant and mobilize a team of soldiers to surround Huang Yun's residence. No one is allowed to enter or leave. Offenders are killed!"

Zhao Xiaobao took the jade pendant and disappeared in a flash. Li Chengfeng immediately said to Han Tianxing: "You go to the Tibetan stall immediately to inform Zheng Shenchou of what happened here, and let him come here quickly. Exploration and investigation!"

Han Tianxing nodded and quickly turned and left. Li Chengfeng said to the tall and thin old eunuch: "How is this father-in-law called?"

The old **** hurriedly said with sincerity and fear: "Slavery Huang Bao'er, I just ran into Lord Li Jue, I hope..."

Li Chengfeng waved his hand impatiently and said, "Stop talking nonsense, take me to the residence of Duke Huang."

Huang Baoer looked at the funeral procession and coffin behind him, he sneered and said, "Then here..."

Li Chengfeng waved his hand and said, "Go back and go back! Who of you has a good relationship with Duke Huang on weekdays! Stand up, I have something to ask!"

Huang Baoer hurriedly turned around and directed everyone back to the original path, while respectfully guiding Li Chengfeng to Huang Yun's usual residence.

Li Chengfeng asked along the way: "This Huang Yun, what friends do you have on weekdays? Who have you met recently? Are there any new faces? Or is there something strange and sound that makes you feel strange?"

Huang Baoer hurriedly said: "The slave and the maid live opposite Huang Baoer on weekdays. Nothing strange happens these days."

A little **** on the side couldn't help but leaned forward and said, "Duke Huang, there are actually..."

Li Chengfeng saw that the little **** was only about twenty years old, but he had one arm missing. He wondered: "Why are you so young?"

Huang Baoer said with a sneer and disdain: "This kid has dirty hands and feet. He stole things in the palace and sold them for resale. After being found, he was chopped off as a warning. Xiaodongzi, I can warn you, don't talk nonsense, to Don’t blame your father-in-law, I didn’t warn you!"

The little **** named Xiao Dongzi was silent immediately, his head shrank back, and he dared not speak any more.

Li Chengfeng took out a silver ticket from his arms, shook it in front of this little Dongzi, and said, "Don't worry, you can answer if I have a question. As long as I confirm that you are not lying, this is you. of!"

Xiao Dongzi saw that it was a one hundred taels of silver bills, his eyes straightened, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He glanced at Huang Baoer, and then said, "Lord Li Jue, if you ask, Xiao Dongzi will answer truthfully. "

Li Chengfeng said, "What did you mean by that?"

Xiao Dongzi hesitated for a moment, and whispered: "The other day, I was in the middle of the night..."

Li Chengfeng immediately interrupted: "A few days ago? Which day was it and when?"

Xiao Dongzi thought for a while, and said, "It was Xu Shi the night before yesterday...about a moment."

Li Chengfeng said: "How do you remember so clearly?"

Xiao Dongzi smirked, Huang Baoer sneered on the side: "Huh, didn't you commit the crime of sneaking around again?"

Xiao Dongzi smiled and said: "Huang Yun Huang Gonggong has a **** dog and two reed chickens on weekdays. I was so greedy that day, I wanted to steal a chicken to fight the teeth. But I didn't expect it. , The **** dog kept barking that night, and it barked very fiercely..."

Li Chengfeng said: "Oh? Why is this?"

The little Dongzi said: "I was also murmured at the time, so I waited in the backyard for a while, and after about a quarter of an hour, a man came out of Huang Yun's father-in-law's house..."

Li Chengfeng immediately asked: "Who is it? What kind of? Men and women?"

Xiao Dongzi smiled bitterly: "At that time, the night was dark. Where can I see it? I only knew that it was a man in a black robe. He was tall. After he came out, he soon left with magic tricks."

Li Chengfeng's heart jumped fiercely: "Did you leave with a spell? What spell?"

Xiao Dongzi said blankly: "I, how do I know? He saw a circle on the ground, and then he disappeared..."

Li Chengfeng was silent, and he thought to himself: "The day before yesterday...that was when the treason case was just committed! At that time, the other party was already prepared and began to cut the roots of the investigation, cutting the back of the investigation! Although the opponent's hands and feet are extremely fast, it also confirms that Concubine Ming does have a major suspicion! The next thing to think about is how to quickly find a breakthrough from Concubine Ming..."

After Li Chengfeng asked a few more things along the way, he came to Huang Yun's residence.

This is a very simple mid-range house with three houses and a front and back yard. There is a plane tree planted in the front yard, and in the back yard, as Xiao Dongzi said, there are a **** dog and three reed chickens.

The front yard is not big, and you can walk in a few steps. When you enter the home, you can see that the furniture in the home is quaint and old. Everything seems to be in the old age. The cups and teapots for drinking water have been turned off by the whirling. It can be seen that the owner is a very old man.

Li Chengfeng cautiously looked outside the house, but did not go in. He said to Huang Baoer, "How do you interact with Huang Yun on weekdays?"

Huang Baoer hesitated, he glanced at Xiao Dongzi quickly, with warnings in his eyes, as if afraid of him talking nonsense, Li Chengfeng immediately Huang Baoer said: "Huang Gonggong, this case is very important. Concealing causes misunderstandings, I think... Grandpa Huang doesn’t want to work all his life and end up in a bleak evening scene, right?"

Huang Baoer smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, the servant girl was blinded, and wanted to deceive the imperial angel. The servant girl deserves to die..."

Li Chengfeng said: "What do you want to hide?"

Huang Baoer smiled bitterly and said: "The slave and the maidservant have always had a good relationship with Huang Yun..."

Li Chengfeng was overjoyed and said, "Oh? That's great! Huang Yun once mentioned in ordinary days, why did he leave the palace in the first place? Does he live lavishly on weekdays?"

This is no effort at all by breaking through the iron shoes! The other party was a hundred secrets, but he didn't expect Huang Yun to have a close friend!

Huang Baoer replied honestly: "Huang Yun never talked about the past. The servant only knew that he had committed a crime before leaving the palace."

Li Chengfeng immediately said: "He introduced Concubine Ming to His Majesty. This is a great achievement. Concubine Ming and Your Majesty thanked him too late. Why would he be expelled from the palace?"

Huang Baoer said: "The slave-maid knows a thing or two about this matter. Although Huang Yun climbed onto the Ming concubine at the beginning, the general manager was afraid that he was climbing too fast, so he set up a bureau to frame him and attempt to murder the concubine Ming. Your Majesty’s blood relatives, although this charge was not confirmed at the time, Huang Yun was indeed involved. In order not to hurt the concubine Ming, he took the initiative to resign and leave Shenwu Palace, and then came to this middle official road, and was a neighbor with the slave servants. Doing... has been more than ten years."

Li Chengfeng said: "Then who Huang Yun had close contacts with before, do you know?"

Huang Baoer thought about it seriously, and said: "Yes, the servants know that Huang Yun once had a very good personal relationship with the assistant teacher of the Imperial College Xuan Ming Liang Xuan."

Li Chengfeng said: "Where is Master Xuan Ming Liang Xuan now?"

Huang Baoer smiled bitterly: "Master Xuan has passed away for almost 20 years."

Li Chengfeng was taken aback for a moment and said, "Huh? Why is this?"

Huang Baoer said: "Nineteen years ago, the reincarnated immortal reincarnated. Your Majesty ordered all the babies born in China to be killed on that day. If you can conceal the violators, the whole family will be killed!"

This sentence immediately stunned Li Chengfeng's hair on his body! !

He understood it instantly, it seemed...this mystery, all the motives, all the doubts, all can be explained at this moment!

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