Breaking the Day

Chapter 944: Race against time to solve strange cases

Nineteen years ago, in the eighth year of the Apocalypse, Yu Chengfeng and Sun Yijue of Jiuzhongtian turned against each other. Yu Chengfeng was defeated in the battle and was shot down to the mortal world. Therefore, Sun Yijue issued an order to kill him.

Emperor Zhao Bairen ordered to punish all babies born on the same day in Daqi who had appeared in the golden light on this day. For a time, there was blood everywhere in Daqi, and countless babies were slaughtered. Some families who were unwilling to hide their hiding were even found out. Brutally destroyed!

As an assistant teacher of the Imperial College, Xuan Mingliang and his family were tragically killed because of this tragedy!

Li Chengfeng felt very sad, because the changes in his previous life had brought such a disaster to the world!

If nothing happens, Concubine Ming is very likely to be deeply related to the Xuan family’s murder case, and even, she may be the Xuan family’s slippery fish, deliberately deliberately lurking in the palace for revenge!

When Li Chengfeng thought of this, he felt that his reasoning was 80% of the truth, and he was excited for a time!

Now, the most important thing is to call up the Xuan family's information and check it clearly, and see if there is a fish that slipped through the net!

Mindful of this, Li Chengfeng glanced at Huang Bao'er, pondered for a moment, but said to the little Dongzi next to him: "I'll give you another messenger, let it look like this, no one is allowed to come near! The offender is determined and killed. No pardon! You are not allowed to leave your post until an official comes to take over the defense. Can you do it?"

Xiao Dongzi was very excited. He realized that his opportunity had come, and immediately nodded excitedly: "Yes, yes, I will definitely help Li Jue master this job!"

Li Chengfeng patted him on the shoulder, Xiao Dongzi immediately felt that his bones were lightened by a few taels, and his nostrils were almost upturned when he looked at people.

Huang Baoer sighed secretly in her heart, knowing that the other party must have seen that she was old and timid, so she gave this opportunity and responsibility to the younger and more courageous boy, the young man Li Jue At his age, in a blink of an eye, he was veteran and didn't know how he developed such skills.

Li Chengfeng threw it down here, and hurried to the Tibetan stalls. He went away extremely fast, holding the jade pendant high all the way, so that the guards and blood guards who noticed the movement came after seeing the jade pendant. Get out of the way and let Li Chengfeng rush into the Tibetan stall all the way unimpeded.

He came so fast that Zheng Qiuyun, who had washed his face and lifted his spirits, hadn't even set off yet!

When Zheng Qiuyun saw that Li Chengfeng had gone and returned, he must have found important clues. He rushed to meet him and said, "Lord Li Jue, do you have clues?"

Li Chengfeng said: "Yes! According to my investigation, Huang Yun, who has died, had a personal relationship with Xuan Mingliang, assistant teacher of the Imperial College, and Xuan Mingliang and his family all died in the Jinguang Tuying case 19 years ago. I feel that as long as Look down this line and see if Concubine Ming has something to do with Xuan Mingliang's family, and you will definitely be able to make a breakthrough!"

Zheng Qiuyun has been investigating the case for a lifetime, and Li Chengfeng is keenly aware of clues, his eyes brightened when he heard it, he smiled, and said: "From the experience of Zheng's investigation of the case for most of his life, Ming concubine There is absolutely no relationship with this Xuan family!"

"Check! Immediately follow the clues of Xuan's family and check it down!!" Li Chengfeng ordered, and he said to Han Tianxing on the side. "Go and tell the princess, let him immediately send reliable personnel to help investigate the case. Clerk ten is needed. People, forty guards, surround everything around here, no one is allowed in or out!"

After speaking, Han Tianxing immediately led his orders. Zheng Qiuyun rushed to Huang Yun’s home to continue his investigation. Li Chengfeng found Liu Sumei and said, “It’s very possible that the true identity and details of Concubine Ming have already been found out. Concubine Ming confided the truth?"

Liu Sumei shook her head helplessly, and said: "Illusory art is only involved in my generation. If you want to be proficient, you must abandon the avenue of magical art and specialize in illusion. People, I’m afraid that I will use illusion again to be of no avail, and I will be even more horrified. At that time, the master of illusion will come again and it will not help."

Li Chengfeng stumbled and said: "At this juncture, where can I find a monk who specializes in illusion art?"

Liu Sumei smiled and said: "There are no monks who practice illusion, but right now there is nowhere to look for them. There is a ready-made top illusion master right under the nose!"

Li Chengfeng's expression changed, and he blurted out, "Su Yuehan?"

Liu Sumei said meaningfully: "Yes! This case is important, and you are not at ease with other people, but if I am not mistaken, if the case is pursued, it will be all clues to decapitation, and it will become nothing. The first case! The other party must have cut off all traces early. You have no evidence. There is nothing you can do with an imperial concubine!"

Yes, just based on suspicion, it is impossible to prove that the concubine Ming is suspected of killing the king!

Right now, I have been investigating here, and if I give up... then the investigation of the entire case will have failed. If I fail, it will be a trivial matter for reputation, but it will be a big blow to Zhao Feiyue.

But the most important thing is... this will bring a devastating blow to the entire court of Daqi!

Li Chengfeng looked at the little bell on the side and said, "Little bell, how is the court situation now?"

Little Bell yawned and said, "There is a mess. Now the officials of the prince's line are frantically impeaching the four princes, saying that he is forming a party and conspiring to disrupt the country. One prince should be removed, and the officials of the four princes and one line are crazy. The impeachment of the prince said that he had conspired against the king and killed the king and must be abolished! Zhao Feiyue and the Prime Minister were so devastated that they were unable to suppress the wave of the two parties. Today, there have been three large-scale fights in the next dynasty, and I heard that he was killed. People!"

Li Chengfeng was taken aback: "Huh? Fight? Where? Why? How did you know?"

Little Bell chuckled and said, "I heard what the eunuchs said, and they said, these adults like to fight, and sometimes they fight in the hall!"

Li Chengfeng remembered that at the Chaohui General Manager, those adults had indeed performed all martial arts in front of him, but he couldn't think of it... now it's getting worse!

Li Chengfeng's face was solemn: "What's the situation outside now?"

Little Bell said: "Now the officials of the Prince's Department outside are inciting scholars to make trouble, and many Taichung students are out parading the streets carrying the statues of the saints and the pilgrims."

Li Chengfeng stomped his feet and said, "Making a fool! This is a situation where the prince is at a disadvantage! No one can control them!"

Little Bell curled his lips and said: "What do you care? Who can do it? Now the entire God Kyoto is out of control! Without the pressure of the emperor, prince, and four princes, all the forces are completely out of control! Shenjing is now a mess!"

Li Chengfeng sighed: "The case must be solved as soon as possible!"

Xiao Lingdang glanced at Li Chengfeng, and said meaningfully: "You should think of a way to rescue your little lover first! Only she can quickly induce the concubine to confess her guilt, otherwise she will continue the investigation like this. I really don't know when. Solve the case!"

Liu Sumei shook her head and said, "If the other party is deliberately conspiring to kill the king for a long time, then you will not be able to get evidence. After all, the other party has planned for more than ten years, and there is a gap of several days in between, enough for them. The corpse is destroyed! You have been slowing the opponent for three days!"

Li Chengfeng's face was solemn, he knew very well that he must find a way to rescue Su Yuehan, but...if Su Yuehan was rescued and asked her to use illusion techniques to make Ming concubine confess her guilt, wouldn't Su Yuehan throw herself into the trap and confess to the world without recruiting herself. : She is the Thousand Face Demon?

However, if the case is not solved as soon as possible, the consequences will be terrible, and Li Chengfeng can't predict it at all!

So, is it risking to save people and solve the case, or to take the risk of smashing the case?

Li Chengfeng's mind was at war between heaven and man for a time, his expression changing.

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