Breaking the Day

Chapter 979: Whispering confrontation

Li Chengfeng was invited by the prince to observe the ceremony. His location is naturally different from ordinary people. He does not need to stand in the square under the stage with the monks, let alone crowded on both sides of the road or on the roof trees like ordinary people. .

The viewing platform under the high platform is in the shape of a trapezoid. The narrowest part of the trapezoid is the top and the place where the high platform is located. The long stairs along the high platform are full of red carpets. On both sides are various orange-yellow flag wooden pillars. Behind is the VIP seats placed on the north and south sides. On the north side are dignitaries and guests specially invited by the royal family; on the south side are the monks who did not participate in the fight in Shenjing.

On the west side are the martial arts arranged in various squares, large and small. They have different costumes, and each is distinct. There is a distance of at least ten meters between each martial arts and each martial arts, with a standing in the middle. The monks of the Universe Divine Sect in black robes show both division and deterrence.

There are a total of seventy-three big and small sects in the field, among them there are 538 monks who have no sect and participated in the fighting convention, a total of 7,492 people.

These people watched the secret fight between the prince and the national teacher on the stage, secretly crying out a good show, but their faces are like Pinghu. They can come here through the selection of martial arts, all with two brushes in their hands. Certainly assessed, and naturally won't make a fuss and whisper at this juncture.

Li Chengfeng saw the conflict between the two people in his eyes, and he was secretly worried. From this perspective, the conflict between the power of the prince and the spiritual power of the national teacher is inevitable and cannot be resolved.

The prince wanted to refresh the management of officials, but it was a temporary solution rather than a permanent cure. The biggest problem of Daqi today is that it cannot make ends meet, and there is a serious imbalance between expenditure and income. This is a very simple arithmetic problem that even a child can understand.

Just like an adult, the energy produced by what he eats every day is less than he consumes. First of all, he will become thin. After being thin to a certain extent, he will start to lose his vitality. Towards death.

It has been more than 500 years since the founding of Daqi, and people with a discerning eye can see that he has now reached the stage of an elderly person with a strong bone, but because his coat is still gorgeous enough and majestic enough, it can be considered as a deterrent. Once another external force suddenly tore off this coat, everyone would see Da Qi's devastated interior.

The fundamental reason for all this is one of the main reasons that the prince firmly believes: the cultivation sect and the wealthy family are too powerful, their existence squeezed the living space of the Daqi court, and then squeezed the living space of the people.

The crown prince can deal with a wealthy family, but it is difficult for him to deal with the cultivation sect.

And to reform the sects of cultivation, the first to bear the brunt is the God of Heaven and Earth!

The prince must make Qiankun Divine Sect bow his head, and through the reforms he proposed, it is possible for other schools to follow the reforms, so as not to cause a terrible blood disaster.

However, what the prince wants to move is not just a small interest issue, but the prince held up the guillotine to cut off a large part of the benefits of the spiritual sect: taxation is imposed on the spiritual sect, and it is taxed in a few grams according to the head! !

Only in this way can the practice of cultivating sects and aristocratic families continue to absorb the people and annex the land.

The prince has rich practical experience and ruling experience. He is very clear that his reforms will touch a large part of the interest groups in this society. If he is not careful, he will be broken, and once he sits on the throne, his policies will definitely lead to Following the frantic resistance of the wealthy family, they will surely encourage the villagers who depend on them to take the lead in fighting taxes. Violent resistance will certainly emerge one after another, and their eyes will be fixed on the gods of the universe.

Everyone’s thoughts will be: What is the attitude of the religion? If the gods do not follow, then we are not afraid and continue to make trouble! Once the world is in chaos, the prince's policy will definitely not be implemented.

As for what the world is like, what the people are like, these high-ranking officials and monk lords will not take care of them, and it will not be them who starve to death anyway.

And to make the gods bow their heads, what must be overcome is the old man standing in front of the crown prince who looks thin, but whose back is like a huge mountain.

After the prince hit the clock, he stopped to look at each other from the distance with the National Teacher Chang. Both of them saw firmness and strength in each other's eyes.

One of this strength comes from belief, and the other comes from self-confidence.

The Chinese teacher Chang Yuan stared at the prince for a while, then turned around, ignored the prince, just raised his hands towards the stage, and everyone in the stage and the people watching around all got up.

The prince was left alone, and he was not discouraged. Instead, he walked back to his throne and raised his hand to the national gift team on the side. This huge orchestra with two to three hundred people immediately met, and the three headed The ten trumpeters immediately blew the huge bronze horn.

Chang Yuan, the national teacher, was about to speak, and suddenly a low sound of horns rolled in. Then, in other places in the entire Shenjing city, the other trumpeters placed in the city also blew their horns. The tide, turbulently rolling, immediately made everyone's emotions tense.

Immediately after the drums sounded, the orchestra began to play music, this is the special music of the Daqi royal family "Tian Wang Shengqu", for a time the drums rang in unison, and the sky was noisy. Frozen for a moment, he did not continue to speak, because once he spoke, he violated the ancestral system, just as the prince should salute him according to the ancestral system, and he does not need to salute the prince.

Once the music is up, he speaks again, that is a violation!

Although National Teacher Chang Yuan could easily crush the prince to death with one finger, he also knew that once he did this, the prestige and legitimacy of the religion would be over.

Losing its majesty and legitimacy, no matter how powerful a behemoth is, it will continue to be attacked and challenged, and then abandoned by the world, and eventually decline and perish.

Throughout the ages, no large country or power group has escaped this law.

Here, he must dance to the rules of the game within this system. They can have their own play, but they are very careful not to completely break the rules.

Fighting without breaking, this is the bottom line of the tacit understanding between the two.

However, through this brief confrontation and staring at each other, they came to understand a fact: this secret fight has just begun, and a more cruel fight will follow.

The national teacher Chang Yuan gave up the preaching, he slowly walked to the prince, standing beside him, smiling and looking at the front stage, without squinting, slowly said in a voice that only two people can hear: "His Royal Highness is really long. It's big."

This sentence is pun-like, and the prince can understand it naturally. He also said in a low voice without squinting: "The national teacher has worked so hard for Daqi for so many years, and it is time to rest."

The National Teacher Chang Yuan stayed quiet, and then said: "Yes, it's time to rest, but the tree has big roots and deep roots.

The prince certainly understood that the meaning of this sentence was to accuse the prince of eagerness for quick success and instant benefits, which touched the foundation of the gods of the universe, and at the same time secretly threatened the prince. , Affecting the whole body, the consequences are disastrous.

But who is the prince? He naturally thought of all this clearly!

This is a prince who dared to stand up and fight in front of the thousands of corpses in Taiyang City. How could such a person shrink at this moment?

The prince whispered: "National affairs are difficult, and time does not wait. Chang Shi is a national teacher. Shouldn't you think of serving the country more? It should be noted that the gods are also the gods of Daqi."

The last sentence is very powerful, because its power lies in the subtext without vomiting: The religion is the religion of Daqi, and Daqi is not the religion of God!

Although the current strength comparison shows that the priority of the two has long been reversed, from a legal point of view, the priority between the two should not be confused!

The national teacher Chang Yuan has lived for more than five hundred years. He hasn't dealt with any of the scenes. He smiled slightly and said lightly: "Serving the country, as it should be, is that governing a big country is like cooking a small dish. Sometimes it is not beautiful if it is too hasty. If your Royal Highness thinks that the old man is old and weak, and hinders his hands and feet, then why not go boating with the old man in Nanhu, ignore world affairs, and be at ease, can you?"

This sentence struck the prince's life in an instant!

The national teacher must "convert the son" with the prince, can it?

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