Breaking the Day

Chapter 980: Meet the deceased in the first battle

Guo Shi Chang Yuan proposed his solution: the reform is slow, he retreated from the position of the leader, the prince also retreated from his position, and the two sides appeared to be "converting sons."

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that after the national teacher Chang Yuan retreats, he is still the national teacher Chang Yuan, his power and prestige are still there, no matter where he is, he can remotely control the universe.

But once the prince retreated from his position, he was just an ordinary person, and his strength and majesty would disappear.

The prince smiled slightly, squinting at the national teacher Chang Yuan, and said: "If this is not the case, the day the national teacher will rise to the immortal will be the time when the lonely abdicates and the virtuous, can it?"

This sentence hit Chang Yuan's dead end, and it was also an exchange condition that Chang Yuan could not accept.

Why is the religion of the universe so unbreakable that no one dares to challenge it head-on?

The fundamental reason is that Chang Yuan has been unbeaten for five hundred years and is truly invincible in the world!

For thousands of years, there have been many monks known as invincible in the world, but the discerning person knows that some people have water in the name of "invincible". It all relies on commercial bluffs, and all kinds of excuses will be used once the war is fought.

But Guo Shi Chang is far from it. He has never avoided war, especially in the first two hundred years. His name of invincibility was built on the lives of countless opponents and the piles of bones under his feet.

Chang Yuan's horror record is so strong that latecomers have not dared to challenge easily, occasionally someone dares to challenge, but all continue to add a new head under his bone throne.

Over time, those latecomers cherish their lives and cherish their feathers. Although they claim to be invincible, they no longer challenge Chang Yuan, because Chang Yuan has reached a realm beyond their reach.

The world’s recognized top powerhouse and the invincible head of "Wuxiang Liu" Ding Jiangshan once wanted to challenge Chang Yuan, but after he met Chang Yuan at the door, he only glanced at Chang Yuan. With only a flash of effort on the opponent, Ding Jiangshan turned his head and walked away, even his invincible "Three Swords of Destiny" could not ***.

Afterwards, he told his son, saying: The moment I and Chang Yuan looked at each other, I already felt that I had lost. I don't know why I lost, I don't know how I thought about it, but I know that if I fight, I will definitely lose!

This incident came out later, and all practitioners in the world have strengthened their ideas: always far away from challenge!

Once Qiankun Divine Religion loses Changyuan, there will be countless people swarming up to provoke Confucianism, Qiankun Divine Religion will no longer be the unchallable and unshakable behemoth.

But although the prince can abdicate, he can also come back again!

If the national teacher Chang Yuan is a flying fairy, then he can't come back!

This is also a condition that Chang Yuan would never agree to.

The national teacher Chang Yuan sighed slightly. Although he was standing on one side, his eyes were condescending and squinting at the prince. In response to his challenging and firm gaze, he asked back: "A sword in one's chest is powerful. If the back is pulled out, the wound will burst and the bleeding will be flooded. As a result, he must die suddenly on the spot."

The prince immediately replied without hesitation: "If you leave it alone and dare not draw your sword, once the long sword merges with the wounded, it will erode the body, rot the sores, and endanger life."

Chang Yuan said: "How does the prince think he should be treated?"

The prince said: "Long pain is worse than short pain, draw a sword, stop bleeding, heal the wound!"

Chang Yuan shook his head: "Is the prince not afraid of blood loss and death?"

The prince sneered and said, "Draw the sword and die forever. If you don't draw it, you will die! The two evils are the lesser of power!"

Chang Yuan sighed and said, "It's a pity that the people of the world will suffer again!"

The smile on the Prince's face was even more sarcasm: "The people of the world are already in a hot pot, the water is deep and hot, it's difficult and difficult!"

Chang Yuan shook his head again, stopped talking, just turned his head to look straight ahead, and exclaimed softly in a voice that only he could hear: "It looks like..."

The prince is definitely not the first to try to challenge the prince or the emperor, but will he be the last?

Chang Yuan didn't know, he even started thinking about a question involuntarily: When this goes on, when will he be a head?

The question that the prince said, as a national teacher, standing at his height, can he not see it?

Of course he knew it.

However, sometimes it is useless for a person to stand tall, depending on where he stands.

He is a great national teacher of Daqi, but he is even the leader of the Heavenly God Sect. This sect was founded by him, and this is his own. The close relationship between the two is also clear.

With his ability, he could have ascended to a fairy long ago, but why hasn't he ascended to a fairy for more than five hundred years?

Without him, I can't give up this foundation.

At this point, Chang Yuan and the prince no longer said a word. The two sat and stood, each facing the stage. No one knew that they had completed the last round of negotiations and the last negotiation.

The negotiation broke down.

Next, it's fighting!

I just don't know what kind of attack the prince will launch this time?

The national teacher often thinks about it, and then no longer thinks about it. For hundreds of years, he has been in the position of being challenged, and he... will always be a winner, this time, no exception!

Under the high stage, Li Chengfeng felt a little sympathy for the scene on the stage. He remembered the situation when he met the head of the horse thousands of miles, but he was not in the position of a direct and sharp challenger.

But even so, he still felt the great pressure, and he did not dare to imagine that as a challenger, the prince, a man who has no magic power and no magic skills, faced the five-hundred-year undefeated national teacher Chang Yuan, he needed How much courage and strength can he stop his spine.

With the end of the ceremony and music, the grand parade begins. The monks of all sects will display their own tricks and use their own methods. They will pass through the long Shenguang Street and Shenhui Street, and then go around Shenjing traveled around in order to let the world see the demeanor of today's most elite monks.

Li Chengfeng quickly left the VIP table and returned to the Lingshan faction. But when he came back, he obviously felt that most people looked at him with a weird look, that was alienated and indifferent. With a gleeful look.

"What's the matter?" Li Chengfeng asked Zhao Xiaobao in a low voice.

At this time, the parade had begun, and there were cheers from the crowd everywhere. Most of the self-respecting sects chose the most common horse riding. They looked straight and solemn.

Some of the more lively and frivolous monks relied on magic weapons to move up and down, like snakes in the team, rushing into the crowd from time to time, causing a burst of exclamation in the crowd.

Amidst the noise, Zhao Xiaobao had to speak loudly in Li Chengfeng's ear: "The first round of the match list has been out, and the referee has already distributed it when you are away."

Li Chengfeng said: "Who did I play in the first round?"

Zhao Xiaobao looked strange for a while: "Leader of the Star City Gate, Chong Mijing!"

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