Breaking the Day

Chapter 981: Gambling Carnival Handicap Open

The Fighting Contest with seven to eight thousand people is a grand event everywhere, especially when each of these seven to eight thousand people is extremely destructive, it is for any country and any region. Both are great administrative tests.

But fortunately, Shenjing has a wealth of experience in hosting various events, as well as the presence of the gods of heaven and earth. These unruly monks are fairly honest. After watching the grand and noisy ceremony, they began to follow the Ministry of Rites and Qiankun. The guiding departments formed by the sects enter the four major venues of Qinglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and Baihu.

Like the Lingshan faction's assessment meeting, after the number of people increased, it was necessary to split the venue.

Each venue covers a huge area. Each of the four venues can accommodate five people for fighting. Although each venue is large, it is possible that all the elites of all sects may come here to compete. The scope is huge, the size of a full ten acres of land, standing at one end of the ring, an ordinary person is talking through his throat, and the people on the other side can't understand what he is talking about.

But even if the four major venues can hold 20 battles at the same time every day, there are seven to eight thousand people, and it will take dozens of days to determine the first round of victory or defeat. Therefore, the referee team is composed of the Ministry of Rites and the Qiankun Divine Sect. Then strictly stipulated the time of each round of the first round: a stick of incense.

The time for a stick of incense is about ten minutes. This is the rule of the first round of points match of the previous Fighting Games. It has not been changed for hundreds of years, and naturally it will not change this time.

Li Chengfeng and the others have studied the entire competition system before, and they found that this competition system is very similar to the competition system of the Lingshan School Assessment Conference.

The same is divided into three rounds, but there are some differences in the first round. The Lingshan faction is a point-based competition system. Although the Fighting Contest is also a point-based competition system, it is a point-based competition system. After the players come on stage, they will win three points and each tie will get one point. Both sides step down together. If the winner chooses to continue to challenge the next place, he will get four points after winning. If he challenges the third place, he will get five points after winning. When he challenges the fourth place in a row, he will get six points. Points, and so on, the longer the defending time, the more consecutive victories, and the more points earned in each round.

In the end, one thousand of all participants will enter the second round, which means that the elimination rate is about 80%.

But once Lianzhuang’s challenger is successfully challenged by the opponent, then all his points will be taken away by the opponent directly, and the winner who takes away the points will continue to accept the challenge in the ring, and is not allowed to withdraw from the competition within three rounds. The last challenger can choose to quit with points, or continue to challenge.

The monks who fail in the ring can be randomly selected by the roller ball in the zone and compete again in the ring in the same zone. Those who fail three consecutive times or who have accumulated five failures will be disqualified from the competition and will be eliminated from the first round.

Then the second round began to be different from the Fighting Contest. There was a group competition system, and the group competition was a double elimination system. After the first game failed, they were marked with a red mark. If they lose another game, they will be eliminated immediately.

But if you never lose again all the way, and eventually break into the rosters of the 50th National People's Congress, then you are in the third round.

The third round entered a very cruel fighting battle. Fifty people were fighting each other and eliminated in a single round until the last one.

This set of competition system, Li Chengfeng sees clearly, this is obviously the competition system catalyzed by the gaming system.

The previous round-robin is long but stable. This cycle ensures that the seeded players will not make mistakes in the first round and will be eliminated instantly, which will bring huge losses to the gambling industry.

The Daqi gambling industry is very developed. The World’s No. 1 Fighting Contest is the most carnival day in the entire gambling industry. The entire Daqi’s wealthy chambers of commerce rushed to Shenjing with a silver ticket excitedly. The lively event, secondly, is to participate in the largest and most exciting gambling in this great qi.

The gambling game that revolves around the world's No. 1 Fighting Contest is also a gambling handicap, which can be as many as tens of thousands of large and small. There are hundreds of gambling stalls on the handicap. After the game is played, there will be hundreds of thousands of taels in the gambling stalls. After the first part of the fighting game, the number of taels participating in the game will be so high that Hube Shangshu doubts life: full There are tens of millions of silver! !

When the Fighting Conference enters the second round, even the most intense third round, the silver participating can accumulate an astronomical figure, which can even be compared to the fiscal surplus in the six months of its heyday, reaching an astonishing one billion taels!

The Daqi court is very poor, but the people of Daqi are very rich, especially the rich merchants and nobles and monks. Many of them can be regarded as rich and enemies. Only at certain specific times, their burst of wealth will shock the world. .

With such a big cornucopia, the court of Daqi naturally emptied its mind to get a piece of the pie. Therefore, the annual competition between the court and the gods for the fighting convention is not only a battle for fame and prestige, but also a battle for interests.

After an arduous and **** struggle, the Daqi imperial court successfully levied taxes on the gambling industry of the world's No. 1 gambling conference, which further spurred the prosperity and development of the gambling industry in Shenjing during the gambling conference.

Li Chengfeng and others can see guys who are passionate about selling gambling lottery tickets almost everywhere they go. They are the people sent by every gambling stall to actively promote their gambling stalls to everyone. The situation of stalls and handicap, and they also undertake the work of inquiring and collecting information, which can be described as a dual purpose of one job, one specialization and multiple abilities.

"Master, master, look! You are on the list!" Zhao Xiaobao couldn't reach the enthusiastic promotion of the guy who came along, walking through two streets, with a handful of color lists in his hand.

Daqi merchants have a very developed advertising awareness. The advertising lists of their respective gambling stalls are painted colorfully and garishly. Some even painted some beauties with exposed clothing and indescribable beauty. The language and wording are extremely inciting and provocative. Whatever happened, Zhao Xiaobao looked blushing after a second glance. If he hadn't seen Li Chengfeng's name on it, he would instantly throw away the color slip in his hand.

Li Chengfeng heard Zhao Xiaobao's call and turned his head to look, only to see that the freeze frame of this lottery list simply lists the various handicap. In the middle of the lottery list are the predictions and simple analyses of the martial arts, and the back is the heavy The top fifty seeded player in pounds.

In the end, among the seven to eight thousand people, only fifty have a chance to enter the final round, and these fifty people are the seeded players, and they are the most optimistic monks of all the gambling stalls in every fighting game.

The person who ranked first, Li Chengfeng was stunned and dumbfounded: "Can she also compete?"

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