Breaking the Day

Chapter 973: Mirage Home Mirror Battle

Li Chengfeng Jinguang instantly sacrificed his assassin from the beginning, and the sunset spear in his hand blasted with all his strength, and the Baisan Yucheng cards were also blasted out, but he was still a step too late!

The horror of the illusionist lies in this. When she quietly casts the spell, even the referee on the field can't tell when she has quietly laid out.

But when Li Chengfeng was activated instantly, he was already hit!

This shot of Li Chengfeng was in the air, and the arrow was on the string. Although the following was his mother Xie, but he had to send it. He also knew that this was not really his mother Xie. A shot still fell heavily!

The woman who gave birth to him was instantly shattered by Li Chengfeng, and her flesh and blood flew!

Although he knew this was a fake, Li Chengfeng still couldn't help his heart boiled with anger. He was covered in blood, looking at Xie's head still tumbling on the ground, burning with anger: "You think this set of illusions can help me. Huh? Little bugs!"

The blood on the ground quickly squirmed on its own, and the surrounding scenes also turned into an endless dark scene with the circular viewing field, and the two people seemed to be in a dark void.

The blood on the ground quickly condensed into the appearance of a person. This time it was no longer the Xie family, but the appearance of Su Yuehan. But despite the appearance of Su Yuehan, the cold and indifferent eyes can still make people see that this look is Unique to Chong Mi Jing.

Li Chengfeng took a deep breath. He looked around, sneered, and said, "It is said that the illusionist is charming and unintentional, and ruining people invisible. You are a stranger. You are a stranger. , Huh, are you so confident in yourself?"

The image of Chong Mijing, who had changed into Su Yuehan's appearance, twisted a bit and became Li Chengfeng's appearance again. She stared at Li Chengfeng, her fingers spread out, and a sunset gun slowly condensed in her hand.

Li Chengfeng laughed and said, "You think you can learn this way..."

Before he finished speaking, a dense array of jade tiles appeared around Chongmijing, which was Li Chengfeng's Baisan Yucheng tiles!

Chong Mijing's figure disappeared in an instant, and the dense jade tiles blasted towards Li Chengfeng like dense bullets. At the same time, Chong Mijing's figure instantly rose tens of meters, like a meteor falling towards the ground. Li Chengfeng is coming!

Li Chengfeng suddenly stopped fighting one by one!

Nima, you have learned a lot! !

It turned out to be Li Chengfeng's attack on Chongmijing, and it was exactly the same!

Li Chengfeng was instantly engulfed by this offensive, and every bombardment of the dense Baisan Yucheng cards shook Li Chengfeng's body with waves of golden light. For a while, the golden light ripples engulfed his entire body, making it hard to see with the naked eye.

But when Chong Mijing shot down from the sky, she found that there was no one below, and a large opening was split under Li Chengfeng's feet. The opening was full of dense trees and vines.

Chongmijing was taken aback for a moment, and she lowered her head and glanced into this deep and bottomless opening. Suddenly, countless branches and rattans suddenly skyrocketed inside. Chongmijing caught Chongmijing tightly, and split another moment behind Chongmijing. With a big mouth, the moment when a green python whizzed out, Li Chengfeng's guns attacked like a dragon in the setting sun, one shot blasted out, and the tip of the gun instantly shook out nine spears!

This is the non-passing stunt of the Li Family Washing Moon: September is empty!

These nine shots were shot almost at the same time, making it hard to guard against!

Chong Mijing was pierced in an instant, and nine blood holes were pierced in her body in the blink of an eye!

But in Li Chengfeng's eyes, Chong Mijing's figure at this time was his own, and he pierced nine blood holes in his chest that was exactly the same in front of him.

But the same self in front of him instantly turned into a pool of blood, surging into the holes on the ground, Li Chengfeng was very vigilant, and when he was about to retreat, the back of his head suddenly a strong wind!

Without looking back, Li Cheng immediately rushed forward, while dragging his gun forward. As he moved forward two steps, his waist was twisted, almost twisted into a twist shape in mid-air. His powerful waist was instantly transmitted from the waist to The arm, and then passed from arm to arm, wrist, this force rushed to the spear like a tide, and with it, he turned and turned back to the spear in an instant!

Although there is no eye behind his head, this trick is Li Chengfeng's practice in summer and thirty-nine in winter. He has worked hard in the harsh winter for more than ten years. As long as the opponent is within his attack range, this trick is a must. There is no possibility of miss.

When Li Chengfeng turned around, it turned out that this shot accurately pierced the opponent's forehead, and the tip of the gun was so powerful that it was revealed that it was penetrated!

But Li Chengfeng didn't have the slightest joy. On the contrary, when he watched the opponent who turned into a pool of blood again disappeared in front of his eyes, a thin layer of cold sweat began to permeate on his forehead.

Because a trace of blood slowly oozes out of Li Chengfeng’s chest, the other party’s attack just now, although Li Chengfeng turned his back to the naked eye and didn’t see it, but from the feeling behind him, he knew that the other party was using "September when the sky." !

Completely copied his stunt!

And the most important thing is that it's not just the appearance, but the power is exactly the same!

Even though he didn't use immortal power, this shooting technique was already perfect, and the gun tip was powerful enough to hit Li Chengfeng's body, but the strength had penetrated into Li Chengfeng's body, causing him trauma.

But what shocked Li Chengfeng even more was that in this illusion, Li Chengfeng could clearly feel the bleeding and pain!

Moreover, this kind of illusion is completely different from the illusion that Su Yuehan told him!

Most of Su Yuehan and their illusionists create the illusion that the opponent is familiar with based on the opponent's weakness of the heart, and then attack the opponent's spirit and mind with the opponent's weakness of the heart, so as to relieve the opponent's mind from collapsing, and then severely damage the opponent's mind and even Control the opponent.

This kind of illusion pays attention to "moisturizing things silently." The use of spells should make the opponent silently and unaware. It is best to make the opponent unable to detect any flaws, or even make them unaware that they are in an illusion. If the opponent is aware of it, then they will deploy double or even multiple illusions to confuse the opponent and tear the opponent's weakness.

But Chong Mijing is not this kind of routine at all. She came up to show her cart and told the other party: He has entered his own fantasy world, and used the tricks the other party used to attack the opponent.

Why are you opening the eyes of the blood wheel?

Li Chengfeng's heart is crazy!

From the current point of view, Chong Mijing seems to be able to resurrect indefinitely in this illusion!

Moreover, Li Chengfeng discovered a very terrible thing after purchasing Chong Mijing's battle report, that is, the opponents who lost to her would tell how she won afterwards, but they just had no way!

Chong Mijing’s method of fighting was to create a great illusion in an instant with the power of magic weapons, forcibly dragging Li Chengfeng and herself into it, but this illusion is not divided into home or away, it is a public neutral illusion. It was a small world created by magic weapons. Li Chengfeng and Chong Mijing's bodies did not enter it, only their souls and consciousness entered.

Logically speaking, in the illusion of pure consciousness, the destruction of the entity formed by consciousness can be reshaped and recreated, and it will not cause any damage to the body.

But this is not the case.

If you get hurt or even die in the illusion, it will also cause great shock and trauma to your spirit!

Li Chengfeng was injured just now, and he felt severe pain and fear, which proved it.

The most important thing is that Su Yuehan has repeatedly emphasized a key point to Li Chengfeng: if the battle with the illusionist cannot be ended in the illusion at the beginning, it will be the willpower and mental power of both parties to compete.

However, Li Chengfeng remembered clearly that Chong Mijing’s practice was the Galaxy Divine Art, which was a unique technique of the Star City Gate, which was specifically passed on to the disciples who entered the room. The spiritual power was cultivated to the apex. People will completely lose their seven emotions and six desires, and they will be infinitely close to the realm of gods, which makes them infinitely close to the realm of invincibility in terms of spiritual power and defense.

In other words, Chong Mijing used her magic weapons and spells to create a "strong home court" that is infinitely close to her. How can Li Chengfeng win in this environment and facing such an opponent?

Li Chengfeng was thoughtful, and a drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

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